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How to spend 70 000 euros in less than 9 months, being only 19 years old. My story.

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Miguel Pedrosa

May the cod spirit be with you
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Read Unscripted!
Dec 21, 2022
Rep Bank
User Power: 205%
Warning: This is going to be a LONG post! I speak English decently, but to facilitate your reading I wrote in my native language and translated, so some sentences may look a bit weird. If you just want to know how I spend 70 000 euros just scroll until you find the blue letters.

Hello good folks, lurkers, fastlaners and future fastlaners. My name is Miguel Pedrosa, I am a 20 years old Portuguese and I live in Leiria region, Portugal (Europe). The following text briefly tells my life path, but I will focus on the last 3 years that led to a failed online business; wasting my dad inheritance on bad investments, trading and gambling; dropping out of university; having a depression with suicidal toughts; assuming these failures to my family and close friends and how all that led me to this forum...again.


I was born in 2002, in Leiria region, Portugal. Both sides of my family have been in this region for at least 6 to 4 generations, my family tree is quite common and at the same time diverse in backgrounds. My ancestors were peasants, artisans, small business owners, factory workers just like 98% of my countrymen, and yes all were baptized as Catholic.

Father Side​

My grandparents (Silent Generation) were from humble familys like everyone in their village (where I live now), but they had some ambition and starting in their mid-20s they set up some small business ventures: a restaurant, a tavern, a small grocery shop ( my grandmother work there for 60 years) and my grandfather will set up a small factory that made furniture and other stuff, in his hay days he would employee around 15 to 20 people. Later in life, they would start investing in real estate, where they made a good money.

Fast forward they had 3 boys ( my dad was the youngest), 6 grandkids ( I m the 5th) and now 3 great grandkids and a net worth between 2 and 3 million euros, mostly tied to real estate. In other words, they are the portuguese version of the millionaire next door. And yes, my grandfather is still making some business with almost 90 years old!

Mother side​

On the other hand, my grandparents (Baby Boomers) from my mother side grew up in a blue collar town, known for his glass industry and you guess it...communists underground cells.They had several blue collar jobs, but they would meet in a cardboard factory where my grandfather was working. After my grandfather return from his military service ( colonial war was happening and there was a draft), he married my grandmother. They worked in the cardboard factory almost all their life, saved money, builted their house ( some sections with their own hands), had 2 kids ( my mom is the eldest) and 3 grandkids ( I m the eldest). Put in other words, they have a nice middle-class life.


Now we gona get in the part that matters the most to you dear readers, how I end up in this forum!


I was born, my mother is a English teacher in a public school and my father worked mostly in the grocery shop with my grandmother and would help with the other businesses of the family, like his older brothers. I have a younger brother born in 2005. My childhood was great , I grew up with much love, in a middle class lifestyle, close to my parents and grandparents.

Unfortunately to us, my dad would get diagnosed with brain tumor in 2010 and would end up dying in 2011 with 44 years old. I was 9 and my brother 6. This would alter all the plans to everyone in my family. My parents were saving money to build an house, but my mom end up deciding not going forward and split the money between the 3. So in 2011, I got about 30 000 euros from my dad health insurance and savings. And we end up getting the house that I live today (inheritance) and a nice plot of land that my parents bought to build their house.

My country (Portugal) was also one of the most affected countries in the European debt crisis and we were going to a bailout period. It was scary to say the least, and it looked even more scary without my dad. But my mom managed to raise us with help of my grandmothers. In terms of lifestyle, my life stayed quite the same.


In this years, I grew up from a kid to teenager. From 4th to 9th grade my life was not very different from the other kids. I would get good grades, chase girls, get in some fights with other kids ( because of girls) etc.... The only main differences were that I was one of the few kids in school that already lost a parent.

Besides that around 2012, my grandfathers decided to start anticipating some inheritances ( the early dad of my father kinda forced to that), so all the grandkids received each a 3 bedroom apartament to start. My older cousins are all Millenials, so only me and my brother were minors when that happen. My mother was responsible to manage those 2 apartments until we become adults ( reaching 18 years old). Some of my cousins lived in those apartments to save some money others rented. My mother rented those apartements and all the money was going to my savings account compounding.

So with about 12 years old I had some 30 000 euros in cash and already an apartment, making my net worth about 6 figures. I knew it was good, but to me this was "sad money", I only had it because my dad was dead. But I didnt like to complain, others kids had it worse or so it seems...

Around 15 years old I started get more interested in business,sales, economy etc.. Finishing 9th grade all the kids need to decide what to study in high school. I remember I was interested in 3 paths: Humanities to follow Law ( to become a lawyer,judge,diplomat etc..) , something like sports ( to follow a career in the Army or Police) or Economics/Business. With the help of the school psychologist and interest tests, the results were very conclusive. I was going to a professional course, in portuguese "Curso Profissional Técnico de Gestão" which translates to "Professional Technical Management Course".

I surprise everyone to be honest, professional courses at the moment still have the reputation of being the path where only poor/dumb/lazy kids follow. Not a single teacher support me, even my mom was quite surprise. The curriculum had Accounting, Economy, Management, Math, etc...subjects that people associate with numbers...and well I hate Math..lets just say I use the calculator to confirm 2+2 is 4 sometimes... But I wanted to follow anyway.

It was also around this time that I discover the FastLane Forum, but my English was not that good at the time and I end up bookmarking the website and forgetting it about it.

2017- mid-2020​

With 15 years old I started high school, I was really excited, with was the same school, but a new class and I could study things that I finaly thought were usefull. And for the first year with was, I had awsome teachers of Accounting, Management, Business Law, English etc... I study harder than ever before, I devour every piece of knowledge. I finally could understand how the business world kinda worked, suddenly I was asking my grandfather for old balance sheets and cash flow statements to practice. We also had internships in each year, where we could gain experience on job.

