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My co-founders suck and I don't know what to do

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Sep 30, 2023
So I recently started my first business in the cosmetics industry. I come from a web-design, product design and graphic design background. So when I told my 2 brothers about my idea, they immediately wanted to be a part of it and were very enthusiastic to begin with. One of them always helps me make the physical product, and he also got one of his friends on board with the project. His friend, however, has done nothing so far other than joining a couple of meetings.

As for me, I have A LOT of work that I am doing. With my professional background in design, I am the one doing the branding, website, and graphic design. I also helped formulate and research the recipe. One of my brothers is helpful, but super busy as he is a doctor. I figured his medical expertise would come in handy, especially as a proof that our product is safe to use. However, his actual contributions have been limited, and it is extremely annoying trying to get him to do anything as he is out of the house doing stuff (including his dance practice) for 14 hours of the day. However, he is extremely keen to be an equal shareholder to me as he helped me get started right in the beginning.

My other brother has helped with some legal stuff, but has taken a very laid back approach to everything, which is fine by me as he is in another city, and he doesn't seem so egotistical about being a majority shareholder.

Finally, there is my brothers friend, who I agreed to take on board after a lot of negotiation. This friend is a stock broker for a big bank, and is also superrrr busy. However, he has some interesting insights, good connections, and may be useful further down the track...

For the last 4 months I've been telling myself that once all the creative stuff like the website is out of the way, that the work will be more in the hands of the other founders. However, I am consistently the only one posting in our Slack channel, organising meetings, creating timelines and deliverables... it feels like I am the only one who is really invested in this. That is not to say that I can do everything on my own, and I have benefitted by having other people there to help me with it. But I am feeling increasingly frustrated at their lack of initiative. It would just make me feel better if they were texting in the Slack, or suggesting ideas that they've had, or even doing a social media marketing course on Udemy. But it is always me who has to do everything.

To make matters worse, since the co-founders are family and a family friend I can't really burn any bridges without causing massive relationship damage. My brother's ego is very involved in all this, and I don't think he is used to not being the star of the show (this is the doctor). He insists on an equal amount of equity as I, and consistently threatens that I am bringing bad blood into the business, that we are not at a stage yet where we need to discuss equity, and that I am being greedy asking for a majority share-hold.

Please.... send help!!! I don't know what to do. How do I manage 4 very intelligent, type-A, and ego driven individuals???
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MJ DeMarco

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Jul 23, 2007
Do you have any type of written agreement? Even something just preliminary?

If not, your egoic brother is going to become a problem, especially if things go ballistic.


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Sep 30, 2023
Do you have any type of written agreement? Even something just preliminary?

If not, your egoic brother is going to become a problem, especially if things go ballistic.
My gosh... I did not think I'd get a reply from the man himself!!

Nothing at all so far. Every time I've brought it up and suggested talking about equity and stuff things get heated very quickly. Fair enough, every one wants to take as much as they can get, so it won't be easy. NTB, we haven't launched yet and are still in the early stages, which is where the others keep insisting that we won't know how much everyone is contributing until we have actually launched (you can guess how I feel about that, given that it is 70% me who is getting it to that point).

I've thought about finding a non-biased third party to try and help us figure it all out.

P.S. Your book is one of two books that has fundamentally changed my life in some way. I'm a massive fan :D

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