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Imagine having a multi-millionaire mentor by your side EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has been a cornerstone of Fastlane, actively contributing on over 99% of days—99.92% to be exact! With more than 38,000 game-changing posts, he's dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve their freedom. Join a thriving community of over 90,000 members and access a vast library of over 1,000,000 posts from entrepreneurs around the globe.

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  1. RomeoMe

    My Two Year Fastlane Journey Anniversary

    First of all, I would like to thank MJ for writing "The Millionaire Fastlane" (TMF). The book came at the perfect time for me, as I was just finishing high school and didn't exactly know what I wanted to do with my life. It was the first book that created a distinct change in me—there was a "me"...
  2. Bernardo De Mach

    2022 Side Hustle

    Looking to develop a valuable skill in something. Any suggestions which will be good long term. I've seen coding, copywriting etc but whats your guys advice or thoughts
  3. D

    Drifting through life, in need of advice

    Hello everyone, while the 10.000th "what should I do right now"-question might not be the most exciting thing to read, I honestly believe this forum is just about the only place where I can get solid advice on this kind of thing, so here goes: My situation: I am currently 19 years old, having...
  4. madlife

    Worth it to start a business amid possible hyperinflation?

    Newbie here, just a few things on my mind :) In these unpredictable times and with inflation starting to grow in my area, is it worth the risk of starting a (importing) business? Maybe I am worried if people are more focused on necessities, business would dwindle. Just wondering peoples...
  5. L

    Investing money i saved last year

    Hi theare, I live in Poland and im 23. Last year i managed to save about 15k$. Im thinking about starting my own business, as i want to be independent and i want to work on myself, even if it will take 14hrs a day. I was thinking about woodworking (selling desks etc. online). I’ve got no...
  6. C

    Firing too fast (Ready, Fire, Aim..)

    So I'm currently reading Ready, Fire, Aim by Michael Masterson and I thinking about it in terms of my own situation. I'm currently an employed programmer in my 20s but I'm very interested in starting my own business since I don't see myself typing code in my 40s. I do have some ideas I would...
  7. João Luz

    Starting from scratch (16 years old becoming independent from parents )

    So ... In short I hate school with all my soul, I don't think college helps me become UNSCRIPTED, my mom wants me to go to college ... so I just don't try to convince her, I need value-vouchers (3000 "reais" = $ 1000 with the high dollar) to support me. I will report every day / period of my...
  8. manxlin

    Spanish Millionaire

    Ok, it's true. I'm not ready a really common millionaire that have 5 000 000 $ in my bank account. But I'm decided to make it, I'm going to make money, not just earn, not, I'M GOING TO CREATE MY PERSONAL PROCESS TO ATTRACT MONEY so then money would come to me. I've 18 and I'm from Spain, I...
  9. Z

    Why do you guys say that learning and books in general are useless? (STRAWMAN)

    Everywhere I look on this forum you people always make it seem like there is no reason to learn anything about business and just get started, but what if I don't know anything about business at all? and don't know the first thing about getting started, where to start, how to start and what to...
  10. Kaan.Hisi


    First of all I want to say thank you to Mj Demarco. You opened my eyes and now I see the world with a different view. I am 21 years old and currently living in Germany. I go to college, but it doesn´t feel right. Before I red the Millionaire Fastlane, the bad feeling was already there. Now it...
  11. Schonox

    Growing and learning

    Hi everyone, I'm a middle aged guy with two loving children and a partner. Used to work as a security officer for more than a decade, usually working night shifts. Quit my job at the end of 2017 when a lot of stuff happened. Rode a bit on the XRP (Ripple) wave, and... my father passed away...
  12. DougRMR

    Just quit my fast food job...

    What's up, guys? Name's Doug, 22 years old. Read the books about a year ago, just now decided to take it seriously. So I recently quit my Popeyes job (two weeks ago) and am currently working weekends and studying online courses during the week. IT was the best thing I could've done. I couldn't...
  13. A

    Need Advice For Starting My Social Business

    Hello! I am an aspiring social entrepreneur and I am currently working towards starting up a new organization and need some advice and direction, which is why I am coming to this. I am a junior in college studying Social Work as my major, and my goal is to create and run my own organization as...
  14. Victor Cezar

    The newest member of this forum - Victor Cezar

    Hello Folks! I am so excited to be part of this community. I've read The Millionaire Fastlane and I am going to apply its mindsets right now because I am very unhappy with my current situation. I am from Brazil, São Paulo city, 24 years old and I am working with Oracle database. Today I am...
  15. Tris

    Need Advice on a Wearable Body camera

    I have a startup idea, "Body cameras for citizens". It's to reduce the incidents of police brutality and capture people who may commit crime against you easier. If you can see a face, the culprit would be easier to catch. So it's like a wearable security camera. My issues are 1. I know nothing...
  16. A

    Quit my job

    So I quit my job. After my post a few months ago I unsuccessfully tried to work a long day, then come home to manage the family however there was no energy left in the tank at the end of it to dedicate to entrepreneurship. After several failed attempts I knew it was time to 'give up the good to...
  17. El Príncipe

    Deciding On Next Steps - Input Welcomed

    When I was 19, the summer before college, I came across The Four Hour Workweek and devoured it. Imagine, I was raised in a stay at home, single, immigrant mother household. This book opened my eyes to a world of new possibilities, things unimaginable, unfathomable, and since then I've wanted to...
  18. D

    Approaching commercial customers/B2B

    Hello everyone, I am currently developing a product that I think is very useful and has a great need where applicable. It is basically a kind of a fixture for an electric device used mostly by construction companies but also by ordinary people who're building stuff at home. My plan from now on...
  19. Murilo Ruy

    Are you successful?

    If you are, can you give me some tips? At this moment I’m stuck with the “wantrepreneur” title: lots of ideas, some of them seems to be profitable, but little or no action at all. So, my first question is: how did you get started? Was it cold calling? Cold e-mail? Friends, family and fools...
  20. Stevie Drive

    DONE Is Better Than Perfect (The '7 Out of 10' Rule)

    Alright, let me ask you a question. How many times have you beaten yourself up because you think your effort wasn't good enough? Many times? Well you're not alone. I did a talk about this in front of a business class I was invited to speak before and I can assure you sooo many people suffer...