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I need a diet plan and gym workout!

The One

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Feb 25, 2023
Dear fantastic people,

I've been going gym for a few months now, lost some fat, gained some muscle. However, I understand that sticking to a random plan won't workout. Hence, I've:
  • created a gym workout for 4 days based on Back, Chest, Bicep/Tricep and shoulder. (I should implement legs, but I've prioritised these muscle groups first, since these are the only days I can go gym once)
  • I consume protein powder on gym days and once a week I consume creatine - all by reading the labels and never placing too few or too more
  • I do cardio of 30mins total by cycling to my gym, that is decently rigorous (taking 10mins). As I lose an average of 70 calories per cycle travel (total 140 calories of just cycling using an Apple Watch to track)
However, the problem. Drum-roll people. Is................ DIETING. THE SCARIEST WORD IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. . I need help with that part. I understand the basics of not consuming junk-food, not over-eating, not eating sugars, less oily food. However, does anyone have a diet plan that can help me buff up + lose fat. If you know a guy, or you are the guy, let me know please. Also, I've attached a screenshot of my workouts.

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Oct 29, 2022
Make your own workout program and do your own research. Everyone else had to do it, you do too.

The One

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Feb 25, 2023
Make your own workout program and do your own research. Everyone else had to do it, you do too.
I have (should have said that), but I need professional guidance and bro-science. Also, I don't see the harm in asking others.


Hi Syed,

For starters, I’d switch your workout routine up. I know legs aren’t fun to train but you can manage it in 4 days. The tricep/bicep day could be put on Monday and Sunday.

I can help you with this. I‘m a bodybuilder and certified personal trainer. If you’re interested in a coaching service I offer constant email/text programming starting at $100 a month. I‘m currently helping someone on these forums already and in the past month he‘s gained 4kg of quality weight.

Please do DM me if you find yourself interested.
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The One

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Feb 25, 2023
Hi Syed,

For starters, I’d switch your workout routine up. I know legs aren’t fun to train but you can manage it in 4 days. The tricep/bicep day could be put on Monday and Sunday.

I can help you with this. I‘m a bodybuilder and certified personal trainer. If you’re interested in a coaching service I offer constant email/text programming starting at $100 a month. I‘m currently helping someone on these forums already and in the past month he‘s gained 4kg of quality weight.

Please do DM me if you find yourself interested.
Sent a message.


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Jan 15, 2019
Northern IL & Southeastern WI
Dear fantastic people,

I've been going gym for a few months now, lost some fat, gained some muscle. However, I understand that sticking to a random plan won't workout. Hence, I've:
  • created a gym workout for 4 days based on Back, Chest, Bicep/Tricep and shoulder. (I should implement legs, but I've prioritised these muscle groups first, since these are the only days I can go gym once)
  • I consume protein powder on gym days and once a week I consume creatine - all by reading the labels and never placing too few or too more
  • I do cardio of 30mins total by cycling to my gym, that is decently rigorous (taking 10mins). As I lose an average of 70 calories per cycle travel (total 140 calories of just cycling using an Apple Watch to track)
However, the problem. Drum-roll people. Is................ DIETING. THE SCARIEST WORD IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. . I need help with that part. I understand the basics of not consuming junk-food, not over-eating, not eating sugars, less oily food. However, does anyone have a diet plan that can help me buff up + lose fat. If you know a guy, or you are the guy, let me know please. Also, I've attached a screenshot of my workouts.

View attachment 47439
Take bodyweight multiply it by 15. This is a good, basic way to understand your maintenance calories.

Subtract 300-400 calories for cutting. Add 300 for bulking.

Track calories with MyFitnessPal. Buy a food scale to weigh foods out.

AIM to eat 0.8 - 1 gram of protein per each pound of your body weight.

Eat vegetables, fruit, lean meats.

Eat consistently.

How I eat:

Fast first 6-10 hours each day.

Eat a 500-800 calorie lunch.

Eat 1,200 - 1750 calorie dinner.

Maybe a 200-400 calorie snack later depending on how much I ate earlier or if I did more training.

I eat mainly chicken and steak as my main protein. Eat a lot fruit. Make protein shakes if I am on the go.