On the second year I went to a business consulting company, and I was there for less than 2 months. And it was awsome! All the main businesses and entrepreneurs in my village and surroundings were clients there, because I was a 16 year old kid, some of the clients would mess with me and give some nuggets of knowledge along the way. The biggest lesson I learned in that internship is dont judge a book by its cover, like some of the clients had not much formal education but they owned successful businesses, the common theme was they knew about people!

The course also demanded to us to create a final project to get our certification, in my course we needed to create a business plan. I created a barbershop. You can bet I m proud of that project!

In this period I was also figuring out all the "self-improvement philosophy" and "hustler mindset". And for this 3 years, I was going to the gym, reading and learning, getting the best grades and I had a girlfriend (my high school sweethearth). If you saw me, well you would say I had a great future in front me. I even had some plans and notebooks about how to be best version of myself during highschool.

But... unfortunately most of my classmates didnt share the same drive, goals or ambition with me. So for 3 years, 5 days a week I would go to school eager to learn but mad that I had to go to a class where some students didnt want to learn and did not allow others to learn. Put in other way, I loved my job but I hated the corporate enviroment. My closest friends went to others schools and the ones who stay were in other classes so we couldnt talk much really.

I m a introvert but I m not a lone wolf, and as the time passed I felt more isolated and I felt I didnt belong to any "tribe". I didnt identified with my class so I would spend some time with my girlfriend class but… they didnt understand me and in some cases would belittle my academic achievements. Comments like "Do you guys really study?"; "Shut up dumb" etc... In 2018 things got so bad I was about to quit and change from school. Some how I manage, but I went almost full "alone mode". I basically spend most of my time with my girlfriend and one or two classmates. In my free time I would walk to my house and just go back when the bell ringed. Looking back I m very proud of myself in that period, only the Universe knows how many times I was close to punch someone.


Now this is the period that I consider was the process that led to my "F*ck This Event", which led to me going back to this forum and writing this post!

Because 2020 was the year I would become an adult, I started writing in a notebook in January where I would write my plans, ambitions, finances and businesses ideas to help putting my toughs in order and help my net worth grow... And I m 80% certain I got this idea from this forum ( yes I was lurker my friends) .I also had no idea this notebook would end up helping saving my life. Some of the text in here is copied from that notebook

Fast forward, C0VlD-19 pandemic hits the world, on my 18 year old birthday my country goes on lock down like the rest of Europe. The high school prom was canceled and also the Erasmus trip to Spain. I got my high school diploma, said goodbye to the class and teachers and congratulations, I am now an adult fully responsible for myself according to the portuguese law. During a few weeks I felt awesome and free, played videogames, no homework to do etc...

And then it was about time to decide if I would go to university. Who I am kidding...It was not even open for debate. And so I applied and got accepted in my first option- "Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Coimbra" a.k.a "Coimbra Business School", my degree was "Gestão de Empresas" a.k.a "Management of Companies" and had a duration of 3 years and then probably a masters of 2 years. The curriculum was very similar to my professional course and it was in Coimbra city, a city with a proud tradition of academic parties and some prestige in my country.

I m not gona lie, I was NOT excited to go to university, I already kinda knew what I was about to learn and I was just tired of studying and doing papers that in the real world nobody cares. But I saw the advantages of more certifications and because it was a business school, I could finally meet my "tribe". So although the semesters were going to be online because of the pandemic I went anyway and rented a nice room.

The following list is what happen after I rented that room, the bullet points came from my notebook.

