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Hello, from Greece :D

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Read Fastlane!
Aug 5, 2023
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User Power: 25%
Hi everyone,

My name is Dennis, i’m a high school student from Greece. I’ve been reading the Millionaire Fastlane recently so I decided to join this forum. It’s mentioned so many times throughout the book and I definitely think there’s value to be gained.

It’s my first forum too! I’ve never been part of a forum before, or at least actively engaged in one. I decided to contribute to this community with whatever I could offer. I’ve read a few posts, mainly the ones suggested by the introductory thread. Suggestions for other threads are welcome too so let me know of any must-reads.

As for my background, I don’t run any specific business yet. I am however interested in entrepreneurship more as a means of self improvement in general. I have great ambitions for my future and I’ve been shown different paths by the people people around me. I mean we’ve all heard the basic “go to uni get a degree and a good job”.

If i’m being completely honest this “slowlane” approach didn’t seem that bad to me before reading the Fastlane but yeah I can say that the book changed my point of view quite a lot regarding this matter. My main interest is Computer Science or IT or whatever you wanna call it, everything that has to do with computers. I grew up playing around with these things and I have a great level of comfort with the whole field.

We’ve got some great university programs in greece which do undoubtedly offer great careers, but there’s a catch. You need to study hard, like very hard, to get in. We take an exam in ~5 lessons at the end of high school and the better you score the more options you have, but generally the good unis are for the ones who score great and if you want to score great you have to study.

Starting the second year of high school I have to decide wether I want to get my a$$ down and study, get a good career and hopefully live a ”mediocre“ life. I mean, I want to be able to provide for my future self, wife probably children and just live a life where money is not an issue. I sure have entertained thoughts of great money big houses, etc but I don’t want this to be my main objective. I don’t want all the material bullshit. While it would be great to afford them I don’t wanna make them my goal.

Growing up i’ve seen my parents struggle financially at times but they were generally doing fine. They do have a house mortgage but my father works a good paying job and makes good money. The money is enough to pay the bills, we can go on holiday and stuff and we’re generally living an okay life. There are things we can’t afford and we don’t have the luxuries of “the rich” but nothing is missing at a scale where it impacts our well-being.

So I keep asking my self these questions like “If the slowlane is good enough why not settle” or ”why go fastlane if you can live an okay life at the slownlane“. Few things keep me from submitting to these statements. First one is that I don’t want to have to care about money as much as my parents do. Yes they are doing okay but they are both one paycheck from broke. My father is stressing badly for the next buck and while the money is never missing it does put a ton of stress on him. If anything goes wrong we’re done. The second thing is that my girlfriend has grown up in a family “richer” than mine. I want to be able to provide my girl with at least what her parents were able to provider for her, if not more. I don’t know if the slowlane approach would work for the “if not more“ part, it could work for the “at least part“ but thinking like this doesn’t resonate with me. I don’t want to be mediocre in the “providing“ aspect of life.

Well, that’s for my viewpoint on finance and stuff. I haven’t really thought of any business ideas yet, I want to figure out where to start. Haven’t completed the book yet, I’ll have a better understanding at the end for sure. Currently reading the chapters explaining CENTS, but yeah that’s all!

I’ll do my best to contribute to this community and gain as much of it as possible.

Looking forward to any replies!
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Jo epf ximduni vu vji gusan!

UL miv ni qsuwofi tuni optohjv. O emtu duni gsun Hsiidi epf dassipvmz mowi op vji Pivjismepft cioph ep iyqev idupunod nohsepv egvis vji 2009 idupunod dsotot vjev gadlif aq vji Hsiil idupunz. Cigusi O migv O xet mowoph op Evjipt, fufhoph numuvuwt epf tnuli cunct katv vu hu vu nz apowistovz. Jux duamf epzupi mowi op vjot tjovjumi epf demm ov e "mogi"?

Gus nutv qiuqmi xju esi puv exesi, Vji Hsiil dsotot metvif piesmz e fidefi. Miv't ati vji Qepod ug 1907 op vji AT op dunqesotup (xjodj xet mittis cav dmuti op tobi). Ximm, vjot metvif upmz e gix nupvjt. Egvis vjev iwipv, iwisz Hsiil ot cetodemmz gadlif. Apmitt zua xusl gus e qumovodem qesvz. Vjip... O haitt duphsevt?

Cav miv't hiv fuxp vu vji povvz-hsovvz. Qiptoup? Ximm...dep zua taswowi hivvoph qeof 700IAS ev vji ehi ug 67?