I am 6’ tall, weight is 185.
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Feb 10, 2023
Personally if you are quite skinny and are trying to gain muscle, I wouldn’t focus on trying to loose fat, I would focus on trying to gain muscle and eat in a calorie surplus. I don’t mean eating literally everything you see but eating high protein and high calories (400 above your maintenance calories) and workout 4-5 days a week and do not over train (typically 10-15 sets per muscle eat week ist enough otherwise you can’t recover).
As for the cardio I would honestly try and aim for 10k steps a day, that is more than enough and the average person doesnt even achieve that.
And don’t look for the best workout or diets because everyone has different ways they react to certain methods so you have to figure what is best for you
I am 188cm at 85 kg
and I do push pull legs Arnold split
I eat 1-2 meals a day which is not healthy but its what works for me, so I eat around 1200 calories a meal and thought I have protein shakes.
If you wanna lose fat and build muscle you can eat in a slight deifcite and still train with the same intensity and bump up the cardio


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Apr 17, 2022
This is a very bad bro-split training program. Here is how to improve it:
  • Reduce the number of exercises
  • If it's your first year of training:
    • Remove all isolation exercises
    • Build a solid foundation using compound movements
  • Hit every muscle group at least twice a week
  • Add lower body training ASAP

As for the diet, you should figure out which is more important: building muscle or losing fat.
You can theoretically do both at the same time, especially since you're a beginner, but it's much more effective to go through separate bulking and cutting phases.

In either case, you should make sure you're getting at least 1g of protein / 1 lbs of body weight.
This will ensure that you have enough building blocks for your new muscles, and is also a very strong satiety signal which will make you less hungry.


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Nov 8, 2022
This is a very bad bro-split training program. Here is how to improve it:
  • Reduce the number of exercises
  • If it's your first year of training:
    • Remove all isolation exercises
    • Build a solid foundation using compound movements
  • Hit every muscle group at least twice a week
  • Add lower body training ASAP

As for the diet, you should figure out which is more important: building muscle or losing fat.
You can theoretically do both at the same time, especially since you're a beginner, but it's much more effective to go through separate bulking and cutting phases.

In either case, you should make sure you're getting at least 1g of protein / 1 lbs of body weight.
This will ensure that you have enough building blocks for your new muscles, and is also a very strong satiety signal which will make you less hungry.
Strongly agree with these points.
It seems you have too much volume and not enough intensity.

I wasted too much time following stupid online programs.
I started a compound movement focused program a month ago and my strength skyrocketed.
With strength comes size.

Master the classics: OHP, bench press, squat, deadlift
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All of the advice above is applicable to your situation considering how new to the gym you are. Building muscle is not complicated. It only gets complicated once you get into the upper-echelons of the sport. In your situation you quite literally need to eat and lift.

If you're progressively overloading each week, consuming adequate protein and calories, and getting sufficient sleep, you're going to grow. Body recomposition isn't unlikely either.

A coach can give you confidence and correct your form, but aside from that, you can do quite well on your own for at least the next year. Especially considering that you don't have the finances to afford a coach.


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Feb 11, 2019
Take a program from They are free and the top-rated programs ever, created by top bodybuilders, powerlifters, and coaches in the industry.

Any of these programs will be infinitely better than making your own.

Regarding the diet, google "calories calculator", open the first three, input your stats, and take the average maintenance intake. Add 300-500 calories to that, eat around 1.5g of protein per kilogram of body weight and you'll be steadily gaining without much (if any) fat gain.

Don't eat foods that you obviously know are junk, have diversity, stick to common sense and you're good. Don't overcomplicate it.


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Aug 26, 2013
Dear fantastic people,

I've been going gym for a few months now, lost some fat, gained some muscle. However, I understand that sticking to a random plan won't workout. Hence, I've:
  • created a gym workout for 4 days based on Back, Chest, Bicep/Tricep and shoulder. (I should implement legs, but I've prioritised these muscle groups first, since these are the only days I can go gym once)
  • I consume protein powder on gym days and once a week I consume creatine - all by reading the labels and never placing too few or too more
  • I do cardio of 30mins total by cycling to my gym, that is decently rigorous (taking 10mins). As I lose an average of 70 calories per cycle travel (total 140 calories of just cycling using an Apple Watch to track)
However, the problem. Drum-roll people. Is................ DIETING. THE SCARIEST WORD IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. . I need help with that part. I understand the basics of not consuming junk-food, not over-eating, not eating sugars, less oily food. However, does anyone have a diet plan that can help me buff up + lose fat. If you know a guy, or you are the guy, let me know please. Also, I've attached a screenshot of my workouts.

View attachment 47439
Have you seen this thread written by @PureA ?

