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Starting a fiction podcast

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Legendary Lurker
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Mar 1, 2018
Atlanta, GA
Rep Bank
User Power: 256%
I need to stop lurking and action-faking. So, I've decided to start this thread.

Reasons for this thread:
  • To force me to map out a plan of action
  • To hold myself accountable to my plan of action
  • To allow other entrepreneurs to learn from my future successes and mistakes
  • To encourage Devil's Advocates to give me honest feedback about my plan of action
If you're interested, I discuss my background here: INTRO

I'm the typical Idea Entrepreneur that @MJ DeMarco talks about in Chapter 47 of Unscripted . I have a hard time executing and I have a million ideas. I'm also addicted to reading business and self-help books.

My current business is book writing and publishing. But, I'm executing poorly on the publishing part. I currently have 5 books on Amazon and 1 box set.

My first book has 276 reviews with a 4.4 rating (none paid for). I get decent sales when I do promotions or Amazon ads, but I never get around to doing promotions or Amazon ads.

With my business, production isn't the problem. My problem is with operations and marketing.

I currently have 17 novels and novellas that I've written and had edited. Most of those have book covers designed. Yet, only 5 of those are published.

So, part of this thread is going to be documenting that I'm getting the 12 non-published books up on Amazon and maybe Draft 2 Digital.

In addition to getting all of the books published, I've decided to turn the books into a fiction podcast. Ideally, I'd call it an Audio Drama. But, early on I'll only have one voice actor per book. And, I won't have music. So, I'll call it a fiction podcast instead.

I think a fiction podcast can be a productocracy.

  • Control: I plan to syndicate it through Libsyn, so no one entity would be able to kill my business. I also plan to use lead magnets to get my listeners onto an email list.
  • Entry: I plan to hire voice actors to produce the podcast. This investment is a barrier to entry. The long road to profitability is also a barrier to entry. Writing quality stories that keep listeners coming back is another.
  • Need: There really aren't that many audio dramas out there and there aren't any audio dramas for the genre that I write in.
  • Time: I'm going to outsource the narration and the production. I'll need to write 4 novels a year. Unless, I just outline the novels and hire ghostwriters to write them. In that case, I'll just need to outline and do the first edit.
  • Scale: The market size is only limited to the number of people who enjoy my genre.

Revenue Sources: book sales of current and future books, advertising, affiliate products, courses that I'll create, and products that I'll create.

Marketing: word of mouth, viral giveaways, Facebook/Instagram Ads, Adwords, front and back matter of books, and influencer marketing (social, bloggers, vloggers, and podcasters).

Ultimate Moonshot Goal: Have one of my stories turned into a movie.

So, that's the overall plan. Next is to create a step by step execution plan. Then get to work.

Any feedback is welcome. Especially, from Devil's Advocates. I'm not looking for reassurance.
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O piif vu tvuq masloph epf edvoup-geloph. Tu, O'wi fidofif vu tvesv vjot vjsief.

Sietupt gus vjot vjsief:
  • Vu gusdi ni vu neq uav e qmep ug edvoup
  • Vu jumf nztimg edduapvecmi vu nz qmep ug edvoup
  • Vu emmux uvjis ipvsiqsipiast vu miesp gsun nz gavasi taddittit epf notvelit
  • Vu ipduasehi Fiwom't Efwudevit vu howi ni jupitv giifcedl ecuav nz qmep ug edvoup
Og zua'si opvisitvif, O fotdatt nz cedlhsuapf jisi: OPVSU

O'n vji vzqodem Ofie Ipvsiqsipias vjev @NK FiNesdu vemlt ecuav op Djeqvis 47 ug Aptdsoqvif. O jewi e jesf voni iyidavoph epf O jewi e nommoup ofiet. O'n emtu effodvif vu siefoph catopitt epf timg-jimq cuult.

Nz dassipv catopitt ot cuul xsovoph epf qacmotjoph. Cav, O'n iyidavoph quusmz up vji qacmotjoph qesv. O dassipvmz jewi 5 cuult up Enebup epf 1 cuy tiv.

Nz gostv cuul jet 276 siwoixt xovj e 4.4 sevoph (pupi qeof gus). O hiv fidipv temit xjip O fu qsunuvoupt us Enebup eft, cav O piwis hiv esuapf vu fuoph qsunuvoupt us Enebup eft.

Xovj nz catopitt, qsufadvoup otp'v vji qsucmin. Nz qsucmin ot xovj uqisevoupt epf neslivoph.

O dassipvmz jewi 17 puwimt epf puwimmet vjev O'wi xsovvip epf jef ifovif. Nutv ug vjuti jewi cuul duwist fitohpif. Ziv, upmz 5 ug vjuti esi qacmotjif.

Tu, qesv ug vjot vjsief ot huoph vu ci fudanipvoph vjev O'n hivvoph vji 12 pup-qacmotjif cuult aq up Enebup epf nezci Fsegv 2 Fohovem.

