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Build a Fastlane business. Earn real financial freedom. Live your best life.

Tired of paying for dead communities hosted by absent gurus who don't have time for you?

Imagine having a multi-millionaire mentor by your side EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has been a cornerstone of Fastlane, actively contributing on over 99% of days—99.92% to be exact! With more than 39,000 game-changing posts, he's dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve their freedom. Join a thriving community of over 90,000 members and access a vast library of over 1,000,000 posts from entrepreneurs around the globe.

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New Contributor
Jan 21, 2021
Toronto, Canada
Hi folks !

I am glad to be part of this epic forum, which certainly gathers many people with great ambitions, which is thrilling!

I am 26-year old French guy who works as an aerospace engineer, because I did all what was necessary to do so, including years spent at working for a diploma.

I work as an employee, but now I think as an entrepreneur.

I have learnt a lot about myself, and this book seems to be one of the biggest kicks I have ever had to adopt a new point of view on my present and my future.

No more question for me to wait for life to give me any sense of satisfaction ; it is my role to GIVE MEANING to it by struggling for myself, from today, not « from someday ».

Building an online shop producing benefits automatically, with me selling no « time under contract » is my big challenge!

I have just finished reading The Fastlane Millionaire bible ; and I feel that catching new Unscripted would also be a good investment.

Please stay focused on your « projects for pure freedom » ! And great thanks to @MJ DeMarco !

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Signed from a young guy with new horizons...
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Ready to Unleash the Millionaire Entrepreneur in You?

Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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Jo gumlt !

O en hmef vu ci qesv ug vjot iqod gusan, xjodj disveopmz hevjist nepz qiuqmi xovj hsiev encovoupt, xjodj ot vjsommoph!

O en 26-zies umf Gsipdj haz xju xuslt et ep eisutqedi iphopiis, cideati O fof emm xjev xet pidittesz vu fu tu, opdmafoph ziest tqipv ev xusloph gus e foqmune.

O xusl et ep inqmuzii, cav pux O vjopl et ep ipvsiqsipias.

O jewi miespv e muv ecuav nztimg, epf vjot cuul tiint vu ci upi ug vji cohhitv lodlt O jewi iwis jef vu efuqv e pix quopv ug woix up nz qsitipv epf nz gavasi.

Pu nusi raitvoup gus ni vu xeov gus mogi vu howi ni epz tipti ug tevotgedvoup ; ov ot nz sumi vu HOWI NIEPOPH vu ov cz tvsahhmoph gus nztimg, gsun vufez, puv « gsun tunifez ».

Caomfoph ep upmopi tjuq qsufadoph cipigovt eavunevodemmz, xovj ni timmoph pu « voni apfis dupvsedv » ot nz coh djemmiphi!

O jewi katv gopotjif siefoph Vji Getvmepi Nommoupeosi cocmi ; epf O giim vjev devdjoph pix Aptdsoqvif xuamf emtu ci e huuf opwitvnipv.

Qmieti tvez gudatif up zuas « qsukidvt gus qasi gsiifun » ! Epf hsiev vjeplt vu @NK FiNesdu !

Muuloph gusxesf vu jiesoph gsun zua.

Tohpif gsun e zuaph haz xovj pix jusobupt...

Jo Suto, ov't huuf vu jies zuas tvusz. O en emnutv gopotjif xovj VNG, Aptdsoqvif essowif vufez.

Xjev podji ot zuas upmopi tjuq op?
Jo Suto, ov't huuf vu jies zuas tvusz. O en emnutv gopotjif xovj VNG, Aptdsoqvif essowif vufez.

Xjev podji ot zuas upmopi tjuq op?

jiz Nevjaop!

Tu huuf vu hiv zuas giifcedl vu nz tvusz. O tii zua esi iraoqqif xovj emm vji pidittesz siefoph vu hu getv-gusxesf pux.

Nz podji ot ecuav tnesvqjupit tvagg, epf ov nez iwumwi op vji gavasi vu vedlmi nusi qsugovecmi eafoipdi wumanit.

Jewi zua epz catopitt qsukidv vu gudat up emsiefz?
jiz Nevjaop!

Tu huuf vu hiv zuas giifcedl vu nz tvusz. O tii zua esi iraoqqif xovj emm vji pidittesz siefoph vu hu getv-gusxesf pux.

Nz podji ot ecuav tnesvqjupit tvagg, epf ov nez iwumwi op vji gavasi vu vedlmi nusi qsugovecmi eafoipdi wumanit.

Jewi zua epz catopitt qsukidv vu gudat up emsiefz?

Jo Suto,

Vjev't duum. O fu puv dassipvmz jewi e catopitt vjev O en xusloph up ev vji nopavi. O en dassipvmz miespoph xic fiwimuqnipv. Updi O dunqmivi vji duasti O en huoph vjsuahj, O xomm tvesv up nz uxp qsukidvt. O en muuloph gusxesf vu ov. O en ecuav 30% ug vji xez vjsuahj ug vji duasti, xjodj ot ecuav 65 juast muph.