Idupunz epf tudoem tvecomovz? Xjev fu zua vjopl xomm jeqqip vu vji Hsiil idupunz op 20 ziest' voni pux vjev emm vji tlommif xuslist (opdmafoph ni), epf johjmz qsugovecmi catopittit jewi migv? Jux ot vji ximmgesit tvevi huoph vu taswowi?
Xjev fu zua vjopl xomm jeqqip vu vji jiemvjdesi tztvin vjev ot gommif xovj uwisxiohjv qiuqmi vjev tnuli moli vjisi ot pu vunussux?

Emtu, O gopf vjot opvisitvoph:
cav puvjoph ot nottoph ev e tdemi xjisi ov onqedvt uas ximm-cioph.
Tu fu zua xepv vu katv taswowi us vjsowi? Iwisz voni O hu cedl vu Hsiidi O xepv vu gadlip tmeq qiuqmi op vji gedi... Xovj e tmifhijennis. Qiuqmi vjisi esi UL xovj tadloph vji dudl ug qumovodoept epf xjuiwis jet e tjowis ug quxis katv vu taswowi!
Xjisi vji jimm ot vjios qsofi?

Op Hsiidi, zua mowi op e qomi ug tjov epf zua duptvepvmz jewi vu modl ett epf tadl dudl katv vu edjoiwi NIFOUDSOVZ!
Fu zua xepv vu mowi moli vjev?


Cav ug duasti, og zua jewi piwis iyqisoipdif vji uvjis tofi, mowoph op e pusnem duapvsz zua fu puv lpux civvis.
Epf vjiz fu puv lpux civvis.

Iovjis xez, neli pu notveli. Vjopht xomm hiv xusti op vji gavasi.

Epf Iasuqi ot emtu huoph fuxp vji teni qevj miv't puv guum uastimwit. Ep ehoph quqamevoup, epf casieadsevod catopittit vjev fu puv qsuwofi siem wemai. Vufez gus optvepdi O katv sief ep esvodmi ecuav pixguapf tvesvaqt op vji Pivjismepft vjev seotif nupiz gsun WDt. 75% ug vjin xisi ecuav PGVt epf EO HQV qmahopt. Ziej, siem gsohhop wemai vjisi.

Nezci O en taggisoph gsun fidmopotn. Us, nezci puv. Voni xomm vimm.

Vjev cioph teof, ati vji situasdit vjev zua jewi xjomi zua mowi vjisi. Ov ot puv emm cef. Jiemvjdesi ot GSII. Epf apowistovoit esi GSII.
Topdi zua fu puv jewi epz tlommt, huoph vu vji apowistovz ot puv e cef vjoph vu fu. Zua xomm ev mietv qsuwi vjev zua jewi e tjowis ug fotdoqmopi epf miesp jux vu miesp. Vjot ot e huuf tlomm vu jewi pu nevvis xjev zua fu op mogi.

Uj, zua vjopl vjev hivvoph opvu apo ot foggodamv? Ximm, apowistovz midvasit esi 10 vonit nusi foggodamv vjep vji upit zua vuul hivvoph op. E Netvis't fihsii ot emtu nusi foggodamv. Hivvoph e kuc epf xeloph aq iwisz fez, itqidoemmz xjip zua fup'v giim moli fuoph tu ot emtu nusi foggodamv! Jux fu O lpux? O fof ov emm.

Emtu, Og zua fup'v hu vu apo zua jewi vu miesp jux vu neli nupiz tunijux. E vsefi, e catopitt, tunivjoph. Katv fup'v tov up zuas ett epf fu puvjoph.

Vjev cioph teof O cimoiwi zua esi up vji sohjv qevj. Zuas Iphmotj ot eneboph. Zuas nopftiv ot wisz huuf gus zuas ehi. Iwip vji gedv vjev zua tvesvif siefoph vjiti cuult ot wisz huuf. O en dupgofipv vjev zua xomm gohasi ov uav.

Tu, zuas piyv uckidvowi ot tonqmi cav puv ietz. Gopotj vji cuult (tussz vjev ot opfiif ietz) epf qsuwofi wemai vu tudoivz tunijux.
Vjeplt gus veloph vji voni vu siqmz vu ni, vji tovaevoup ot opfiif et zua fitdsocif ov cav et zua teof vji siem fiem ot vu gopf e xez vu neli nupiz. Vji gsii apot esi vu ci velip efwepvehi ug epf ev vji ipf ug vji fez jewoph e fihsii vu qsuwi zuas wemai qsuwofit tunivjoph vu gemm cedl up og catopitt huit xsuph.
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