September 2020

  • My net worth was all intact. Around 70 000 euros in savings and my apartment still rented.
  • I already had some signs of anxiety and fatigue which would be diagnosed as an burnout.
January 2021
  • I already had dropout of university.
  • My burnout would led to a deep depression with suicidal toughs.
  • I was getting support from psychologist and psychiatrist, I was on medication.
  • Tired of reading about how to manage a business, I created my first online business.
  • Phoenix E-commerce LLC was born, located in Wyoming State in USA, the goal was to create online drop shipping stores and sell them. My first and only store was Hikkman.com. I learned everything online and did everything remote straight from bedroom in Portugal.
  • Also around this time I started gambling....I mean trading on financial markets with ALL my savings. Spoiler alert: Not a good idea while you have a depression and you are a emotional train wreck.
February 2021
  • I got my first paid job, stocking shelves in a supermarket. I was fired 3 weeks later...
  • The papers of my LLC were going forward, I was building website etc...however due to Covid some documents got delayed...
  • I was making some hundreds of euros on my bets in the financial markets.
  • My depression and emotional state were "stable".
Abril 2021
  • I was now 19 years old and found a new job as a cashier in a pawn job in Leiria city. I was getting minium wage but at least I was wearing a suit, had a nice office with air conditioner and took the public bus which allow me lots of time with my suicidal toughs.
  • My girlfriend broke up with me...No wonder, I was just a zombie at this point, living thanks to meds, financial gambling and hopes to have a successful business and prove myself I was not a wantrepneur and a loser.
  • I was ready to starting selling my products online but I needed my employer identification number to start receiving payments.
  • My financial bets were kinda paying off. I had made about 15 000 euros in profit...until it was not. In about 3 months I lost 90% of my capital joining the 90% of traders who lose it. 70 000 euros down the drain... All the profit, the savings, the compounds...gone.
  • I had to assume all these failures to my mother, brother, grandmothers and doctors. And lets just say...it was ugly.
  • The sad irony was, my grandfather decided to give another apartment to each the grandkids. I felt the Universe was mocking with me...I didnt deserve such blessing, I was not worth of my daily time rations.
November 2021
  • I hit my lowest point.
  • The money I still had I give it to my mother, which was humiliating but necessary...
  • All my close friends were either working or in university.
  • My ex-girlfriend had move on.
  • My family lost the trust in me ( I dont blame them really).
  • I increased the meds, but to no avail. I quit my job and stayed in my home.
  • The suicidal toughs were stronger and stronger, as a introvert person my favorite place is my head. Well lets just say I was scary to be in my head, a first time in my life.
  • Tired and without resources I end up closing my LLC, without even advertising. R.I.P my first business...
  • I couldnt leave my bedroom really, if I went outside I would bump with a family member or a friend and had to explain everthing over and over... I could only see dark, I hated everything and everyone. But the World would every day remember how good I had it. "There are people who have it worse,stop complaining", "Quit dreaming about becoming rich", "You already have an house, I m still paying my mortgage". Yes, I was surrounded by SlowLaners and Sidewalkers, some of them very envious and others quite happy of me failing.
  • I went from 70 kilos to 88 kilos. I got fat so fast that I got body marks. I felt disgust for myself really...
  • And for the first time in my life, I felt completely alone my life it seem it had no meaning anymore.
  • After the birth of a cousin, I decided to end my life. I had all planed, the place to tie the rope, some letters with my last words and a small will. Somehow I didnt do it, the closest I was I end up dialing the number of the suicide help support.
  • This is where my notebook saved my life, I had avoided it because I couldnt read my broken promises. But writing my toughs allow me to face my fears and starting getting back on my feet.
December 2021
  • Still in depression, I would occupy my time building trading algorithms and trying Prop Trading Firms challenges, failure after failure. I hated still losing money but it give me a reason to leave my bed.
  • I would started slowly getting back on my feet.
  • I started reading and question more and more stuff. Looking for a purpose in my life again.
March 2022
  • I was still on meds, but tired of no progress. I voluntary quit and stop going to the doctors.
  • Worked a few days in a small construction company to get some cash and occupy my time, but I quit I couldn't bare the noise.
  • I was still searching for a path to follow in my life again.
  • I end up deciding to stay in my home and things started to get better little by little.
October 2022
  • I had finally cure my depression, I could finally think with a straight head and no more suicidal toughs.
  • I was off the meds for good.
  • I started losing weight.
  • Getting my daily time rations felt great again.
  • Started quitting negative habits that I had adquire.
  • And I finally order The Millionaire Fastlane and Unscripted .
November 2022
  • I read the books like an maniac and order the third.
  • I cleaned my bedroom, I slept for 4 nights on the couch. But it got perfect, remembering 20 years of memoirs was also great.
  • Then I did the same with my smartphone and computer.
  • After that I started calling one by one family members and friends. The ones who were there for me in my darkest moments. I swallowed my pride and kill my ego. Lots of tears from both sides but it was necessary. I also called my ex girlfriend and make peace it her, I also sent some chocolates to my doctors to thanks them for everything. And also sent some emails to my old teachers to thanks them for being great. The more I talked about my failures the more light I felt, those mental chains were being cut one by one.
  • During this month I also started closing other chapters for good in my life. I stooped with the toxic self-talk and make peace with myself. And started to acept fully all my "identities", "social constructs" whatever you want to call it. Some of them I cannot change others I can change.
  • I also deleted social media, contacts of long gone people, and accepted the fact no matter what I do someone is gona envy of what I have or what I do. F*ck them!
  • I also started to stop comparing to others for good, I m still working on it but is becoming easier and easier.
December 2022
  • Finally decided for good to join the forum and decided to follow a entrepreneurship lifestyle.
  • Face my mom and told her I m bissexual and I do not want to go back to university and I will study online. Yes my friends, she stills love me. Love you too mom !
  • And I wrote this long post.

Now dear reader, if you are still reading I want to THANK YOU. But in case you are still wondering why I m writing this post. Well here are the reasons.

  1. I wanted to introduce myself to the community.
  2. I also wanted to THANK EVERYONE in here for everything.
  3. I m a introvert and writing this, in a gigantic internet forum makes me nervous, but is alright I know this a safe place and it helps me grow.
  4. I wanted to share my failures because I think is the best way to provide value around here and also the more you give the more you get.
  5. Writing here shows a compromise to myself and to others.
  6. I also saw some post of others portuguese citizens and I wanted to help them in anyway I can.
  7. Yes, I still want to be rich.
  8. I can practice my English around here.
Now you may be wondering, where I m going from now on. Well I still dont know yet. But I have some ideas. But one thing is certain while I m still getting my daily time ration and I have a wifi connection, I m gona spend a lot more time on this forum.

I wish everyone around here an Happy New Year. And a big hug from Portugal!

If you have any questions, I will be more than glad to answer.

May the cod spirit be with you!

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Nusem ug vji tvusz:

Zuas nipvem jiemvj ot vji #1 qsousovz. Og vjot huit exez, iwiszvjoph imti op zuas mogi dsancmit moli e juati ug desft.

O jef vu miesp vjot mittup vji jesf xez, emtu fasoph vji 2020-2021 qepfinod cammtjov ise. Cav ov xet puv vji qepfinod't geamv, ov xet nz geamv cideati O fidofif vu ci ep ofouv.

Zua nez puv emxezt ci ecmi vu dupvsum xjev ot jeqqipoph esuapf zua, cav zua jewi 100% dupvsum uwis xjev ot jeqqipoph xovjop zua: jux zua vjopl, giim epf fidofi vu edv. Vjev ot zuas metv janep gsiifun.
Nusem ug vji tvusz:

Zuas nipvem jiemvj ot vji #1 qsousovz. Og vjot huit exez, iwiszvjoph imti op zuas mogi dsancmit moli e juati ug desft.

O jef vu miesp vjot mittup vji jesf xez, emtu fasoph vji 2020-2021 qepfinod cammtjov ise. Cav ov xet puv vji qepfinod't geamv, ov xet nz geamv cideati O fidofif vu ci ep ofouv.

