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My blockbuster story since living "unscripted"


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Sep 3, 2013
Hey there guys, hope you're doing awesome.

I've not posted here in years, but just wanted to check in having read UNSCRIPTED to say I've been loving life!

I'm not sure it'd be called "retired", but effectively my internet income outweighed my expenses back in my 20's, and I was then free to truly live life however I desired. In honesty, my online biz expansion could probably be much further ahead than it is now if I'd have hustled my face off, but I'm happy to have sacrificed those early business years of income growth to travel and discover more about myself while still relatively young.

Literally have gone "all in" on personal development, and so glad I did.

7 years now since leaving my full time job in 2010, and now at the age of 32 have traveled most of Europe living the laptop lifestyle.

Learned Spanish, woke up to ocean views, hosted rooftop parties, hosted a 2-day seminar in UK, started a YouTube channel now with near 7k subscribers, walked on fire in LA, a summer riding Jet Skis in PA, camel riding in Morocco, made lifelong friends and embarked on intimate relationships with wonderful people from different cultures, built a digital business that operates all over the world, built the body/physical health of my dreams. Developed near bulletproof resistance to fear/social anxiety. Yet people still look at me sideways when I can't stay put.

However I've noticed that I always seem to "outgrow" my city after a while, and it's time for the next chapter.

Would love to learn Italian, and know I'd be uncomfortable there as outside of my comfort zone / wouldn't know the language. Also my inner voice was saying its time to be located in a more entrepreneurial city, with good sunny weather, in Europe.

Thinking going to try Rome, and fully immerse in it. Will keep you updated with how it goes. Excited to think who I'll meet and what I'll discover by making the next leap.

Has anyone else outgrown their city? Have a perpetual nagging feeling inside its time to move on? Even if the place is beautiful, wonderful weather, sometimes it's just time for the next chapter.

Here's how I did it.

I was working full time as a graphic designer in London, clock watching and realised there had to be a better life than making someone ELSES dreams a reality. I had entrepreneurial dreams of my own.

I decided "enough was enough" as I was desperately unhappy, began to put on weight, was spending everything I was earning every month, so when I got home from my dayjob at 7pm, I would research ways to generate an income online until 2am Monday-Friday.

Proceeded to invest thousands of dollars in "how to" products, learning how to make money on the internet. Trying everything from horse racing "systems", to playing poker tables, anything I thought could potentially set me free. Over the long term only proceeded to waste more money and get into more credit card debt.

I luckily stumbled into a mentor on an online marketing forum, someone who had already built an information publishing business. To this day I'm not sure why, but helped me get started, we're still friends today and I'm eternally grateful for his generosity. He's now generating well over $1mill a month from internet sales alone, so evidently I still have a ton to learn in this space.

The real formula to breaking free from the chains of my day job, was very simple.

Targeted traffic + High Converting Product = Sales.

That's it.

Whether you're selling your own products, or whether you're an affiliate, that's what it comes down to. Having a great relationship with your audience helps a ton, but also so does having a great compelling offer.

I began as an affiliate, building an email list of subscribers interested in a particular niche, then recommending the high converting products of my mentors as the middle man. I knew their stuff worked, as learning their material had helped me so much, so it seemed like a no brainer.

I was staggered as the money started to flow whether I was working or not, really was simple. I'd wake up in the morning, and see sales had poured in overnight.

In fact I started making thousands of dollars every month as an affiliate alone!

As my confidence started to build, I soon realised that I wanted to share my own message, my own voice... I wanted to actually help people with my gift as a communicator, AND make money too.

I studied continuously from guys like Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Russell Brunson, attended seminars, workshops, experimented with what worked and what didn't when I applied it to my own life. I watched my self-esteem soar as I overcame failures, which had me hooked to learn even more about myself and how I could generate more success.

So I created and released my first digital product. Which detailed how I overcame my minimum wage mentality, to begin the process of generating income online. I wasn't earning multi-millions, but realised I still had valuable information others could benefit from as I'd made a ton of progress.

I sold a few hundred copies of that eBook, really looking back the product could have been alot better. But it was a start, something to build upon.

