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7 Days To Freedom: From Wantrepreneur/Wage Slave To Freelancer


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Apr 28, 2017
‍☠️ Eastern Europe
7 Days To Freedom:
How To Go From Wantrepreneur To
Income Producing Freelancer In Just 7 Days

If you came to me, and you had NOTHING, and I literarily mean ZERO, no experience, no skills, no special connections, no good birth, no money, nothing setting you apart from anyone else other than a DEEP BURNING DESIRE to start making money and to be independent, I would tell you to stop dreaming and become a freelancer.

And here’s why.

When you’re at ground zero, the only thing of value that you could offer to anyone are personal services. You don’t have a product, you don’t have a network that you can leverage, some of you don’t even have any skills.

But all of you could begin doing things for others that they find valuable and are happy to pay for. In the process, you learn and perfect new skills, interact with people, build your network, make friends, make money, you start uncovering unresolved needs in the marketplace, and more importantly, you start living life on your own terms!

All of which are components that you will absolutely need to become a big hitter rainmaker that starts a Fastlane business making millions down the road.

And let me ask you this… do you HATE working a job? Do you HATE having a boss? If so why do it?

“Oh, but I have to slave away at this job I hate till I get more knowledge, and till I build capital to strike out on my own. I need the income to support myself, my family, and my loved ones”

I hear you.

Just a question. Do you know what happens to most people?

Today they’re slaving away at their job because they need to. Tomorrow will be no different, since their mind will tell them the same thing… “today I need to slave away at this job!”

So if you’re not quitting today, why do you think you’ll quit tomorrow? You see, the need is all in the mind.

The moment you realize you could be making the same income as you did working a job by offering your own personal services, your life will be transformed. You’ll realize that you don’t have to wait YEARS before you quit your job. You can do that now. Right NOW! And you can start making money on your own…

No need to bear with the rudeness of your boss, or to turn your a$$ up for higher ups who know less than you to violate and humiliate you. No, not even for one more day!

You can have your freedom and get rich at the same time!

The Real Truth: The Obstacles Are In Your Mind

There’s nothing that prevents you from making your first cash in the next 7 days all by yourself. NOTHING!

Everything that you think is stopping you is in your mind. It’s because of what goes on in between your ears that you think you’re not ready. That’s why you’re not taking action.

And I know it, and you know it too…

You’re Scared Shitless!

That’s why you accept slavery. That’s why you’re working a job or thinking to work one. Because you think you HAVE TO.

And why do you think that?

Because you’re afraid.

And you think that you must first get rid of that F*cking fear, and only then will you be able to take action and make your dreams a reality.

You think that your fear is false evidence appearing real, so if only you could see it for what it is, your fear would vanish, and you’d be on your merry way to your dreams.

But Let Me Break It To You:
FEAR Is NOT False Evidence Appearing Real

Yes, fear is real. There’s nothing false about it. That knot in your stomach… it’s F*cking real! In fact, if you’re trying to convince yourself that your fear is false, then you are playing fear’s game, and you’ve already lost.

You need to STOP trying to convince yourself that your fears are not going to come true. Just let go of that fight.


They ARE going to come true!!

Yeah, you will die, your loved ones will die, you will suffer, your loved ones will suffer. GUARAN F*ckIN TEED!

So stop avoiding that which you fear. Fear is just a bunch of physical sensations, they will not kill you.

Just imagine someone held a gun to your head. Is your fear false evidence appearing real? Well, we both know that that’s bullshit. The fear is as real as it gets. There’s a F*cking gun to your head!

But the real truth is that you don’t need to imagine it. There already is a gun to your head, and nobody is going to get out alive, that’s the only certainty in life.

So It’s Time To WAKE THE F*ck UP!

What do you have to lose by taking the step you’re afraid to take and living your life on your terms? Will you be more fulfilled because you lived 80 years as a dog or rather that you lived 20 as a F*cking LION?!

It’s not the length that makes life worth living, but the intensity.

So let go of the fear because you’re already F*cked, and being afraid is for sure not going to help you get that gun away from your head.

The real truth is that…
You’ve Got NOTHING To Lose
Except Your Heavy Chains

So what’s there to be afraid of losing? Your slavery?

Because your life you’re going to lose whether you like it or not. The only question is how are you going to go out? Are you going to go out with your head stuck to the ground, overpowered and humiliated by your fears?

Or will you go out like a LION, roaring your way to success?

Make Your Choice, The Time Is Now Or NEVER!

So death is unavoidable, but do you want to die free or die a slave?

That, you can determine.

And the truth is that you don’t need to wait for I don’t know who to save you, or to gather I don’t know what amount of money before you can be free. You can be free starting TODAY!

And offering personal services, becoming a freelancer, could be your first step to that freedom.

Here’s Why Freelancing Can Be Your Ticket To Freedom

Let’s see.

Do you want to be your own boss?
Do you want to write your own script?
Do you want to decide when you show up to work and how?
Do you want to spend more time with your family?
Do you want to be independent and make your own cash?
Do you want to make money without spending ANY?
Do you want to work from your pijamas?
Do you want to show your boss the middle finger?
Do you hate risk?

Oh, you do right?

