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The Unscripted Mindset

Anything related to matters of the mind


New Contributor
Aug 4, 2018
well as time goes on, i see how a job won't make you rich, alot of times the people you learn from parents/teachers are not very successful themselves, the education system wont teach you to succeed, the media wont teach you how to become wealthy, everyone from basically everywhere is trying to get you to open up your wallet to enrich themselves, which if there providing value then its worth it, but alot of the things we buy either rots, depreciates, or rusts, and in the end you're left with a lifetime of regret, a empty bank account, broken friendships, and an unending marriage to time at the job.

so i got tired of it, i searched and read and learned and made mistakes, found the millionaire fastlane , sometime last year, (made a few enemies) (maybe some friends) learned alot in the meantime, more appreciative of the message that mj has taught us, laughed, cryed, been upset that everything we're taught doesnt make us special, felt like we're sheep being led wherever the minds that be want us to be lead, felt no direction, no sense of purpose, until i read unscripted

it described a way that even i could make a business without affilate marketing or selling things people have no interest in, providing things that'll actually help others (found out lifes not all about me) or you for that matter, then i got to looking on youtube and i found this british guy and he's really unscripted made me think things thru in ways i hadnt considered before, so this is my way of returning the favor and i hope it helps and if not thats alright as well. this is a more in depth updated version that answers alot of the questions his first financial vlog has left

hello, i'm Tanisha,

I've learned that most of the time in life we're buying things that either rust, rot or depreciate, which leaves us in constant need of work, not enjoying the time we have with family members, not being able to do the things we really long to do, like travel or help others, improve our spirituality, or expand the knowledge that we need for long term success.

Alot of times we put ourselves on the backburner of life, we don't appreciate the time we do have, we waste it, spend money we don't have, we listen to people who are barely making it paycheck to paycheck

the media, the government, churches, malls, online shopping centers, future kids, the baby boomers, increased taxes, national debt there all a constant drain on our finances, of course treat yourself to things that you need even want, but at the end of the day make sure you're taken care of as well, you can borrow money for college, borrow money for a car, borrow money for a home, but you cannot borrow money for your own future retirement needs.

i read unscripted last year, the freetime and indentured time was what really struck a chord with me, all the days of yay i got a paycheck lets go shopping is over, now im putting my money in an account so that i might be able to save up and provide high quality furniture, watches, cars, clothes and everything else that people have need of on a daily bases, i've learned to not cut costs in the things that you provide because if its a crappy product they won't return, so i'm doing my best to start with the 5 commandments in mind for my business, i'm gonna hire someone to take care of it then a few managers, a tax advisor, a bookkeeper, a receptionist, i think i can actually do this, for the first time i have hope.

i was looking on youtube and i saw this british guy he is extremely fastlane minded so this is my way of returning the value you've provided to me back to you

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MJ DeMarco

I followed the science; all I found was money.
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Jul 23, 2007
Ah yes, Tanisha ... a user who has already been banned 3 times.

Thanks for the video (it actually is REALLY GOOD, some serious Fastlane stuff) but we aren't going to go through with this for the 4th time.


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Sep 29, 2012
Near San Diego
Welcome back. Please don't get weird this time. Finding the shift key would still be nice though.

well as time goes on, i see how a job won't make you rich, alot of times the people you learn from parents/teachers are not very successful themselves, the education system wont teach you to succeed, the media wont teach you how to become wealthy, everyone from basically everywhere is trying to get you to open up your wallet to enrich themselves, which if there providing value then its worth it, but alot of the things we buy either rots, depreciates, or rusts, and in the end you're left with a lifetime of regret, a empty bank account, broken friendships, and an unending marriage to time at the job.

so i got tired of it, i searched and read and learned and made mistakes, found the millionaire fastlane , sometime last year, (made a few enemies) (maybe some friends) learned alot in the meantime, more appreciative of the message that mj has taught us, laughed, cryed, been upset that everything we're taught doesnt make us special, felt like we're sheep being led wherever the minds that be want us to be lead, felt no direction, no sense of purpose, until i read unscripted

it described a way that even i could make a business without affilate marketing or selling things people have no interest in, providing things that'll actually help others (found out lifes not all about me) or you for that matter, then i got to looking on youtube and i found this british guy and he's really unscripted made me think things thru in ways i hadnt considered before, so this is my way of returning the favor and i hope it helps and if not thats alright as well. this is a more in depth updated version that answers alot of the questions his first financial vlog has left

hello, i'm Tanisha,

I've learned that most of the time in life we're buying things that either rust, rot or depreciate, which leaves us in constant need of work, not enjoying the time we have with family members, not being able to do the things we really long to do, like travel or help others, improve our spirituality, or expand the knowledge that we need for long term success.

Alot of times we put ourselves on the backburner of life, we don't appreciate the time we do have, we waste it, spend money we don't have, we listen to people who are barely making it paycheck to paycheck

the media, the government, churches, malls, online shopping centers, future kids, the baby boomers, increased taxes, national debt there all a constant drain on our finances, of course treat yourself to things that you need even want, but at the end of the day make sure you're taken care of as well, you can borrow money for college, borrow money for a car, borrow money for a home, but you cannot borrow money for your own future retirement needs.

i read unscripted last year, the freetime and indentured time was what really struck a chord with me, all the days of yay i got a paycheck lets go shopping is over, now im putting my money in an account so that i might be able to save up and provide high quality furniture, watches, cars, clothes and everything else that people have need of on a daily bases, i've learned to not cut costs in the things that you provide because if its a crappy product they won't return, so i'm doing my best to start with the 5 commandments in mind for my business, i'm gonna hire someone to take care of it then a few managers, a tax advisor, a bookkeeper, a receptionist, i think i can actually do this, for the first time i have hope.

i was looking on youtube and i saw this british guy he is extremely fastlane minded so this is my way of returning the value you've provided to me back to you


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