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  1. cuppalatte

    Experienced Folks - YouTube, Online Marketing - Starting from ZERO.

    New here, nice to meet you. Right - YouTube. I've been blogging off and on for fun, mainly to friends and family, thinking of shelving this to work on a new side project, with the intention being to make a very small, specific amount of money on the side for now, lets say the goal is the first...
  2. Dario29

    Monetize with my blog

    Hello, I work in the wine industry since 10 years and after reading the millionaire fastlane for the first time, maybe 6-7 years ago, my life changed. Working in the wine industry I was seeing that a specifc kind of wine was underestimated even if the market was very good. I am talking about...
  3. stefandrazic

    ROI on Social Media Marketing for a Web Design Agency

    Hi there! I'm just starting my Web Design Agency for the first time. I've figured out the domain name I'm going to buy. I'm going to get a website up and running. I was just wondering about the benefits of social media marketing and blog for my business. Is it a good return on investment? I...
  4. KenDunlop

    Should I stop working Mondays?

    I've been able to save up £18,000 from savings out of my paycheck over the two years of Covid. Each month I've reliably been able to save at least £500. This is great, but this year I don't want yet another year of saving and want to do something more radical. I'm considering working part-time...
  5. techro

    Stopping wasting my youth and starting a website.

    Here after reading The Millionaire Fastlane. Thank you @MJ DeMarco for opening my eyes! Back story: when I was around 13 years old, I "made " a simple website (registered a free blog at and choose an ugly-a$$ theme) where readers could submit and find game servers to play on (it...
  6. techro

    Ideas for blog name? How do you find good names for you website/project?

    I'm starting a blog where I'll be posting tutorials/guides about programming/game development. I already made the website on my development server and have a ton of ideas lined up. The only thing missing is the website name. No matter how long I brainstorm, I just can't come up with a short and...
  7. KushShah9492

    My blog is live, FINALLY!

    Hey everyone, my blog is live now. Here's a link to it: I know there a number of faults and number of changes that I need to make, but I'd love your feedback. Anything to change, anything you guys don't like, anything I need to add, literally any feedback is...
  8. KushShah9492

    Do I need to buy hosting as well for my website? or just the domain name is fine?

    Pretty confused about this one. Do I need to buy the cPanel hosting as well? Or should I just buy the domain name? The latter option would be cheaper, since I just need the site to experiment with blogging and SEO, maybe monetize in the long term.
  9. KushShah9492

    Working on my blog, need feedback before going live.

    So, these are some screenshots of my blog that I'm working on. I'd go live once I am done writing at least 10-15 blog posts, and make some decent front-end tweaks. I'm looking for feedback as to what changes can be made to this. Any feedback is welcome.
  10. fastlanedoll

    Is Wordpress the best platform to build a blog / site?

    I want to use a blog as part of my marketing strategy, and then sell products directly on the site complete with checkout etc. space for collecting emails etc. Is it best to use Wordpress for this purpose? Given that I don't know any code, I will hire someone to code it for me. Thank you!
  11. DarkWoods

    How to find a profitable blogging niche?

    Hi everyone. I like to write and I'm good at it but I would like to know what are the steps I should follow if I want to build a profitable blog? Thanks for your help!
  12. pixieducks

    Help with email list and what to do next...

    Hello, so I have been working on my new blog, and I did add a subscriber box. I am using mailer lite only because I'm just starting, and I was working on my free ebook to give to people who subscribe. I haven't really checked it too much, and tonight when I went to update the form to include...
  13. Robin Andrews

    Lead Gen for Python Coding Website

    My conversion rate is pants. I have a popup to subscribe to my blog, a widget with an offer to get the code for an application that will help people learn coding, and at the end of each blog post there is an offer to get the code for a fun game that also has educational value. I thought these...
  14. G

    I don't want to fail anymore_Ending the failure cycle

    Hello, Really glad to be here! I know that I’m not a real active member of this forum, but I seriously take time to read some of the hot topics sent to me via e-mail each week for a several months now. I’m more active in another forum about Internet marketing. But I think The Fastlane Forum is...
  15. Martin7677

    How do i rank my Blog?

    I have written some blogs on medium, but I didn't get much traffic on my blog. any tips or suggestions?
  16. lludwig

    AMA: SEO

    I already did one on affiliate marketing, let's try one on SEO. AMA: SEO. My Background: I've been developing websites for 25 years+, and had an affiliate blog for 10 years which 80% of the traffic was from SEO. Starting from zero, I had over 300,000 unique visitors per month. I sold my...
  17. RealDreams

    Should I sell my eBook on Amazon or on my Blog?

    Hi everyone. I've seen many people sell their eBooks on their own blog, and it seems to be the most profitable way. However, it clearly depends on how much traffic the blog receives overall. And here's my problem. I recently finished writing an eBook, but I'm unsure whether I should sell it on...
  18. nmalinow

    Thoughts on luxury service? Videographer who travels with you and makes a video of your experience

    Demand: Ex. Someone wealthy wants to record a video of their own or group’s experiences when going on a trip to Chile. Idea: Hire a videographer to travel with you and capture your adventure with video/drone footage. End Product: Professional video showcasing the experience. Notes: The...
  19. wordwarrior

    Looking for New Email and Web Hosting Services

    I currently use Google services for my personal email and blog, and I don't have a personal or business web site. This needs to change. Do you have any recommendations? This sort of relates to the command of control even though both services are complimentary to any business/career. Both are...
  20. C

    What to do with my domain name?

    I just bought a pretty good domain. - Ive actually been in the dating niche for many years now(PUA) just never did much with it besides coaching. I need opinions on what you would do with the domain if you had it. Should I make it blog where i give advice and sell courses...