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Rewiring your Brain with Affirmations

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Aug 25, 2017
Planet Earth
As Muhammad Ali once said...
"It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen."

After being introduced to Hal Elrod's "The Miracle Morning" and Life S.A.V.E.R.S (Silence, Affirmations, Reading, Exercise, Scribing) a few months ago, I began a search for affirmation material that is/was relatable and empowering enough to keep me, but also a wide spectrum of hungry individuals, focused on the UNSCRIPTED journey.

Several particular quotes jumped out at me over the course of a few weeks, but at the end of a podcast episode, there was a very passionately delivered motivational speech that really grabbed my attention. These words moved me to run home and jot down the speech, word for word.

After some rephrasing and personalization, I produced the following affirmation, which I read every morning as part of my daily routine:
I WILL get to the next level…. by being committed, every day, to be better than yesterday. I am NOT satisfied with average. Average is NOT for me, and average will not BE me. I might be at a GREAT level, but I must understand, there is ALWAYS another level! I cannot do the same things, at the same intensity, week in and week out, and expect improved results. The world doesn’t work like that. I give MORE, and I get MORE. I MUST understand, that despite perceived limitations, if I push myself, I ALWAYS raise the bar in MY life. I must ALWAYS RAISE THE BAR. First I set the standard, then I RAISE THE BAR.

DON’T YOU DARE QUIT. DON’T YOU DARE SETTLE. DON’T YOU DARE BACK DOWN. Not today, or any other day. When the tough moments come, I will never forget: I am in that moment, writing my LEGACY. In that tough moment, I am setting the standard for my character. I DO have the character! Never forget. Never quit.

The key is HARD WORK. The key is found in my grind, in my hustle. The key is found in believing in myself. The key is believing in myself, when no one else does. The key is in my obsession with success. MY obsession with reaching my targets. The key is outworking my rival. The key is sacrificing my today, for a better tomorrow. The key is in getting out of my comfort zone, and pushing myself past perceived limitations. The key is in DAILY GROWTH! The key is sticking it out when times are tough. The key is being tougher than my life is. The key is using my pain as fuel to drive me to success. The key is in my GOALS. Goals SO BIG, they scare small minds. The key is in my vision. The vision that keeps getting bigger, every time I conquer my last goal. The key is in taking responsibility for my life, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. No matter what tests life throws my way! The key is in doing whatever it takes. The key is within ME. The key, the key… is within ME!
In correspondence with the rest of my morning routine, this daily affirmation primes me for the rest of my day, has provided a beneficial daily reminder that I am the writer of my own destiny, and has shifted my mindset towards consistent growth, action taking, and personal responsibility.

It seems like many of the world's highest achievers use(d) positive affirmations to foster a strong sense of self-confidence, amongst other benefits. Do you have similar phrases or passages that you read and/or recite regularly (daily, weekly, etc.)?

Additional notes on the aforementioned daily affirmation:
I later discovered the podcast's concluding speech was formed from pieces of two motivational speeches published by Fearless Motivation:

  1. "Better than Yesterday"
  2. "The Key to Success"
These two speech transcripts can be found through the links above. Corresponding YouTube videos are also available, however, neither of them matches up to the podcast's original delivery of the speech, in my opinion. Gave me chills the first time I heard it, and still does from time to time.

I cut out the speech from the podcast episode and saved it on my desktop as an audio file. Gave me chills the first time I heard it, and still does from time to time. I have uploaded and attached the MP3 file to this thread. If you are interested in this cut and having issues listening and/or downloading, send me a message and I can pass the MP3 on to you.
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