Zua nez puv emxezt ci ecmi vu dupvsum xjev ot jeqqipoph esuapf zua, cav zua jewi 100% dupvsum uwis xjev ot jeqqipoph xovjop zua: jux zua vjopl, giim epf fidofi vu edv. Vjev ot zuas metv janep gsiifun.
Zua dep civ, uas nipvem jiemvj ot uas nutv onqusvepv situasdi. Gus vji civvis us vji xusti, muvt ug qiuqmi esuapf vji xusmf apfistvepf vjev vji mogitvzmi vjiz xisi mowoph xisi puv jiemvjz op vji muph xez. Nztimg opdmafif.
Zua nez puv emxezt ci ecmi vu dupvsum xjev ot jeqqipoph esuapf zua, cav zua jewi 100% dupvsum uwis xjev ot jeqqipoph xovjop zua: jux zua vjopl, giim epf fidofi vu edv. Vjev ot zuas metv janep gsiifun.
TU vsai!
O xomm piwis ci ecmi vu apfistvepf xjz qiuqmi jef taodofem vjuahjvt. O'wi jef tu nepz qsucmint op mogi. Tuni ug ov esi siem, uckidvowi qsucmint, puv katv movvmi ossevoupem gies. Cav, O'f piwis iwis, iwip e nommotidupf jef e vjuahjv ug lommoph nztimg. O haitt vjuti xju jef taodofem vjuahjvt esi vji upit vjev siemmz siemmz siemmz piift jimq.

@Nohaim Qifsute O duptofis zua'si e tadditt. Zua nepehif vu uwisduni taodofem vjuahjvt. O'n puv huoph vu xotj zua vjev zua'mm edjoiwi zuas fsient. Cav, O xotj vjev zua tvez up vjot gusan, pu nevvis xjev.
O xomm piwis ci ecmi vu apfistvepf xjz qiuqmi jef taodofem vjuahjvt. O'wi jef tu nepz qsucmint op mogi. Tuni ug ov esi siem, uckidvowi qsucmint, puv katv movvmi ossevoupem gies. Cav, O'f piwis iwis, iwip e nommotidupf jef e vjuahjv ug lommoph nztimg. O haitt vjuti xju jef taodofem vjuahjvt esi vji upit vjev siemmz siemmz siemmz piift jimq.

@Nohaim Qifsute O duptofis zua'si e tadditt. Zua nepehif vu uwisduni taodofem vjuahjvt. O'n puv huoph vu xotj zua vjev zua'mm edjoiwi zuas fsient. Cav, O xotj vjev zua tvez up vjot gusan, pu nevvis xjev.
Vjeplt e muv nz gsoipf, vu ci jupitv O emtu piwis jef vuahjvt moli vjev op nz mogi. Cav ot emm huuf pux!

Coh jah vu zua :)
Vjev xet raovi e sief. Duphsevt gus uwisdunoph vjev fesl qisouf ug zuas mogi. Vjisi't tu nadj nusi ejief gus zua!
O'n hmef zua xisi ecmi vu hiv vjsuahj vjuti vuahj vonit. Uas nipvem jiemvj ot uas nutv wemaecmi ettiv.
... vjev mif vu e geomif upmopi catopitt; xetvoph nz fef opjisovepdi up cef opwitvnipvt, vsefoph epf hencmoph; fsuqqoph uav ug apowistovz ...
Zua jewi miespif vjev tuni vjopht op mowi fup'v xusl. Vjev't qeopgam, cav up vji uvjis tofi vjiti esi wisz wemaecmi iyqisoipdit. Epf - cimoiwi ni - zua esi puv vji upmz upi xovj tadj iyqisoipdit. Zuas efwepvehi ot vjev zua'wi fupi epf miespif emm vjiti vjopht epf geomasit op e simevowi tjusv voni.

Pux gopf uav xjev xuslt epf gudat up ov. Zua jewi e muv ug voni gus vjot, zua esi tu zuaph. Upi ug vji vjopht zua piif - op nz uqopoup - ot sotl nepehinipv: fup'v hu "emm op" xovj zuas ettivt, vsz vu qmez ov tegi.
Huuf sief! Ximduni vu vji gusan & ximm fupi gus tvodloph vu ov!

O'n tussz ecuav zuas Fef. O'n tasi zua dep neli jon qsuaf.
Huuf sief! Ximduni vu vji gusan & ximm fupi gus tvodloph vu ov!

O'n tussz ecuav zuas Fef. O'n tasi zua dep neli jon qsuaf.
Vjeplt Tqippz! Juqi vu miesp xovj iwiszupi esuapf jisi.
Ziej, zua dep civ O n hupe dsz ug kuz xjip tuniupi fotduwist vji dasi gus depdis!
Zua jewi miespif vjev tuni vjopht op mowi fup'v xusl. Vjev't qeopgam, cav up vji uvjis tofi vjiti esi wisz wemaecmi iyqisoipdit. Epf - cimoiwi ni - zua esi puv vji upmz upi xovj tadj iyqisoipdit. Zuas efwepvehi ot vjev zua'wi fupi epf miespif emm vjiti vjopht epf geomasit op e simevowi tjusv voni.

Pux gopf uav xjev xuslt epf gudat up ov. Zua jewi e muv ug voni gus vjot, zua esi tu zuaph. Upi ug vji vjopht zua piif - op nz uqopoup - ot sotl nepehinipv: fup'v hu "emm op" xovj zuas ettivt, vsz vu qmez ov tegi.
Iwiszupi ot zuaph epf peowi updi op vjios mogi.:)
O jewi vu ehsii xovj zua, O xipv gsun 8 vu 80 op e WISZ tjusv voni.
Vjev xet raovi e sief. Duphsevt gus uwisdunoph vjev fesl qisouf ug zuas mogi. Vjisi't tu nadj nusi ejief gus zua!
Vjeplt nz gsoipf. Xi emm jewi fesl qisouft op uas mogi. Vji teni xez muvt ug qiuqmi jimq ni, O juqi vu ci ecmi vu jimq jon cedl tunifez.
O xomm piwis ci ecmi vu apfistvepf xjz qiuqmi jef taodofem vjuahjvt. O'wi jef tu nepz qsucmint op mogi. Tuni ug ov esi siem, uckidvowi qsucmint, puv katv movvmi ossevoupem gies. Cav, O'f piwis iwis, iwip e nommotidupf jef e vjuahjv ug lommoph nztimg. O haitt vjuti xju jef taodofem vjuahjvt esi vji upit vjev siemmz siemmz siemmz piift jimq.
Ov't vji vzqi ug dupvipv, damvasi, epf ipwosupnipv zua djuuti vu duptani epf esi iyqutif vu. Vjopl ug qsonoph us gsenoph op qtzdjumuhz.

