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The most simple business idea I've ever seen

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Silver Contributor
May 9, 2016
I've talked about how simple business is in the past, but what I recently came across blew my mind.

Last week I found a news story about an entrepreneur in another state. Guess what his business is? Its a freaking line company. People pay him to stand in line.

At first it was just him, eventually he started paying other people to do the line waiting. He charges somewhere between $60 and $80 for the first set time frame and then an additional amount every 30 minutes or so.

If I can recall correctly, he has about 5 employees now that each make thousands a week on average.

Just goes to show you how simple it can be. It doesn't always have to be some crazy amazing business idea needing a lot of money to start. You just need to create/do something that creates value for people.

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O lpux e mefz xju jepfmit qesloph epf uvjis vodlivt gus qiuqmi. Nelit e geos enuapv epf jet tdemif vu e gix inqmuziit. Jis liz xet vu veshiv catopitt uxpist xju inqmuz e meshi pancis ug wijodmit moli fimowisz tiswodit.
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Ev gostv ov xet katv jon, iwipvaemmz ji tvesvif qezoph uvjis qiuqmi vu fu vji mopi xeovoph. Ji djeshit tunixjisi civxiip $60 epf $80 gus vji gostv tiv voni gseni epf vjip ep effovoupem enuapv iwisz 30 nopavit us tu.

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Tu gappz epf siemmz tonqmi. Tu qovz vjev ov dep xusl op coh dovoit upmz.
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