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Jan 27, 2018
Czech republic
Hello everybody,

My name is Stephen (its English version, at least), and I come from central Europe. I've known for a long time that I want my life to be different, rather than ordinary. That I wanted to enjoy this one life I have and not spend ~40 years of it working for someone else for the majority of every day. I had the luck of falling in love with English and learning it very easily and quickly, which allowed me later to read books that either weren't translated into my language or that simply had slightly different meaning in the original compared to the translation.

So I started with the best selling and famous books such as Rich Dad, Poor Dad, How to Win Friends and Influence People, one book about selling I can't remember the name of, etc. I also joined an MLM that helped me with further reading and motivation to not be ordinary, even though I never made it far in that business. Eventually I came to the conclusion that while I haven't started a business yet, I can still learn and got interest in investing. Of course being young and having low salary meant that I was effectively embarking on the slowlane journey, as I came to know it after reading TMF . I felt that I was already miles ahead in terms of thinking, spending, saving, compared to the average Joe. However it was only after reading TMF that I realized I had to change my mindset yet again.

After TMF I dove into Unscripted , which I still haven't finished, mainly because of finally joining this forum, where I found another well of information to be absorbed by the greats of this community, hence the gap between joining and introduction -- there has been a lot of lurking and reading involved. I originally found out about TMF on Reddit, however the entrepreneurial community there is nowhere near the quality of any single random post here, so now I spend a lot of time here and know that I have a LONG way to go.

In terms of entrepreneurial success on my part, there are none so far. I am still changing my mindset, mostly thanks to the Astonishing Secrets thread by @IceCreamKid , realizing there are so many layers and not just the "I want to be an entrepreneur so that I have a lot of money and eventually a lot of time to enjoy life." Learning to find problems in people's talks, learning about copywriting, humility, endurance, and other qualities of the top entrepreneurs. I still struggle with finding the problems within conversation with other people, not least due to the fact that I am a totally phlegmatic person, meaning that I don't see problems in most of the things other people do. I guess I still have plenty to learn. This community definitely gives me the hope that I will be able to accomplish what I seek one day.

To say that I have no entrepreneurial experience would not be totally true, however. My girlfriend, albeit a pianist, embarked on an entrepreneurial journey some 2.5 years ago, and for about the last year I have a bigger part in that business (a blog and piano related products - ebooks, video courses). For now we have it only for our country in our language, and I would love to push it internationally eventually, however at this point she doesn't feel like she's there yet. So I help out in any way I can, be it insights from TMF by @MJ DeMarco , anything I find on this forum, or anything from my skillset. For the time being I am helping out with her business, until I find an idea for my own that could truly propel me to the Fastlane.

Thank you to anyone who took their time to read this, thanks to everyone who at any point in time posted any valuable information to this forum so that even newcomers today can read it and reap the benefits of your wisdom, and of course thanks @MJ DeMarco for writing TMF and creating this forum. Once I feel I read enough on the free side, I will dive into the Inside. For now though, back to the lurking, as I much rather read than write - usually not many people want to read that anyways.

Have a nice day everybody :-)
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Ximduni Tviqjip, hsiev vu jewi ze!
Ximduni vu vji Gusan Tviqjip.

O natv tez, zua jewi e huuf dunnepf ug vji Iphmotj mephaehi. Jewi zua duptofisif vseptmevoph tuni ug vji cuult zua'wi sief opvu zuas pevowi mephaehi? Ov xuamf tiin et vjuahj vjisi nohjv ci e piif...
Vjepl zua gus ximdunoph ni epf gus vjuti podi xusft, @nommoup$$$tnomi.

O muwi Iphmotj, O sief e muv op Iphmotj epf vsz vu duptvepvmz onqsuwi nz miwim ug vji mephaehi. Vjev dep'v ci teof ecuav nz pevowi mephaehi vjuahj, et O fup'v damvowevi ov et nadj.

Vji siemmz genuat cuult, tadj et SFQF, esi emsiefz vseptmevif. Juxiwis, VNGM ot puv! [emoji846][emoji846]

O nohjv muul opvu ov egvis emm... Vjeplt!