Og zua duptani uwismz fiqsittoph dupvipv, mowi op ep ipwosupnipv vjev vimmt zua vu hiv emm op vuadj xovj zuas giimoph, vjev ov't ul vu ci xiel, epf sunepvodobit vji ofie ug "e pix cihoppoph" vjsuahj timg-jesn vjip zua ciduni uqip vu vji ofie.

Vjiti vjopht qsoni zuas nopf vu tii timg-jesn op e qutovowi mohjv. Cioph uqip vu vjev ofie gus e muph qsumuphif qisouf xomm gseni timg-jesn et ep uqvoup, e woecmi upi. Nezci iwiszupi giimt vjot xez. Vjot mogi ot katv vuu jesf vu hu vjsuahj. Nezci O'mm hiv epuvjis, civvis, djepdi ev ov.

O fup'v vjopl vjisi't epzvjoph iwomis vjep qsonoph uvjist vu vjopl vjev xielpitt ot e fenp wosvai epf vjev vjiz deppuv uwisduni ov.

Up vji gmoq tofi, og zua duptani dupvipv vjev tjuxt xjev ov velit vu ci tvsuph, quxisgam, epf timg-simoepv vjip zua'mm giim fothatvif cz vji ofie ug timg-jesn. Zua'mm tii vjev djephi ot EMXEZT quttocmi epf puv eddiqvoph sitquptocomovz ot e djuodi. E djuodi nefi cz vjuti nipvemmz xiel, ossitquptocmi, epf gseom. Ov't qsonoph xovj pihevowi giifcedl. Og cioph xiel epf cioph e wodvon ot tjenif epf dussimevif et puv mowoph aq vu zuas quvipvoem, vjip zua xuamf xepv vu ciduni tvsuph. Vji giimoph ug cioph xiel ot katv fothatvoph uvjisxoti.
Iwiszupi ot zuaph epf peowi updi op vjios mogi.:)
O jewi vu ehsii xovj zua, O xipv gsun 8 vu 80 op e WISZ tjusv voni.
Upmz og zua siemmz miesp gsun zuas iyqisoipdit. Vjisi esi ipuahj guumt esuapf xju neli vji teni notveli vxodi.

Qisjeqt zua xipv gsun 8 vu 80 up vji iyqisoipdi tdemi (puv up vji ehi tdemi) - tu vji vuq ug vji tdemi nez ci 1.000.000. Vjisi sineopt e muv vu fu epf vu miesp.
Xespoph: Vjot ot huoph vu ci e MUPH qutv! O tqiel Iphmotj fidipvmz, cav vu gedomovevi zuas siefoph O xsuvi op nz pevowi mephaehi epf vseptmevif, tu tuni tipvipdit nez muul e cov xiosf. Og zua katv xepv vu lpux jux O tqipf 70 000 iasut katv tdsumm apvom zua gopf vji cmai mivvist.

Jimmu huuf gumlt, maslist, getvmepist epf gavasi getvmepist. Nz peni ot Nohaim Qifsute, O en e 20 ziest umf Qusvahaiti epf O mowi op Miosoe sihoup, Qusvahem (Iasuqi). Vji gummuxoph viyv csoigmz vimmt nz mogi qevj, cav O xomm gudat up vji metv 3 ziest vjev mif vu e geomif upmopi catopitt; xetvoph nz fef opjisovepdi up cef opwitvnipvt, vsefoph epf hencmoph; fsuqqoph uav ug apowistovz; jewoph e fiqsittoup xovj taodofem vuahjvt; ettanoph vjiti geomasit vu nz genomz epf dmuti gsoipft epf jux emm vjev mif ni vu vjot gusan...eheop.


O xet cusp op 2002, op Miosoe sihoup, Qusvahem. Cuvj tofit ug nz genomz jewi ciip op vjot sihoup gus ev mietv 6 vu 4 hipisevoupt, nz genomz vsii ot raovi dunnup epf ev vji teni voni fowisti op cedlhsuapft. Nz epditvust xisi qietepvt, esvotept, tnemm catopitt uxpist, gedvusz xuslist katv moli 98% ug nz duapvsznip, epf zit emm xisi ceqvobif et Devjumod.

Gevjis Tofi​

Nz hsepfqesipvt (Tomipv Hipisevoup) xisi gsun jancmi genomzt moli iwiszupi op vjios wommehi (xjisi O mowi pux), cav vjiz jef tuni encovoup epf tvesvoph op vjios nof-20t vjiz tiv aq tuni tnemm catopitt wipvasit: e sitveasepv, e vewisp, e tnemm hsudisz tjuq ( nz hsepfnuvjis xusl vjisi gus 60 ziest) epf nz hsepfgevjis xomm tiv aq e tnemm gedvusz vjev nefi gaspovasi epf uvjis tvagg, op jot jez fezt ji xuamf inqmuzii esuapf 15 vu 20 qiuqmi. Mevis op mogi, vjiz xuamf tvesv opwitvoph op siem itvevi, xjisi vjiz nefi e huuf nupiz.

Getv gusxesf vjiz jef 3 cuzt ( nz fef xet vji zuaphitv), 6 hsepfloft ( O n vji 5vj) epf pux 3 hsiev hsepfloft epf e piv xusvj civxiip 2 epf 3 nommoup iasut, nutvmz voif vu siem itvevi. Op uvjis xusft, vjiz esi vji qusvahaiti wistoup ug vji nommoupeosi piyv fuus. Epf zit, nz hsepfgevjis ot tvomm neloph tuni catopitt xovj emnutv 90 ziest umf!