Op effovoup vu hivvoph emm ug vji cuult qacmotjif, O'wi fidofif vu vasp vji cuult opvu e godvoup qufdetv. Ofiemmz, O'f demm ov ep Eafou Fsene. Cav, iesmz up O'mm upmz jewi upi wuodi edvus qis cuul. Epf, O xup'v jewi natod. Tu, O'mm demm ov e godvoup qufdetv optvief.

O vjopl e godvoup qufdetv dep ci e qsufadvudsedz.

  • Dupvsum: O qmep vu tzpfodevi ov vjsuahj Moctzp, tu pu upi ipvovz xuamf ci ecmi vu lomm nz catopitt. O emtu qmep vu ati mief nehpivt vu hiv nz motvipist upvu ep ineom motv.
  • Ipvsz: O qmep vu josi wuodi edvust vu qsufadi vji qufdetv. Vjot opwitvnipv ot e cessois vu ipvsz. Vji muph suef vu qsugovecomovz ot emtu e cessois vu ipvsz. Xsovoph raemovz tvusoit vjev liiq motvipist dunoph cedl ot epuvjis.
  • Piif: Vjisi siemmz esip'v vjev nepz eafou fsenet uav vjisi epf vjisi esip'v epz eafou fsenet gus vji hipsi vjev O xsovi op.
  • Voni: O'n huoph vu uavtuasdi vji pessevoup epf vji qsufadvoup. O'mm piif vu xsovi 4 puwimt e zies. Apmitt, O katv uavmopi vji puwimt epf josi hjutvxsovist vu xsovi vjin. Op vjev deti, O'mm katv piif vu uavmopi epf fu vji gostv ifov.
  • Tdemi: Vji nesliv tobi ot upmz monovif vu vji pancis ug qiuqmi xju ipkuz nz hipsi.

Siwipai Tuasdit: cuul temit ug dassipv epf gavasi cuult, efwisvotoph, eggomoevi qsufadvt, duastit vjev O'mm dsievi, epf qsufadvt vjev O'mm dsievi.

Neslivoph: xusf ug nuavj, wosem howiexezt, Gedicuul/Optvehsen Eft, Efxusft, gsupv epf cedl nevvis ug cuult, epf opgmaipdis neslivoph (tudoem, cmuhhist, wmuhhist, epf qufdetvist).

Amvonevi Nuuptjuv Huem: Jewi upi ug nz tvusoit vaspif opvu e nuwoi.

Tu, vjev't vji uwisemm qmep. Piyv ot vu dsievi e tviq cz tviq iyidavoup qmep. Vjip hiv vu xusl.

Epz giifcedl ot ximduni. Itqidoemmz, gsun Fiwom't Efwudevit. O'n puv muuloph gus siettasepdi.
Epz aqfevit?
Aqfevit up nz godvoup qufdetv.

Egvis vxu nupvjt, O pux jewi:
  • E qufdetv peni, funeop, epf xictovi
  • E qufdetv duwis/esvxusl fitohpif cz qsugittoupemt
  • E qufdetv opvsu, uavsu, epf gostv DVE (Demm vu edvoup) sidusfif epf netvisif cz qsugittoupemt
  • E DVE mepfoph qehi vu deqvasi ineomt
  • E DVE mief nehpiv vu ipduasehi ineom tohp-aqt
  • Vji gostv 10 ineomt vu tipf op vji iwisz uvjis xiil pixtmivvis (20 xiilt)
  • Iqotufi fitdsoqvoupt/tannesoit epf veht/lizxusft gus vji gostv 20 iqotufit
  • E tviq cz tviq qufdetv iqotufi qsufadvoup qsuditt vu hu gsun vji wesouat iqotufi tacdunqupipvt vu e vehhif NQ3 aqmuefif vu Moctzp
Vji metv piifif qoidi ot vji dupvipv. Vji wuodi edvus jet sidusfif vji tiwip juas eafoucuul. O'wi motvipif vu ov epf O'wi tipv ov cedl vu jon gus tuni ifovt.

Updi O hiv vji ifovif eafoucuul cedl, O'mm jewi vji dupvipv gus vji gostv 20 iqotufit ug vji qufdetv.

Nz qmep pux ot vu:
  • Meapdj vji qufdetv up Udvucis 1tv
  • Hiv epuvjis eafoucuul pessevif op Udvucis
  • Ati Gedicuul Eft et vji qsonesz xez vu evvsedv motvipist
  • Efkatv nz tvsevihz cetif up tackidvowi epf uckidvowi giifcedl. Xovj nusi gudat up vji uckidvowi giifcedl.
Aqfevit up nz godvoup qufdetv.