Packed with lots of very good info including around food and movement / training.
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Nov 10, 2022
Dear fantastic people,

I've been going gym for a few months now, lost some fat, gained some muscle. However, I understand that sticking to a random plan won't workout. Hence, I've:
  • created a gym workout for 4 days based on Back, Chest, Bicep/Tricep and shoulder. (I should implement legs, but I've prioritised these muscle groups first, since these are the only days I can go gym once)
  • I consume protein powder on gym days and once a week I consume creatine - all by reading the labels and never placing too few or too more
  • I do cardio of 30mins total by cycling to my gym, that is decently rigorous (taking 10mins). As I lose an average of 70 calories per cycle travel (total 140 calories of just cycling using an Apple Watch to track)
However, the problem. Drum-roll people. Is................ DIETING. THE SCARIEST WORD IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. . I need help with that part. I understand the basics of not consuming junk-food, not over-eating, not eating sugars, less oily food. However, does anyone have a diet plan that can help me buff up + lose fat. If you know a guy, or you are the guy, let me know please. Also, I've attached a screenshot of my workouts.

View attachment 47439
Hey, I am studying sport science and I can tell you that the science to build muscle or loose fat isn’t that complicated. Just do a little research and you will definitely find all the answers on what and how much to eat.
There are also a thousand of diet plans and workout programs that are going to work if you really stick to the plan.

However I find that the real problem for most people is to stick to their diet and their workout routine on a long term basis.

To solve that problem you actually need to work on your mindset about food and on your psychological drive for food.

If you need help with that you can contact me.


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Jul 30, 2019
I'm not an expert in muscle gain (I'm more combat oriented) but I think you shouldn't take creatine.

This is already present in meat, what you need is a diet with lot of proteins. Creatine will fill your muscles with water and if you stop, your muscles will become floppy.

Again I'm not an expert at all but I've seen that happen. Protein powder and creatine are more for advanced training, when you know what you're doing.


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Apr 17, 2022
This is already present in meat, what you need is a diet with lot of proteins. Creatine will fill your muscles with water and if you stop, your muscles will become floppy.
You need to eat 2 pounds of beef / day in order to get 5 grams of creatine (which is the recommended dose). Easily doable on the carnivore diet. Any other nutrition plan would require supplementation.

I'm not an expert on this substance, but as far as I understand, the water weight is just a side effect. The main benefit is the improved quick recycling of ATP at the cellular level, which results in higher energy output. It also improves brain function, but I do not understand the mechanism.

As you've said, supplements are just the cherry on top.
90% of the results will come from a solid training and diet plan, that you adhere to day in and day out.
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The benefits of creatine are well-documented. It's one of the few supplements actually worth taking with regards to athletic performance. Is it magical? No. As @heavy_industry said, diet is key. But creatine does make a difference, albeit a nominal one.

For reference, a basic intra-workout that most modern bodybuilders take is a combination of: EAA's, Creatine, Cyclic Dextrin (or any carb powder), and Salt. That's a classic minimum for physical performance supplementation.

But if you have money to blow I know plenty of guys who also take glutamine, leucine, etc. to infinity.


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Aug 28, 2011
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May 28, 2017
@WillHurtDontCare knows a bit about this, he gave me a workout plan that put 20 pounds on me and got me to a 2-plate bench press at 160 lbs (EDIT: in 9 months). As far as diet, I just followed this video


Routine in question:

There's a part one, but it was easier to find part 2. The exercises are identical between the 2 routines, you just do them different (time under tension, etc).

Regarding diet advice, eat 1.25g of protein per lb of bodyweight, 15 calories per lb if you want to gain weight, 13 per lb if you want to maintain weight, and 11 per lb if you want to lose weight.

Eat enough carbs so that you don't feel tired, log everything in an excel file or phone app to see how many calories and macros you eat, and weigh yourself daily. Lean ground beef (93%) accounts for probably 70% of my calories, but you make your own choices.
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Johnny boy

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May 9, 2017
Washington State
Go buy the 4-hour body by Tim Ferris.

Love how that dude approaches life. Logical, methodical, effective.

Lose weight via the slow carb diet.

Build muscle by having a set gym plan and have a workout partner you have to meet at a specific time. I have to pickup my workout partner at 730 Monday Wednesday Friday, every time. That’s the key is to have a responsibility to show up.

Throw out all the foods that aren’t ideal fuel. Eat the same things most days with little variety. Don’t eat foods that raise your insulin like carbs and sugar and even dairy. Eggs, meat, beans and veggies. Then have one big cheat day on the weekend and eat whatever you want.