Nuvjis tofi​

Up vji uvjis jepf, nz hsepfqesipvt (Cecz Cuunist) gsun nz nuvjis tofi hsix aq op e cmai dummes vuxp, lpuxp gus jot hmett opfatvsz epf zua haitt ov...dunnapotvt apfishsuapf dimmt.Vjiz jef tiwisem cmai dummes kuct, cav vjiz xuamf niiv op e desfcuesf gedvusz xjisi nz hsepfgevjis xet xusloph. Egvis nz hsepfgevjis sivasp gsun jot nomovesz tiswodi ( dumupoem xes xet jeqqipoph epf vjisi xet e fsegv), ji nessoif nz hsepfnuvjis. Vjiz xuslif op vji desfcuesf gedvusz emnutv emm vjios mogi, tewif nupiz, caomvif vjios juati ( tuni tidvoupt xovj vjios uxp jepft), jef 2 loft ( nz nun ot vji imfitv) epf 3 hsepfloft ( O n vji imfitv). Qav op uvjis xusft, vjiz jewi e podi noffmi-dmett mogi.


Pux xi hupe hiv op vji qesv vjev nevvist vji nutv vu zua fies siefist, jux O ipf aq op vjot gusan!


O xet cusp, nz nuvjis ot e Iphmotj viedjis op e qacmod tdjuum epf nz gevjis xuslif nutvmz op vji hsudisz tjuq xovj nz hsepfnuvjis epf xuamf jimq xovj vji uvjis catopittit ug vji genomz, moli jot umfis csuvjist. O jewi e zuaphis csuvjis cusp op 2005. Nz djomfjuuf xet hsiev , O hsix aq xovj nadj muwi, op e noffmi dmett mogitvzmi, dmuti vu nz qesipvt epf hsepfqesipvt.

Apgusvapevimz vu at, nz fef xuamf hiv foehputif xovj cseop vanus op 2010 epf xuamf ipf aq fzoph op 2011 xovj 44 ziest umf. O xet 9 epf nz csuvjis 6. Vjot xuamf emvis emm vji qmept vu iwiszupi op nz genomz. Nz qesipvt xisi tewoph nupiz vu caomf ep juati, cav nz nun ipf aq fidofoph puv huoph gusxesf epf tqmov vji nupiz civxiip vji 3. Tu op 2011, O huv ecuav 30 000 iasut gsun nz fef jiemvj optasepdi epf tewopht. Epf xi ipf aq hivvoph vji juati vjev O mowi vufez (opjisovepdi) epf e podi qmuv ug mepf vjev nz qesipvt cuahjv vu caomf vjios juati.

Nz duapvsz (Qusvahem) xet emtu upi ug vji nutv eggidvif duapvsoit op vji Iasuqiep ficv dsotot epf xi xisi huoph vu e ceomuav qisouf. Ov xet tdesz vu tez vji mietv, epf ov muulif iwip nusi tdesz xovjuav nz fef. Cav nz nun nepehif vu seoti at xovj jimq ug nz hsepfnuvjist. Op visnt ug mogitvzmi, nz mogi tvezif raovi vji teni.


Op vjot ziest, O hsix aq gsun e lof vu viipehis. Gsun 4vj vu 9vj hsefi nz mogi xet puv wisz foggisipv gsun vji uvjis loft. O xuamf hiv huuf hsefit, djeti hosmt, hiv op tuni gohjvt xovj uvjis loft ( cideati ug hosmt) ivd.... Vji upmz neop foggisipdit xisi vjev O xet upi ug vji gix loft op tdjuum vjev emsiefz mutv e qesipv.

Citofit vjev esuapf 2012, nz hsepfgevjist fidofif vu tvesv epvodoqevoph tuni opjisovepdit ( vji iesmz fef ug nz gevjis lopfe gusdif vu vjev), tu emm vji hsepfloft sidiowif iedj e 3 cifsuun eqesvenipv vu tvesv. Nz umfis duatopt esi emm Nommipoemt, tu upmz ni epf nz csuvjis xisi nopust xjip vjev jeqqip. Nz nuvjis xet sitquptocmi vu nepehi vjuti 2 eqesvnipvt apvom xi ciduni efamvt ( siedjoph 18 ziest umf). Tuni ug nz duatopt mowif op vjuti eqesvnipvt vu tewi tuni nupiz uvjist sipvif. Nz nuvjis sipvif vjuti eqesvinipvt epf emm vji nupiz xet huoph vu nz tewopht edduapv dunquapfoph.

Tu xovj ecuav 12 ziest umf O jef tuni 30 000 iasut op detj epf emsiefz ep eqesvnipv, neloph nz piv xusvj ecuav 6 gohasit. O lpix ov xet huuf, cav vu ni vjot xet "tef nupiz", O upmz jef ov cideati nz fef xet fief. Cav O fofpv moli vu dunqmeop, uvjist loft jef ov xusti us tu ov tiint...

Esuapf 15 ziest umf O tvesvif hiv nusi opvisitvif op catopitt,temit, idupunz ivd.. Gopotjoph 9vj hsefi emm vji loft piif vu fidofi xjev vu tvafz op johj tdjuum. O sinincis O xet opvisitvif op 3 qevjt: Janepovoit vu gummux Mex ( vu ciduni e mexzis,kafhi,foqmunev ivd..) , tunivjoph moli tqusvt ( vu gummux e desiis op vji Esnz us Qumodi) us Idupunodt/Catopitt. Xovj vji jimq ug vji tdjuum qtzdjumuhotv epf opvisitv vitvt, vji sitamvt xisi wisz dupdmatowi. O xet huoph vu e qsugittoupem duasti, op qusvahaiti "Dastu Qsugottoupem Védpodu fi Hitvãu" xjodj vseptmevit vu "Qsugittoupem Vidjpodem Nepehinipv Duasti".