Then that’s exactly why freelancing can be your ticket to freedom – all of the above, it can help you achieve.

Freelancing is Literarily ZERO Risk

What can you lose? When you offer your personal services, you’re not spending any money to get your clients, apart from your time.

It’s not like eCommerce and all this complicated Fastlane stuff that takes cash to get started. You can get started with ZERO MONEY.

Ok I’m ON BOARD, What’s The Next Step?

The next step is attending the “Get Started Freelancing” 3-hour Masterclass where @Speed112 and I are going to go over the entire client acquisition process and show you how to get your first clients in the next 7 days.

We’ll cover 4 Methods of getting your first clients:
• Platforms (like Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer)
• Inbound Lead Generation Through Groups
• Outbound Strategic Client Acquisition
• Partnerships with Agencies

In the process you’ll learn the key principles of mastering each, and get a roadmap and system that you can start applying right away to get your first clients. In 7 days.

If you’re worried that you don’t have any skills, don’t worry. We’ll show you how to discover your skills or acquire them, and get your first clients. Again, all within 7 days.

No sales skills? We’ll show you the essentials that you need to get started.

And you’ll also get the opportunity to get direct help from us in our Discord server afterwards, if you get stuck. For FREE!

And if your mindset is getting in the way… No worries, we’ll take care of that too! :)

Does This Cost Me $2,000?

No, it’s an investment of just $57 (will be $97 after the live event) to get started, which you’re likely to make back from your FIRST CLIENT! 

And no, you don’t need to take 10 courses to start making money either.

Unlike many others I’m not here to take your cash, I’m here to show you how to make cash in the shortest way possible, so that you can start unleashing your own power and grabbing life with both hands.

I’m here to set you free, just the way I was set free many years ago.

I love the forum and MJ’s work, it has frankly been lifechanging for me, and so 20% of the income made from this Masterclass will get donated to supporting the forum.

What Else Do You Get?

Apart from access to the Discord server and direct coaching from us, you’ll also get a PDF Roadmap that summarizes the Masterclass if you stay to the very end. It will summarize the key concepts, and the key processes you’ve got to apply to get your first clients in the next 7 days.

There Are NO UPSELLS, Just A Q&A At The End!

Yes, this isn’t a joke. There are actually ZERO upsells. No promotion. It’s balls to the wall, and it’s time to take action, not to bullshit around. So we finish just with a Q&A where you can ask any questions you want, and we’ll help you directly to overcome your challenges, whatever they are.

When Is It?

10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM EST / 12:00 PM CST / 7:00 PM CET on Tuesday, May 11th 2021!

Is This Good For Me If I Already Freelance?

Absolutely. If you’re a freelancer on Upwork, you’ll learn how to better use Upwork, AND how to use other means to get higher paying clients outside of Upwork. This includes partnering with agencies, strategic outbound outreach, as well as inbound strategies.

UPDATE: 05.13.2021

The masterclass ended up being a REAL BLAST for those who participated, tons of value in there, including mindset, first steps, how to get started, how to get clients! The replay is still available for those who did not join the live event, and @Speed112 and I are open to answering your questions here, via the "Ask Questions" feature of the masterclass, and or via Discord.

If you never signed up for the live event, you can still purchase a spot, we've made the replay run once every 15 minutes. Since this has been such a success, the price to get into the replay is now $97, and the same deal as before holds -> 20% of it will get donated to the forum. You can purchase your spot here.

For those who have purchased a ticket, if you need to log in to the masterclass, or want to rewatch the replay, you can do so simply by going here, clicking "Already registered?" as in the link below, and entering the email you signed up with:
Screenshot 2021-05-13 at 13.48.54.png

Screenshot 2021-05-13 at 13.49.29.png
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Bronze Contributor
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May 25, 2019
Freelancing is not equal to fastlane , being there done that, it is not even a slow lane, it is just a loser line in most cases. Yes, there are exceptions to this role who are making living , but odds are against you since freelancing is highly competitive market, and it takes time to built a returning clients


What Legacy Will You Leave Behind?
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Sep 6, 2020
United States
Freelancing is not equal to fastlane , being there done that, it is not even a slow lane, it is just a loser line in most cases. Yes, there are exceptions to this role who are making living , but odds are against you since freelancing is highly competitive market, and it takes time to built a returning clients
I don’t want to move the thread off track.

I just want to clarify for those getting started that Freelancing CAN be a good avenue to start off with.

I would challenge you and say, it isn’t a loser line.
Sure it isn’t fastlane. But reaching the fastlane takes steps correct?

You start off with a hourly job->specialized labor -> specialized skill -> specialized product -> productacracy.

Freelancing puts you in the specialized skill section. You can charge higher rates for less time than the previous two steps.

So let’s not label it aloser line”. I actually freelanced (pivoting now) and it isn’t that hard to reach minimum 1k a month for 20 hours of work.

Due to this, I had more time to consider my next move, which in turn is leaning towards ecommerce.

Let’s not label Freelancing with such a negative term.

it’s just another step towards freeing your time and coming up with a CENTS-based productacracy.

PS: Anyone can make a living Freelancing, as long as you provide an actual valuable service.

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