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[ Levelling Up ]

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Mar 5, 2018
Hey guys,

I don't really have, and don't really want to have, a structure for this thread. I'm just going to log in every once in a while to write my progress, failures, struggles, mental game, you name it. I feel like putting my thoughts on paper will help a lot with levelling up.

Essentially, this thread is about me talking alone like a crazy person.



I don't recall having an FTE, but clearly I had a lot of FTM during my life. That's probably why I've always been interested by entrepreneurship my whole life.

I am the analytic-type by nature, I overthink everything all the time, you could I say "spreadsheet" it to death. It's hard for me to do something right away without measuring the pros and cons. I want to become A LOT more action-oriented. I did some really good progress during the last year, but I feel like having an FTE would catapult me into to the next level, no more BS.

I found this thread about manufacturing your FTE instead of waiting for it (thanks to UncommonWay for posting this!) : NOTABLE! - Manufacturing a FTE (F*ck This Event!)

... and I kinda like the idea, I don't feel like letting myself go any lower, until I hit ultimate rock bottom to have my FTE. So, with that in mind, I wrote a FTS list; I'll be reading it often during the next days (month?) and hope it can work in a similar way autosuggestion does. Here's the list, and no, I am not proud of it.

The reasons why I must live up to my full potential and become a true entrepreneur:
  • living in a shit hole — F*ck this
  • shitbeing broke — F*ck this shit
  • constantly wondering if I can afford this or that because I clearly can’t — F*ck this shit
  • always being on the verge of missing my next rent payment — F*ck this shit
  • unable to have a place I can pay all by myself alone — F*ck this shit
  • not having a car — F*ck this shit
  • not traveling — F*ck this shit
  • depending too often on my family — F*ck this shit
  • wanting to give back so badly to so many people and causes without being able to — F*ck this shit
  • neglecting my girlfriend and family because I have so little time for them — F*ck this shit
  • wearing the same old clothes everyday — F*ck this shit
  • being stuck in shitty winter weather for 6 months every year — F*ck this shit
  • having to put shitty F*cking jobs before my dreams and passions — F*ck this shit
  • not being able to pursue what naturally put a smile on my face — F*ck this shit
  • acting like it’s all fine when it’s not — F*ck this shit
  • wasting time I’ll never have again — F*ck this shit
  • never trying anything new because it doesn’t fit the F*cking budget or schedule — F*ck this shit
  • not being able to save money or buy nice gifts to people I honestly care about — F*ck this shit
  • growing distant from the freedom I once had when I was younger — F*ck this shit
  • being in debt — F*ck this shit
  • borrowing money to survive — F*ck this shit
  • being frugal instead of being a true minimalist — F*ck this shit
  • feeling stuck — F*ck this shit
  • feeling ashamed of what I do for a living — F*ck this shit
  • giving up on my dreams — F*ck this shit
  • ending up like the people that surround me at my job — F*ck this shit
  • feeling tired and lifeless at the end of the day — F*ck this shit
  • sometime feeling like I’m as much a wantrepreneur as an entrepreneur — F*ck this shit
  • having a shitty lifestyle and feeling like a loser too often — F*ck this shit
  • living in this F*cking neighbourhood — F*ck this shit
  • wasting sunny days not being outside — F*ck this shit
  • relying on my job that I hate just to survive — F*ck this shit
  • looking like a bum — F*ck this shit
  • being afraid of the future — F*ck this shit
  • feeling like I’m not living to my full potential — F*ck this shit
  • again, wasting time I’ll never see again — F*ck this shit
  • working with a bunch of losers and pretending I like them — F*ck this shit
  • trying everything to save a few pennies every month — F*ck this shit
  • not being able to help my family — F*ck this shit
  • living a life of platonic routine — F*ck this shit
  • having no weekends — F*ck this shit
  • being stress — F*ck this shit
  • knowing I’ll never retire if nothing changes — F*ck this shit
  • burying my dreams under unimportant meaningless stuff — F*ck this shit
  • knowing becoming a father would turn me into a 40h+/week slave for life — F*ck this shit
  • being dependent when I always wanted independence when I was younger — F*ck this shit
  • lacking freedom in so many ways — F*ck this shit
  • acting as if the cage I’m in is a nice one — F*ck this shit
  • lying to myself — F*ck this shit
  • letting things get worse — F*ck this shit
  • being jealous of others — F*ck this shit
  • traveling to shitty places like my parents use to because an actual nice trip is too expensive — F*ck this shit
  • feeling like I didn’t accomplish anything — F*ck this shit
  • being ashamed of calling my place “home” — F*ck this shit
  • sleeping on a mattress that’s directly on the floor — F*ck this shit
  • cockroaches — F*ck this shit
  • unable to explore passions and new interests because of costs and time limitation — F*ck this shit
  • being able to keep adding to this list forever if I wanted to — F*ck this shit

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Lord Business

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Feb 24, 2018
You have so many FTS's, you should be millionaire like in 2 days :) Joking aside, I think "think and do only positive things and thoughts - hippy sh*t mindset" is so overused, I think negative can be superpowerful motivation and I've used my FTS's to give me boost through tough times.


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Mar 5, 2018
I feel like we either do things out of desperation or inspiration. Most areas of my life I draw my momentum from inspiration (it's about getter better at stuff I genuinely love after all). But went it comes to business and entrepreneurship, it's all about HIGH and LOW. Being able to see the red pill truth all around me, and saying "F*ck THAT" is definitely just as powerful as inspiration, at least for now. I guess we could say it's inspiration coming from desperation.

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