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Anything related to matters of the mind

Carter Jones

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May 21, 2017
7:32am interstate 202 west bound exiting for the i-10. 6 mph to stand still traffic is all around me. A monkey suit clings to my slightly in shape body. I'm staring at a crack in my front window about 16 inches wide. Along with 37 splatter marks where bugs landed right before their death. The night before I finished yet another chapter in The Millionare Fastlane, to further my desire to take the red pill (Matrix reference). While I can't tell you what song I had playing, I can tell you in that moment that after just 1 year of a 9-5 I was awaken to the mindset that this didn't have to be my life. Something had to change, I couldn't stand to do it another year heck another month for that matter.

This was my FTE moment, thank you @MJ DeMarco & @AllenCrawley for showing me the way.
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Oct 13, 2011
Scottsdale, AZ
7:32am interstate 202 west bound exiting for the i-10. 6 mph to stand still traffic is all around me. A monkey suit clings to my slightly in shape body. I'm staring at a crack in my front window about 16 inches wide. Along with 37 splatter marks where bugs landed right before their death. The night before I finished yet another chapter in The Millionare Fastlane, to further my desire to take the red pill (Matrix reference). While I can't tell you what song I had playing, I can tell you in that moment that after just 1 year of a 9-5 I was awaken to the mindset that this didn't have to be my life. Something had to change, I couldn't stand to do it another year heck another month for that matter.

This was my FTE moment, thank you @MJ DeMarco & @AllenCrawley for showing me the way.
Good to see you finally post to the forum, lol. Welcome!

MJ DeMarco

I followed the science; all I found was money.
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Jul 23, 2007
Ha Ha, I'm like Carter Jones? Do I know this guy? That picture has familiar people in it...

Then I realized who it was.

Congrats on the realization, more-so for doing something about it!

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