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Lawn mowing service - Timing, Seasons and Regions

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Feb 23, 2015
I have an opportunity that has presented itself, but I see a few potential issues that are making me think twice and seeking further guidance, information and advice...

Currently I am in New York State the weather here has been hot and dry for weeks with little to no rain. Most lawns are burnt. Not exactly the ideal conditions to offer lawn mowing services and most people signed contracts between March - May around here. In addition I know due to current economic conditions some people have cut back on lawn mowing services.

I would not be able to start offering the service until the first to second week of August because that is when my friend is parting with his equipment. He already sold all the customers to another business which is taking over his existing customers in August but they did not need the equipment so he is offering the equipment at rock bottom pricing to me because he is moving out of state as he took a management job and went back to the corporate world due to the benefits he was offered.

I am hoping someone here has experience in the lawn mowing service realm and can offer some insight on if it is too late in the season this year for the region I am in and if so what state/ city would be a more ideal location as I can make arrangements to go out of state to build the business.
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