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How to poach a manager from an established company?

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Pretty Girl

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Aug 4, 2023
Scenario: I have established a construction company, in some other country (where I'm originally from), while living in another country (I'm now a citizen of this country).

I need someone to run the company over there. So some member here suggested that I need to poach a manager and give him/her 30% of profits + 3 months salary. I tried but failed to find any. So I temporary appointed one of my friends (who is an engineer) to answer calls and execute the works (as an experiment). But he has no business mind other than engineering skills and I have to guide him on every step. It seems to be not working at all.

I feel I really need to poach a manager from some other company to run my company. How should I do it? We can't just go into linked in profiles and ask if they can run my business etc can we? I have no idea how to do it.

(If you want to know the full background story, you can read it here EXECUTION - Setting up and operating the business from overseas)
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Feb 8, 2019
Southeast Asia
Scenario: I have established a construction company, in some other country (where I'm originally from), while living in another country (I'm now a citizen of this country).

I need someone to run the company over there. So some member here suggested that I need to poach a manager and give him/her 30% of profits + 3 months salary. I tried but failed to find any. So I temporary appointed one of my friends (who is an engineer) to answer calls and execute the works (as an experiment). But he has no business mind other than engineering skills and I have to guide him on every step. It seems to be not working at all.

I feel I really need to poach a manager from some other company to run my company. How should I do it? We can't just go into linked in profiles and ask if they can run my business etc can we? I have no idea how to do it.

(If you want to know the full background story, you can read it here EXECUTION - Setting up and operating the business from overseas)
It depends on how much you are willing to pay above market.

I guess if you are willing to do 20-30 percent above market I don’t see why you could not find a suitable candidate.

The biggest challenge is you are managing across the physical distance.

How much are you paying your friend compared to market rate? Does he has skin in the game?


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Aug 10, 2024
Phoenix, AZ
Scenario: I have established a construction company, in some other country (where I'm originally from), while living in another country (I'm now a citizen of this country).

I need someone to run the company over there. So some member here suggested that I need to poach a manager and give him/her 30% of profits + 3 months salary. I tried but failed to find any. So I temporary appointed one of my friends (who is an engineer) to answer calls and execute the works (as an experiment). But he has no business mind other than engineering skills and I have to guide him on every step. It seems to be not working at all.

I feel I really need to poach a manager from some other company to run my company. How should I do it? We can't just go into linked in profiles and ask if they can run my business etc can we? I have no idea how to do it.

(If you want to know the full background story, you can read it here EXECUTION - Setting up and operating the business from overseas)
Here's my initial thought and the only thought that keeps coming to mind. If you able to poach someone from another company, what's to say they won't easily abandon you when the next great offer comes along? Wouldn't it be better to bring someone into your company who has already decided to leave their existing company because they posted their resume on ZipRecruiter or Indeed or someone in your own network mentioned that so and so is looking?

I like bringing in people who come recommended to me through my network first and foremost. Good luck! :)

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