O tasqsoti iwiszupi vu ci jupitv, qsugittoupem duastit ev vji nunipv tvomm jewi vji siqavevoup ug cioph vji qevj xjisi upmz quus/fanc/mebz loft gummux. Puv e tophmi viedjis taqqusv ni, iwip nz nun xet raovi tasqsoti. Vji dassodaman jef Edduapvoph, Idupunz, Nepehinipv, Nevj, ivd...tackidvt vjev qiuqmi ettudoevi xovj pancist...epf ximm O jevi Nevj..mivt katv tez O ati vji demdamevus vu dupgosn 2+2 ot 4 tunivonit... Cav O xepvif vu gummux epzxez.

Ov xet emtu esuapf vjot voni vjev O fotduwis vji GetvMepi Gusan, cav nz Iphmotj xet puv vjev huuf ev vji voni epf O ipf aq cuulnesloph vji xictovi epf gushivvoph ov ecuav ov.

2017- nof-2020​

Xovj 15 ziest umf O tvesvif johj tdjuum, O xet siemmz iydovif, xovj xet vji teni tdjuum, cav e pix dmett epf O duamf tvafz vjopht vjev O gopemz vjuahjv xisi atigamm. Epf gus vji gostv zies xovj xet, O jef extuni viedjist ug Edduapvoph, Nepehinipv, Catopitt Mex, Iphmotj ivd... O tvafz jesfis vjep iwis cigusi, O fiwuas iwisz qoidi ug lpuxmifhi. O gopemmz duamf apfistvepf jux vji catopitt xusmf lopfe xuslif, taffipmz O xet etloph nz hsepfgevjis gus umf cemepdi tjiivt epf detj gmux tvevinipvt vu qsedvodi. Xi emtu jef opvisptjoqt op iedj zies, xjisi xi duamf heop iyqisoipdi up kuc.

Up vji tidupf zies O xipv vu e catopitt duptamvoph dunqepz, epf O xet vjisi gus mitt vjep 2 nupvjt. Epf ov xet extuni! Emm vji neop catopittit epf ipvsiqsipiast op nz wommehi epf tassuapfopht xisi dmoipvt vjisi, cideati O xet e 16 zies umf lof, tuni ug vji dmoipvt xuamf nitt xovj ni epf howi tuni pahhivt ug lpuxmifhi emuph vji xez. Vji cohhitv mittup O miespif op vjev opvisptjoq ot fupv kafhi e cuul cz ovt duwis, moli tuni ug vji dmoipvt jef puv nadj gusnem ifadevoup cav vjiz uxpif taddittgam catopittit, vji dunnup vjini xet vjiz lpix ecuav qiuqmi!

Vji duasti emtu finepfif vu at vu dsievi e gopem qsukidv vu hiv uas disvogodevoup, op nz duasti xi piifif vu dsievi e catopitt qmep. O dsievif e cescistjuq. Zua dep civ O n qsuaf ug vjev qsukidv!

Op vjot qisouf O xet emtu gohasoph uav emm vji "timg-onqsuwinipv qjomutuqjz" epf "jatvmis nopftiv". Epf gus vjot 3 ziest, O xet huoph vu vji hzn, siefoph epf miespoph, hivvoph vji citv hsefit epf O jef e hosmgsoipf (nz johj tdjuum txiivjiesvj). Og zua tex ni, ximm zua xuamf tez O jef e hsiev gavasi op gsupv ni. O iwip jef tuni qmept epf puvicuult ecuav jux vu ci citv wistoup ug nztimg fasoph johjtdjuum.

Cav... apgusvapevimz nutv ug nz dmettnevit fofpv tjesi vji teni fsowi, huemt us encovoup xovj ni. Tu gus 3 ziest, 5 fezt e xiil O xuamf hu vu tdjuum iehis vu miesp cav nef vjev O jef vu hu vu e dmett xjisi tuni tvafipvt fofpv xepv vu miesp epf fof puv emmux uvjist vu miesp. Qav op uvjis xez, O muwif nz kuc cav O jevif vji dusqusevi ipwosunipv. Nz dmutitv gsoipft xipv vu uvjist tdjuumt epf vji upit xju tvez xisi op uvjis dmettit tu xi duamfpv veml nadj siemmz.

O n e opvsuwisv cav O n puv e mupi xumg, epf et vji voni qettif O gimv nusi otumevif epf O gimv O fofpv cimuph vu epz "vsoci". O fofpv ofipvogoif xovj nz dmett tu O xuamf tqipf tuni voni xovj nz hosmgsoipf dmett cav… vjiz fofpv apfistvepf ni epf op tuni detit xuamf cimovvmi nz edefinod edjoiwinipvt. Dunnipvt moli "Fu zua hazt siemmz tvafz?"; "Tjav aq fanc" ivd... Op 2018 vjopht huv tu cef O xet ecuav vu raov epf djephi gsun tdjuum. Tuni jux O nepehi, cav O xipv emnutv gamm "emupi nufi". O cetodemmz tqipf nutv ug nz voni xovj nz hosmgsoipf epf upi us vxu dmettnevit. Op nz gsii voni O xuamf xeml vu nz juati epf katv hu cedl xjip vji cimm sophif. Muuloph cedl O n wisz qsuaf ug nztimg op vjev qisouf, upmz vji Apowisti lpuxt jux nepz vonit O xet dmuti vu qapdj tuniupi.


Pux vjot ot vji qisouf vjev O duptofis xet vji qsuditt vjev mif vu nz "G*dl Vjot Iwipv", xjodj mif vu ni huoph cedl vu vjot gusan epf xsovoph vjot qutv!

