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Friday Night Regret

Anything related to matters of the mind


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Feb 15, 2012
It’s Friday night. I open the apartment door and put my work satchel down. I exhale in relief, knowing that work is done. “Going out” flashes through my mind: Henny on the rocks, legendary conversation, and gut wrenching laughter. It’s hard to turn down.

I wake up and look at my iPhone: 10:00 AM. Work is in 3 hours. I’m fine. There’s no throw up or call out of work feeling. However, a small seed of regret starts to grow. Why?

I have little time to write my article, build my website, workout, etc. My “me” time is squeezed into a 2 and a half hour time frame. Oh, and I have to get ready. Like the movie Groundhog Day, Friday repeats like every other Friday.


I figured out how to eliminate Friday night regret.

My desire to go out decreases when my work output is high throughout the week. My work is writing and sticking to my structures.

Like a fish needs water is how I need structure. Structure allows me to be me; creative and centered. I have a notebook with writing, morning, and work structures. Basically, they’re rules I create that I follow. Within my structures, are principles. For example, I have a stretching principle within my morning structure.

My bedroom calendar is the main tool for my structures. It’s a little over 4 feet on each side. It has 4 quadrants for 4 months. I track some of my structures on there: workouts and writing. It is the foundation to my momentum. I can easily see and track my progress.


I get up and open my note app. I click my “purpose” note and read my purpose and some other insights. I read them out loud. They seep into my spirit and leave an impression on my subconscious.

I walk to the kitchen and turn on my tea kettle. While the water is heating up, I stretch. After I stretch, I pour herbal tea. Then, I make a detailed schedule, with start and end times.

Work always gets done outside the house. There’s too much comfort and temptation inside: TV, bed, couch, gaming system, etc. I walk to a Starbucks while listening to a podcast. After a few hours working on my most important task, I head to my job.


There are about 10 key things I do every morning. If I don’t get them done, I’m off. If I finish all 10, I get a cool rush of momentum throughout the day.

When Friday comes, I have 2 general feelings:

I’m not pressed to go out. I have a calm feeling of content. There is no desire to escape my reality. I’m eager to work more, to get to my goals faster.

If I do go out, I do it to recharge, not to avoid reality.

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Nathan Jenkins

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Jan 20, 2018
North West, UK
It’s Friday night. I open the apartment door and put my work satchel down. I exhale in relief, knowing that work is done. “Going out” flashes through my mind: Henny on the rocks, legendary conversation, and gut wrenching laughter. It’s hard to turn down.

I wake up and look at my iPhone: 10:00 AM. Work is in 3 hours. I’m fine. There’s no throw up or call out of work feeling. However, a small seed of regret starts to grow. Why?

I have little time to write my article, build my website, workout, etc. My “me” time is squeezed into a 2 and a half hour time frame. Oh, and I have to get ready. Like the movie Groundhog Day, Friday repeats like every other Friday.


I figured out how to eliminate Friday night regret.

My desire to go out decreases when my work output is high throughout the week. My work is writing and sticking to my structures.

Like a fish needs water is how I need structure. Structure allows me to be me; creative and centered. I have a notebook with writing, morning, and work structures. Basically, they’re rules I create that I follow. Within my structures, are principles. For example, I have a stretching principle within my morning structure.

My bedroom calendar is the main tool for my structures. It’s a little over 4 feet on each side. It has 4 quadrants for 4 months. I track some of my structures on there: workouts and writing. It is the foundation to my momentum. I can easily see and track my progress.


I get up and open my note app. I click my “purpose” note and read my purpose and some other insights. I read them out loud. They seep into my spirit and leave an impression on my subconscious.

I walk to the kitchen and turn on my tea kettle. While the water is heating up, I stretch. After I stretch, I pour herbal tea. Then, I make a detailed schedule, with start and end times.

Work always gets done outside the house. There’s too much comfort and temptation inside: TV, bed, couch, gaming system, etc. I walk to a Starbucks while listening to a podcast. After a few hours working on my most important task, I head to my job.


There are about 10 key things I do every morning. If I don’t get them done, I’m off. If I finish all 10, I get a cool rush of momentum throughout the day.

When Friday comes, I have 2 general feelings:

I’m not pressed to go out. I have a calm feeling of content. There is no desire to escape my reality. I’m eager to work more, to get to my goals faster.

If I do go out, I do it to recharge, not to avoid reality.

This may be the most relatable and best post that I have come across on this forum.

Great read, keep up the good work.

"If I do go out, I do it to recharge, not to avoid reality" - this is a very powerful quote. Thank you.

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