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Almost finished Unscripted

Anything related to matters of the mind


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Dec 28, 2017
Ottawa Ontario Canada
Hey @MJ DeMarco,

I admittedly borrowed Unscripted from the Ottawa Library at first... got most of the way through it but had to return it before I was done (Ch 41). I've since met with the "Business Librarian" who has provided a wealth of resources on eCommerce and I'm working my way through that as well.

You see, I'm guilty of prostituting my time for money lately as my job compensates me well, and I've got a wedding to pay for. I don't hate my job, but I hate how they own me and my time. Reading your book is like listening to myself rant - always seemed to me that signing up for a lifetime of payments was lunacy, but my opinions always fell on deaf ears as it didn't follow normal convention.

I just wanted you to know that I've purchased your book (on amazon through a link from your website) because this won't be the last time I read it. I know its just a drop in the bucket for you, but its the thought that counts :). I read another entrepreneurship book between Fastlane and Unscripted and realized that Entrepreneurship itself is a Fastlane for many, and I don't think I'll waste my time seeking anything else in terms of philosophy moving forward. I wanted to thank you for your frank rendition and the time you obviously dedicated to spreading your message. The book reads really well and is full of good stuff.

I worked 60 hours last week and have hence felt my motivation suffer. It's funny how subscribing to the scripted life fully for just a week can subdue you with exhaustion. I feel like life, the way it has been designed for us, does a really good job of putting us in an endless loop.

The book arrives in the mail tomorrow, and I've got ideas on how to get started once its done. I know that time management is going to be my biggest challenge and have started breaking it all down. I'm also training for a triathlon this summer... so I'm working to successfully complete these 3 goals by the fall.

My Why's all revolve around a wealthier life through more time with Family and Friends. I think that will be plenty.

Thanks again for your hard work, it will undoubtedly serve me well.

Plenty of fluids and rest. Should you tell me your symptoms I can recommend some OTC meds.

All the best,

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MJ DeMarco

I followed the science; all I found was money.
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Read Unscripted!
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Jul 23, 2007
Thanks for sharing! Happy to hear the books have made an impact.

(And happy to hear a library in Canada is stocking the book!)

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