I've since gone on to continually create more / better digital products around the topic of self improvement, and there's still a long way to go, but it truly is something I'm passionate about, and document my ideas / life breakthroughs on YouTube. My audience is building slowly but surely, but I won't relent until 100s of thousands are actively engaged there.

Once you've an audience that knows / likes / trusts you, whether it be through books, an active forum, YouTube channel, whatever it is you release - Then really you have something incredible, a legacy to pass on for generations to come. Both extremely fulfilling and potentially rewarding financially.

Hope that helps!
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MJ DeMarco

I followed the science; all I found was money.
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Jul 23, 2007
I'm not sure it'd be called "retired", but effectively my internet income outweighed my expenses back in my 20's, and I was then free to truly live life however I desired. In honesty, my online biz expansion could probably be much further ahead than it is now if I'd have hustled my face off, but I'm happy to have sacrificed those early business years of income growth to travel and discover more about myself while still relatively young.

Do you have any details about HOW you did it?

Otherwise your post is just a celebratory declaration to the forum, which we all enjoy and high-five, but it helps no one get started on their own success story.

Otherwise, congratulations and welcome back. Your story definitely falls into the Unscripted category.


User Power
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Sep 3, 2013
Do you have any details about HOW you did it?

Otherwise your post is just a celebratory declaration to the forum, which we all enjoy and high-five, but it helps no one get started on their own success story.

Otherwise, congratulations and welcome back. Your story definitely falls into the Unscripted category.

Absolutely! Thanks for your reply. Just edited the post to include the HOW.

I was working full time as a graphic designer in London, clock watching and realised there had to be a better life than making someone ELSES dreams a reality. I had entrepreneurial dreams of my own.

I decided "enough was enough" as I was desperately unhappy, began to put on weight, was spending everything I was earning every month, so when I got home from my dayjob at 7pm, I would research ways to generate an income online until 2am Monday-Friday.

Proceeded to invest thousands of dollars in "how to" products, learning how to make money on the internet. Trying everything from horse racing "systems", to playing poker tables, anything I thought could potentially set me free. Over the long term only proceeded to waste more money and get into more credit card debt.

I luckily stumbled into a mentor on an online marketing forum, someone who had already built an information publishing business. To this day I'm not sure why, but helped me get started, we're still friends today and I'm eternally grateful for his generosity. He's now generating well over $1mill a month from internet sales alone, so evidently I still have a ton to learn in this space.

The real formula to breaking free from the chains of my day job, was very simple.

Targeted traffic + High Converting Product = Sales.

That's it.

Whether you're selling your own products, or whether you're an affiliate, that's what it comes down to. Having a great relationship with your audience helps a ton, but also so does having a compelling offer.

I began as an affiliate, building an email list of subscribers interested in a particular niche, then recommending the high converting products of my mentors as the middle man. I knew their stuff worked as learning their material had helped me so much, so it seemed like a no brainer.

I was staggered as the money started to flow whether I was working or not, really was simple. I'd wake up in the morning, and see sales had poured in overnight.

In fact I started making thousands of dollars every month as an affiliate alone!

As my confidence started to build, I soon realised that I wanted to share my own message, my own voice... I wanted to actually help people with my gift as a communicator, AND make money too.

I studied continuously from guys like Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Russell Brunson, attended seminars, workshops, experimented with what worked and what didn't. I watched my self-esteem soar as I overcame failures, which had me hooked to learn even more about myself.

So I created and released my first digital product. Which detailed how I overcame my minimum wage mentality, to begin the process of generating income online. I wasn't earning multi-millions, but realised I still had valuable information others could benefit from as I'd made a ton of progress.

I sold a few hundred copies of that eBook, really looking back, the product could have been alot better. But it was a start, something to build upon.

I've since gone on to continually create more / better digital products around the topic of self improvement, and there's still a long way to go, but it truly is something I'm passionate about, and document my ideas / life breakthroughs on YouTube. My audience is building slowly but surely, but I won't relent until 100s of thousands are actively engaged there.

Once you've an audience that knows / likes / trusts you, whether it be through books, an active forum, YouTube channel, whatever it is you release - Then really you have something incredible, a legacy to pass on for generations to come. Both extremely fulfilling and potentially rewarding financially.

Hope that helps!
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