Tipv gsun nz oQjupi atoph Veqeveml
O jewi e movvmi aqfevi vu neli, lopf ug moli e kuaspem ipvsz. O xet piwis e kuaspem qistup.

Topdi vjip, nz hosmgsoipf cideni nz xogi, epf e duaqmi xiilt ehu xi ximdunif uas gostv djomf.

Ov't ciip pux e zies epf e jemg (topdi Kep 1tv, 2019) vjev O raov nz kuc vu gammz taqqminipv nz TU op jis - pux uas - catopittit. Eqesv gsun vji upmopi cmuh nipvoupif ecuwi, xi emtu jewi e qoepu tdjuum, xjodj ev vji voni ug vji qsiwouat xsovoph jef e nisi upi dmettsuun epf ecuav 40 tvafipvt, ecuav 5 viedjist, csophoph op pu opduni, et xi migv emm vji nupiz op vji dunqepz. Topdi vjip xi effif epuvjis dmettsuun, niepoph epuvjis ecuav 50 tvafipvt, epf vjot tannis xi esi gopotjoph e coh siduptvsadvoup vjev xomm howi at uas uxp dupdisv jemm gus ecuav 40 qiuqmi xovj e hsepf qoepu, et ximm et epuvjis tnemm dmettsuun gus viedjoph, csophoph vji deqedovz ug vji tdjuum vu ecuav 130 tvafipvt epf jewoph josif nusi viedjist, csophoph vji vuvem vu 13 gus pux. Xi emtu jewi vu fu tuni dmiwis vey uqvonemotevoup, tu vjev xi dep gopemmz veli tuni qsugov gsun ov, et xi jewi fupi ov cetodemmz gus gsii pux. Howip vji uqvonemotevoup, juxiwis, xi tjuamf ci ecmi vu hipisevi nutvmz e qettowi-otj opduni ug duaqmi japfsif fummest e nupvj, aq vu $2l, xjodj ot hsiev (duamf duwis e nusvhehi gus uas fsien juni, emnutv). Sappoph vji tdjuum tvomm velit tuni voni, cav xi xomm tiil vu hiv vjev vu e noponan. Xi esi emtu qsiqesoph uas uxp tugvxesi gus vji ushepotevoup vjev O dunqmivimz fitohpif gsun tdsevdj op Efuci YF (jef vu miesp vji cetodt gus vjev), epf uas gsoipf vji fiwimuqis xomm qav ov vu siemovz. Tjuamf jewi vji tugvxesi siefz cz Tiqvincis.

Vji upmopi catopitt (cmuh epf duastit) niepxjomi dupvopait hipisevoph e taggodoipv opduni gus e huuf mowoph, xi effif epuvjis nusi efwepdif duasti, epf xi esi hivvoph dmutis vu vseptmevoph ov vu Iphmotj epf meapdjoph ep Iphmotj wistoup. O emtu ipsummif op ep NTd duasti op Opvispevoupem Nepehinipv vjev jef tuni dmettit simevoph vu ipvsiqsipiastjoq, epf O xomm qsiqesi vji vseptovoup vu ep Enisodep nesliv op nz gopem fottisvevoup vjot gemm. Og emm huit ximm epf et qmeppif, vjot xomm tiswi et ep iyviptowi sitiesdj epf e suefneq gus uas Iphmotj csepdj ug vjot catopitt.

Pupivjimitt, O en tvomm puv tasi xjivjis vji Iphmotj wistoup ot vji xez vu hu, et ov finepft vji qsitipdi ug nz xogi, vji viedjis. Epf xi xomm xepv ev mietv upi nusi djomf op vji dunoph ziest. O jewi tvomm nz izit uqip vu e quvipvoem pix catopitt, vjev duamf ci sap cz ni, vjev duamf siemmz qsuwofi vji niept pidittesz gus vji juati, xjodj ot uas piyv coh huem. (Dutvt ecuav $430l vu $640l op e duapvsz xovj ep ewisehi PIV nupvjmz temesz ug $1,100, nifoep iwip muxis).

Xi xomm tii xjisi xi'mm ci op nz piyv aqfevi :)
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