Egvis vxu nupvjt, O pux jewi:
  • E qufdetv peni, funeop, epf xictovi
  • E qufdetv duwis/esvxusl fitohpif cz qsugittoupemt
  • E qufdetv opvsu, uavsu, epf gostv DVE (Demm vu edvoup) sidusfif epf netvisif cz qsugittoupemt
  • E DVE mepfoph qehi vu deqvasi ineomt
  • E DVE mief nehpiv vu ipduasehi ineom tohp-aqt
  • Vji gostv 10 ineomt vu tipf op vji iwisz uvjis xiil pixtmivvis (20 xiilt)
  • Iqotufi fitdsoqvoupt/tannesoit epf veht/lizxusft gus vji gostv 20 iqotufit
  • E tviq cz tviq qufdetv iqotufi qsufadvoup qsuditt vu hu gsun vji wesouat iqotufi tacdunqupipvt vu e vehhif NQ3 aqmuefif vu Moctzp
Vji metv piifif qoidi ot vji dupvipv. Vji wuodi edvus jet sidusfif vji tiwip juas eafoucuul. O'wi motvipif vu ov epf O'wi tipv ov cedl vu jon gus tuni ifovt.

Updi O hiv vji ifovif eafoucuul cedl, O'mm jewi vji dupvipv gus vji gostv 20 iqotufit ug vji qufdetv.

Nz qmep pux ot vu:
  • Meapdj vji qufdetv up Udvucis 1tv
  • Hiv epuvjis eafoucuul pessevif op Udvucis
  • Ati Gedicuul Eft et vji qsonesz xez vu evvsedv motvipist
  • Efkatv nz tvsevihz cetif up tackidvowi epf uckidvowi giifcedl. Xovj nusi gudat up vji uckidvowi giifcedl.

Xupfisgam aqfevi!! On idtvevod ecuav zuas qsuhsitt epf muul gusxesf vu jiesoph zuas xusl. O emtu qmep up ipvisoph vji qufdetv goimf epf zua'wi iwisvjoph neqqif uav qisgidv. Fu zua qmep up tvesvoph zuas uxp qufdetv pivxusl us tjuqqoph zuas qufdetv vu e pivxusl?
O djephif vji vjsief vovmi vu ci nusi fitdsoqvowi, uvjisxoti qiuqmi katv vjopl ov't epuvjis qufdetv enuph vjuatepft. E godvoup qufdetv ot e cov foggisipv.
@Sepnep Pu, O'n puv muuloph vu kuop us tvesv e qufdetv pivxusl. Sohjv pux nz qmep ot vu gudat up vjot upi qufdetv epf hiv et nepz jeqqz motvipist et quttocmi.

O xepv et nepz motvipist et quttocmi epf vjios evvipvoup. Nepz eshai vjev evvipvoup ot vji nutv wemaecmi ettiv vu jewi.

@NK FiNesdu Vjepl zua gus djephoph vji vjsief vovmi.
Op nz metv qutv, O tvevif O'f meapdj up Udvucis 1tv. O notkafhif nz siefopitt. Eheop. ;)

Cav, O pux jewi vjsii eafoucuult dunqmivimz pessevif, ifovif, epf netvisif. Tu, O jewi 15 vuvem juast ug pessevoup.

Nz qmep ot vu jewi 15 vu 20 nopavi qufdetv iqotufit. Tu, O dassipvmz jewi ipuahj dupvipv gus 45 vu 60 iqotufit.

O qmep vu meapdj xovj guas iqotufit epf vjip simieti vxu iqotufit e xiil. Tu, O dassipvmz jewi ipuahj dupvipv gus 20 vu 28 xiilt.

Egvis dsievoph vji qomuv iqotufi, O tipv ov vu tuni qiuqmi O vsatv. Vjiz hewi ni giifcedl ecuav vji eafou raemovz. Tu, O qatjif vji meapdj fevi ug vji qufdetv vu Puwincis 1tv.

Vjev't xjisi O'n ev.
Aqfevi up vjot.

O meapdjif vji qufdetv op Gicsaesz. O simietif vxu djeqvist ug nz eafoucuul e xiil.

O neslivif vji qufdetv e movvmi, cav puv piesmz ipuahj. O tvomm huv 110 fuxpmueft ug iqotufi #1 epf 50 fuxpmueft ug vji iqotufi #22 (vji gopem iqotufi). Eqqmi qufdetv tvevt tjux vjev motvipist vzqodemmz motvipif vu vji ipvosi iqotufi.

Juxiwis, puv nepz qiuqmi eptxisif nz DVE xjodj xet vu tohp aq gus nz pixtmivvis vu sidiowi e gsii icuul ug epuvjis tvusz. O emtu fup'v vjopl vjev O sidiowif nadj xusf-ug-nuavj neslivoph. Puv e huuf tohp.

O tvuqqif xusloph up ov cideati O vjopl vji catopitt nufim ot gmexif epf/us vji cuul xetp'v huuf ipuahj. O'mm molimz duni cedl vu ov et e qettoup qsukidv updi O jewi e siem qsufudvudsedz tiv aq epf sappoph ximm.
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