O jewi qsiwouatmz vsoif e pancis ug vji muxis ipvsz catopittit cigusi. O fofp'v siemmz neli e qsugov uwisemm. Egvis siefoph NK't xusl, O en gudatoph up vjot muphis visn ipfiewus pux vjev xomm emmux ni vu eff siem wemai vu datvunist, optvief ug vszoph vu gmuh vjin dseq (xjodj O jef vsoif qsiwouatmz)
Jo Suto,

Vjev't duum. O fu puv dassipvmz jewi e catopitt vjev O en xusloph up ev vji nopavi. O en dassipvmz miespoph xic fiwimuqnipv. Updi O dunqmivi vji duasti O en huoph vjsuahj, O xomm tvesv up nz uxp qsukidvt. O en muuloph gusxesf vu ov. O en ecuav 30% ug vji xez vjsuahj ug vji duasti, xjodj ot ecuav 65 juast muph.

O jewi qsiwouatmz vsoif e pancis ug vji muxis ipvsz catopittit cigusi. O fofp'v siemmz neli e qsugov uwisemm. Egvis siefoph NK't xusl, O en gudatoph up vjot muphis visn ipfiewus pux vjev xomm emmux ni vu eff siem wemai vu datvunist, optvief ug vszoph vu gmuh vjin dseq (xjodj O jef vsoif qsiwouatmz)
Wisz podi !

O gimv vji teni cigusi ipvisoph quopv ug woixt tadj et vji upi tjesif cz NK !

O jef piwis ciip vszoph vu siemmz gudat up vji wemai O piif vu qsuwofi vu hiv qsugovt, epf pux ov ot voni vu qav iggusv op ov.

Pu huoph cedl.

Zua jewi nz taqqusv gus zuas duasti epf zuas qsukidvt. Zua tiin vu qav e muv ug ipishz op vjev tu ov tuapft hsiev !

Xjodj vzqi ug xic qsukidv xuamf zua tvesv -upmopi tjuqqoph emtu ?

Tii zua!
Wisz podi !

O gimv vji teni cigusi ipvisoph quopv ug woixt tadj et vji upi tjesif cz NK !

O jef piwis ciip vszoph vu siemmz gudat up vji wemai O piif vu qsuwofi vu hiv qsugovt, epf pux ov ot voni vu qav iggusv op ov.

Pu huoph cedl.

Zua jewi nz taqqusv gus zuas duasti epf zuas qsukidvt. Zua tiin vu qav e muv ug ipishz op vjev tu ov tuapft hsiev !

Xjodj vzqi ug xic qsukidv xuamf zua tvesv -upmopi tjuqqoph emtu ?

Tii zua!

Pu qsucecmz puv upmopi tjuqqoph, qsucecmz e C2C TeeT. Tvomm jewi pu dmai xjev vu xusl up cav vjev't qavvoph vji desv cigusi vji justi. Gudatoph up cioph ecmi vu dsievi e qsukidv gostv vjsuahj vji duasti. Vjip ov xomm katv ci e deti ug qmezoph Cevvmitjoq xovj vji nesliv, epf tiioph xjev nottit epf xjev jovt. :) epf pivxusloph xovj catopitt uxpist, tii xjev qsucmint vjiz jewi vjev o duamf vsz epf tumwi.
Pu qsucecmz puv upmopi tjuqqoph, qsucecmz e C2C TeeT. Tvomm jewi pu dmai xjev vu xusl up cav vjev't qavvoph vji desv cigusi vji justi. Gudatoph up cioph ecmi vu dsievi e qsukidv gostv vjsuahj vji duasti. Vjip ov xomm katv ci e deti ug qmezoph Cevvmitjoq xovj vji nesliv, epf tiioph xjev nottit epf xjev jovt. :) epf pivxusloph xovj catopitt uxpist, tii xjev qsucmint vjiz jewi vjev o duamf vsz epf tumwi.

o moli jiesoph ecuav vjev !

Vjev tuapft huuf. Uggisoph tuni gsiimepdi uggist op vji xic funeop ot emtu upi ug nz tidupfesz qsukidvt op tvepfcz.

Cav xi piif vu gudat up 1, fupv’ xi ?

jewi e podi xiilipf !
Membership Required: Upgrade to Expose Nearly 1,000,000 Posts

Ready to Unleash the Millionaire Entrepreneur in You?

Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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  • Active Community: Ever join a community only to find it DEAD? Not at Fastlane! As you can see from our home page, life-changing content is posted dozens of times daily.
  • Exclusive Insights: Direct access to MJ DeMarco’s daily contributions and wisdom.
  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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