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Jun 29, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself.

I have been reading this forum for years, but just now I started to listen to the Fastlane audiobook and I feel the need of switching from slowlane to fastlane.

In the past I had an export business in Thailand which was really going great, but I failed to scale it up by not hiring any employees. I also got sidetracked by weed, travel bug and relationships. Now, just having had my 40th birthday this month, I feel that I finally need to bring some ideas into reality, instead of daydreaming and wasting my time.

Oh, I also have 2.5 ha farmland in Cambodia for growing pepper and coconut trees (coconut alone would make 10K/year, pepper about 30K, as the area has WTOs special GI status - the price for pepper from this province is 3 times higher than from other places in the world - one reason for buying the land), but I need to create some other income first, as the plants won't bring any harvest/money for a 3 year period until harvest and the locals would steal anything that's left there when I am not there. Therefore, it's just empty land right now.

I am living in Japan now, just next to Tokyo, and I want to start online sales here, either Amazon or other, importing or exporting (the other idea was a 'food truck' but that seems slow lane now). Another idea is cryptocurrency arbitrage, as there are differences in the prices of BTC or ETH on exchanges here, compared with other places in the world, but though I researched a lot, I am not sure about the full tax implications here yet.

Thanks for having me here.
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MJ DeMarco

I followed the science; all I found was money.
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Jul 23, 2007
Welcome my friend!


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Dec 30, 2016
Butner, NC
Welcome to the forum my friend! Farm land in Cambodia sounds quite interesting, the only thing I got off a farm in Cambodia was my girlfriend, lol.

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