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Jun 17, 2018
Who am I?
Hi Fellow Fastlaners, my name is CJ. I am a married guy in my thirties with a kindergarten child. Being a corporate American employee for a decade, I still lost in my identity with no prospect of financial freedom, not even to mention the hopelessness of being a scripted slowlaner.

Both my wife and I have full-time corporate jobs. We have a mortgage on my current house and no other debts, which is good; but the prospect of being financially independant is very slim.

We know we need a better way to fly or die.

Where am I from?
Born and grew up in China, I came to the States for graduate school, right after college in China. Got BS/MS degrees in engineering. Ever since, I was working in Oil & Gas industry, or riding the roller-coaster of shale industry. Two years ago, due to industry downturns/oil price collapse, my wife was super scared of the insecurity, both as a career as well as a financial source of family. So I am seeking to escape and ready to make changes.

During those years, I am involved in RE investing as my side project. Currently, holding my 2nd rental property. But, after reading the book of TMF , it's clear to me that, RE investing is a lane; but my baby-step approach is no leverage, either scale or magnitude. So, I keep searching, reading lots of books, while keeping current practices.

During those years, I was exposed to MLM, Network marketing, direct sales, as well as RE investing guru seminars. I did spend time on attending their free lectures as well as 8 hour seminar. Thank goodness, I was not up-sold by their grand dollar seminars. All those stuff were mentioned in the book of TMF . Thanks for clearing up and let me know what those folks's are really doing. Thanks a lot, MJ! <side notes here, now I know some of books that I bought and read are simply scripted mainstream advices that the authors not even care about practices>

Where am I going?
Finished reading TMF and still reading Unscripted , my mind is blowing away and it is a great revelation in my life. Currently I am still serving a corporate full-time job.

But deep down my heart, I know it's not my cup of tea. It's only a gig that I am trading my time for paycheck. I cannot stand it killing my America dreams. Reminding me of back then, after college in China, the reason that I want to come to States. Back then, I did not know anything concretes; I was just told from other senior folks from my colleges that going to US to chase freedom. I guess my understanding back then, is really two-pronged: one, to find a better version of myself; two, to achieve financial independence. I think this is still valid right now. Just for a quick reflection, through the years, I did grow but more kind of autopiloting, as scripted, go to college, find a job, get married, mortgage a SFH and have kids. But from personal development perspective, I am searching for a direction these years. Until recent finished reading the book of TMF and noticed the 2nd book of Unscripted and with the core part/execution part left unfinished, it seems to me that I find the direction: the fastlane. It lights up my heart and sole. It re-ignites my original America dream back then. It provides re-newal hope in my personal life. Thank you very much, MJ!

With that being shared, I am excited to joining the FASTLANE Forum with Fellow Fastlaners!

May I call myself aspiring entrepreneurs?
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