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Jun 3, 2015
Dear fantastic people,

I've been going gym for a few months now, lost some fat, gained some muscle. However, I understand that sticking to a random plan won't workout. Hence, I've:
  • created a gym workout for 4 days based on Back, Chest, Bicep/Tricep and shoulder. (I should implement legs, but I've prioritised these muscle groups first, since these are the only days I can go gym once)
  • I consume protein powder on gym days and once a week I consume creatine - all by reading the labels and never placing too few or too more
  • I do cardio of 30mins total by cycling to my gym, that is decently rigorous (taking 10mins). As I lose an average of 70 calories per cycle travel (total 140 calories of just cycling using an Apple Watch to track)
However, the problem. Drum-roll people. Is................ DIETING. THE SCARIEST WORD IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. . I need help with that part. I understand the basics of not consuming junk-food, not over-eating, not eating sugars, less oily food. However, does anyone have a diet plan that can help me buff up + lose fat. If you know a guy, or you are the guy, let me know please. Also, I've attached a screenshot of my workouts.

View attachment 47439
You left out the most important bit of information.

What are you fitness goals? You might want to be a bodybuilder, or you might want to run a marathon, or you just want to lose weight and gain general fitness, the answer to these questions will enable a much better response.

Also what's your lifestyle, age, injury/disease history.
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Matt Lee

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Aug 9, 2022
Throw out all the foods that aren’t ideal fuel. Eat the same things most days with little variety. Don’t eat foods that raise your insulin like carbs and sugar and even dairy. Eggs, meat, beans and veggies. Then have one big cheat day on the weekend and eat whatever you want.
However, does anyone have a diet plan that can help me buff up + lose fat.
If you want to buff up, make sure you are progressively overloading at the gym(gaining strength on the same exercise each week). That means you have to train like an animal each time and make sure to rest and eat properly.

The training or routine doesn't matter as much because your physique is a factor of 1) time and 2) progressive overload. You are relatively new so your strength gain and muscle mass should grow exponentially.

You could do some self-testing to see how much sleep you need to perform well. Following a diet, that fits your goals and personality helps too because it keeps you consistent. If you get your sleep and diet fixed, your hormones(mostly testosterone) will sort themselves out. Hormones, sleep, and diet will allow you to progressive overload consistently.

I prefer a ketogenic diet mostly because it's easy to stay lean and not have sugar crashes. There's a duality with all diets as you will see. You sacrifice carbs to maintain a steady mood and lean body with keto. You can indulge in carbs but have to deal with blood sugar crashes and feeling lethargic. You can look like a greek statue on keto, but on a carb-up diet, you can look like a plumb bodybuilder. Just a choice of taste. Try to pick something you can stick to. I don't like how I feel when I can't do work because of a heavy-carb lunch.

If you want to bulk up(gain muscle/progressive overload) AND lose fat, try a ketogenic diet. If you are at a high BF%, it's very efficient. I wouldn't recommend it to a skinny guy. Beware, you will not gain that much strength in comparison to a carb-up diet but you will be lean very quickly though. A bonus is you feel amazing almost at all times of the day(since your blood sugar level stays the same). You are still relatively new(you said you've been training for a few months) so you should still be able to gain strength if you are on a ketogenic diet.

If you want more info on keto, search up Dr. Eric Berg DC on youtube.

Just my 2c


Banned for ChatGPT
Mar 9, 2023
Sure, I can help you with a personalized diet plan and gym workout. Here's how we can get started:

  • Discuss your fitness goals: Let's start by discussing your fitness goals and any dietary restrictions you may have. Do you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or improve your overall health? Knowing your goals will help me tailor a plan that works for you.
  • Assess your current fitness level: We'll need to assess your current fitness level to create a workout plan that's appropriate for you. Let me know what your current fitness level is and what type of exercise you enjoy.
  • Create a diet plan: Based on your goals and dietary restrictions, I will create a personalized diet plan that includes healthy and nutritious meals tailored to your individual needs and preferences.
  • Create a gym workout plan: I will create a workout plan that includes a combination of cardio and strength training exercises that are designed to help you achieve your fitness goals. The workout plan will be tailored to your fitness level and will gradually increase in intensity as you progress.
  • Provide guidance and support: Throughout the process, I will provide guidance and support to help you stay motivated and on track. We can check in regularly to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments to the plan to ensure that you achieve the best results possible.
  • Overall, with a personalized diet plan and gym workout, you can achieve your fitness goals in a safe and healthy way. So, let's get started!

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