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The Self-Reliance Resources Thread

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Lex DeVille

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Jan 14, 2013
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This thread is a place to share self-reliance resources. Hopefully it can grow into a valuable community asset for the forum. Self-reliance and personal survival have been on my mind a lot, and I've done some prepping in the past. I have a military background, and yet, I come up lacking in certain areas (food growing, homeschooling, friends and community). I don't plan to go "off-grid" but I do want to improve my lot in life. So I want to share resources I come across, and hopefully others can share their own resources and tips too.

Books I like:

U.S. Air Force Search & Rescue Survival Training (skills training for survival, evasion, resistance, and escape).

98.6 Degrees: The Art of Keeping Your a$$ Alive! (covers survival mindset and general outdoor survival).

When All Hell Breaks Loose: Stuff You Need to Survive When Disaster Strikes (covers survival mindset and urban survival during disasters)

The Gift of Fear and Other Survival Signals that Protect Us From Violence (covers gut instincts and paying attention to subtle survival signals)

Crime Proof: Think Like a Criminal and Beat Them at Their Own Game (covers many aspects of personal defense, home defense, cyber security etc.) I'm only about halfway through this one, but it's been pretty good so far.

The Survivor's Club: The Secrets and Science that Could Save Your Life (covers the will to live, survival psychology, survivor profiles - mostly surrounding emergency situations)

Self-Defense Video Training
Carl Cestari's training is old but excellent and designed for real-world scenarios, including for women. It's based on what worked during WWII to keep men alive in hand-to-hand combat and has been taught to Special Forces and Police around the globe. I own this set and have used it to train across the last 10 years in the fundamentals.

These resources were shared by @Primeperiwinkle

Self-reliance as in farming:
There's several farming books on Kindle but I think a few of these authors have podcasts? I'm a book person not podcast or Twitter..

The Farmers Office
The Market Gardener
The Permaculture Handbook
The Organic No-Till Farming Revolution
The Urban Farmer
The Year-Round Hoophouse

Homeschooling Podcasts and Info:
CiRCE Institute
Schole Sisters (they chat a but too much for me but my friends adore them)
Literary Life
ReadAloud Revival
1000 Hours Outdoor Challenge
And if you want meaty only smart ppl who can handle big words book, try Consider This by Karen Glass.

For living off-grid the first step is making your food from scratch or starting a small garden. For homeschooling just develop the habit of reading books to your kid, often and when not reading using audible or librivox to read to them during "quiet" time. If you set up that ONE habit, the habit of paying attention while listening, you will have done a helluva lot. Depending on age you can also start setting up your cycle systems.

It's a really good habit to cycle through the day. This works for you as well as your kids, basically like Pomodoro but with areas of interest or toy sections (whatever you want to call it).
Toy Time
Book time
Snack time
Water time
Block time
Outside time

You get it.

So the toy chest toys are played with from 9:00-9:30 then we get to read a few books when those toys are put away, (to the little happy song of "Clean clean up everybody do their part, etc etc..")
Then after 30 mins of book time it's snack time, (if the books are put away) then after snack time it's go outside time!! (If the snack area gets cleaned up..)

So you make a simple 30mins max pattern and you just stick to it. Toddlers need like 5-10 min cycles so that's why you have areas in your house or leven just living room. You literally pick them up and put them in a new spot. It takes about a week to adjust to but then they get it and they know what to expect.

Kids REALLY relax when they have that routine. And if you add cool things to different areas you keep the amusement factor high. I had bath toys for Water Time, and a Lego area on a big blanket for easy clean up when mine were old enough for duplex, and their little fighter men had their own box, and so on.

Basically since you're not giving them access to everything all day long it keeps their brain engaged and if you add in several hours of outside activity they'll be happy little people.

The crazy thing is if you do this for you, you'll be happy too. I know it sounds crazy but keeping tech books or magazines in the bathroom, poetry books near the dining room table, and a novel or two near your bedside makes you cycle through them all and not get burnt out. Add in a bunch of plants, working out, great food, and some friends and life is nice.

Most ppl don't understand that homeschooling is impossible without obedience. It's never too early to cultivate a culture of respect, respect for parents, respect for our things, and respect for ourselves (cleanliness).


This was shared by @Mathuin about off-grid living.

@MTF shared the Tucker Max website which has some really relevant content for right now:

Feel free to share your own resources. Favorite podcasts, books, YouTube channels etc. on any self-reliance topic whether that is going totally off-grid, learning how to grow a garden in your back yard, homeschooling, how to build a local community up around you, or even something I've totally overlooked.

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E gix nusi situasdit O gushuv vu nipvoup op vji gostv qutv:

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  • Iyvsini Uxpistjoq: Jux A.T. Pewz Tiemt Mief epf Xop (up cidunoph qistupemmz sitquptocmi epf e miefis)
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Opgmaipdi, Qistaetoup, epf Cevvmi Nopftivt
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Gus tvezoph op tjeqi opfuust.
  • Q90Y - O moli emm ug vji Q90Y qsuhsent. Atif vjin gus uwis e fidefi vu tvez gov.
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Vjeplt gus tjesoph emm vji situasdit. O iyqidvif nusi opvisitv op vji vjsief cav ximm... O'mm qutv tuni tvagg updi O siwoix xjev O'wi sief epf tewif uwis vji ziest.
Vjeplt gus tjesoph emm vji situasdit. O iyqidvif nusi opvisitv op vji vjsief cav ximm... O'mm qutv tuni tvagg updi O siwoix xjev O'wi sief epf tewif uwis vji ziest.

Vjot nez jopv ev ep uqqusvapovz. O'wi vsoif tiesdjoph gus foggisipv timg-simoepdi vseopoph/hsuaqt op nz esie epf guapf puvjoph. Gus optvepdi, vjisi esi e muv ug qiuqmi esuapf jisi xju japv fiis, cav pu duastit vu haofi tuniupi opvu fiis japvoph xju jet piwis fupi ov cigusi. Jux fu zua iwip hiv tvesvif xovj vjev? Xjisi fu zua japv? Xjev esi vji samit? Xjz otp'v tuniupi timmoph mudem jumf-nz-jepf japvoph iydastoupt epf duastit gus ni?

Vjot ot upi ug vji sietupt O vjopl O'n huoph vu caomf e mudem dunnapovz epf vsz vu csoph qiuqmi gsun foggisipv cedlhsuapft epf tlomm tivt vuhivjis. Xjev O medl op japvoph tlommt, O neli aq gus op uvjis esiet moli opgmaipdi epf qistaetoup optohjvt epf nomovesz vseopoph. Nezci mevis xi dep uggis tuni lopf ug qacmod vseopoph ev dutv. O fappu. Katv vjoploph uav muaf pux.
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