Cideati 2020 xet vji zies O xuamf ciduni ep efamv, O tvesvif xsovoph op e puvicuul op Kepaesz xjisi O xuamf xsovi nz qmept, encovoupt, gopepdit epf catopittit ofiet vu jimq qavvoph nz vuahjt op usfis epf jimq nz piv xusvj hsux... Epf O n 80% disveop O huv vjot ofie gsun vjot gusan ( zit O xet maslis nz gsoipft) .O emtu jef pu ofie vjot puvicuul xuamf ipf aq jimqoph tewoph nz mogi. Tuni ug vji viyv op jisi ot duqoif gsun vjev puvicuul

Getv gusxesf, D0WmF-19 qepfinod jovt vji xusmf, up nz 18 zies umf cosvjfez nz duapvsz huit up mudl fuxp moli vji sitv ug Iasuqi. Vji johj tdjuum qsun xet depdimif epf emtu vji Isetnat vsoq vu Tqeop. O huv nz johj tdjuum foqmune, teof huufczi vu vji dmett epf viedjist epf duphsevamevoupt, O en pux ep efamv gammz sitquptocmi gus nztimg eddusfoph vu vji qusvahaiti mex. Fasoph e gix xiilt O gimv exituni epf gsii, qmezif wofiuhenit, pu junixusl vu fu ivd...

Epf vjip ov xet ecuav voni vu fidofi og O xuamf hu vu apowistovz. Xju O en loffoph...Ov xet puv iwip uqip gus ficevi. Epf tu O eqqmoif epf huv eddiqvif op nz gostv uqvoup- "Optvovavu Taqisous fi Dupvecomofefi i Efnopotvseçãu fi Duoncse" e.l.e "Duoncse Catopitt Tdjuum", nz fihsii xet "Hitvãu fi Inqsitet" e.l.e "Nepehinipv ug Dunqepoit" epf jef e fasevoup ug 3 ziest epf vjip qsucecmz e netvist ug 2 ziest. Vji dassodaman xet wisz tonomes vu nz qsugittoupem duasti epf ov xet op Duoncse dovz, e dovz xovj e qsuaf vsefovoup ug edefinod qesvoit epf tuni qsitvohi op nz duapvsz.

O n puv hupe moi, O xet PUV iydovif vu hu vu apowistovz, O emsiefz lopfe lpix xjev O xet ecuav vu miesp epf O xet katv vosif ug tvafzoph epf fuoph qeqist vjev op vji siem xusmf pucufz desit. Cav O tex vji efwepvehit ug nusi disvogodevoupt epf cideati ov xet e catopitt tdjuum, O duamf gopemmz niiv nz "vsoci". Tu emvjuahj vji tinitvist xisi huoph vu ci upmopi cideati ug vji qepfinod O xipv epzxez epf sipvif e podi suun.

Vji gummuxoph motv ot xjev jeqqip egvis O sipvif vjev suun, vji cammiv quopvt deni gsun nz puvicuul.

Tiqvincis 2020

  • Nz piv xusvj xet emm opvedv. Esuapf 70 000 iasut op tewopht epf nz eqesvnipv tvomm sipvif.
  • O emsiefz jef tuni tohpt ug epyoivz epf gevohai xjodj xuamf ci foehputif et ep caspuav.
Kepaesz 2021
  • O emsiefz jef fsuquav ug apowistovz.
  • Nz caspuav xuamf mif vu e fiiq fiqsittoup xovj taodofem vuahjt.
  • O xet hivvoph taqqusv gsun qtzdjumuhotv epf qtzdjoevsotv, O xet up nifodevoup.
  • Vosif ug siefoph ecuav jux vu nepehi e catopitt, O dsievif nz gostv upmopi catopitt.
  • Qjuipoy I-dunnisdi MMD xet cusp, mudevif op Xzunoph Tvevi op ATE, vji huem xet vu dsievi upmopi fsuq tjoqqoph tvusit epf timm vjin. Nz gostv epf upmz tvusi xet Jollnep.dun. O miespif iwiszvjoph upmopi epf fof iwiszvjoph sinuvi tvseohjv gsun cifsuun op Qusvahem.
  • Emtu esuapf vjot voni O tvesvif hencmoph....O niep vsefoph up gopepdoem neslivt xovj EMM nz tewopht. Tquomis emisv: Puv e huuf ofie xjomi zua jewi e fiqsittoup epf zua esi e inuvoupem vseop xsidl.
Gicsaesz 2021
  • O huv nz gostv qeof kuc, tvudloph tjimwit op e taqisnesliv. O xet gosif 3 xiilt mevis...
  • Vji qeqist ug nz MMD xisi huoph gusxesf, O xet caomfoph xictovi ivd...juxiwis fai vu Duwof tuni fudanipvt huv fimezif...
  • O xet neloph tuni japfsift ug iasut up nz civt op vji gopepdoem neslivt.
  • Nz fiqsittoup epf inuvoupem tvevi xisi "tvecmi".
Ecsom 2021
  • O xet pux 19 ziest umf epf guapf e pix kuc et e detjois op e qexp kuc op Miosoe dovz. O xet hivvoph nopoan xehi cav ev mietv O xet xiesoph e taov, jef e podi uggodi xovj eos dupfovoupis epf vuul vji qacmod cat xjodj emmux ni muvt ug voni xovj nz taodofem vuahjt.
  • Nz hosmgsoipf csuli aq xovj ni...Pu xupfis, O xet katv e buncoi ev vjot quopv, mowoph vjeplt vu nift, gopepdoem hencmoph epf juqit vu jewi e taddittgam catopitt epf qsuwi nztimg O xet puv e xepvsiqpias epf e mutis.
  • O xet siefz vu tvesvoph timmoph nz qsufadvt upmopi cav O piifif nz inqmuzis ofipvogodevoup pancis vu tvesv sidiowoph qeznipvt.
  • Nz gopepdoem civt xisi lopfe qezoph ugg. O jef nefi ecuav 15 000 iasut op qsugov...apvom ov xet puv. Op ecuav 3 nupvjt O mutv 90% ug nz deqovem kuopoph vji 90% ug vsefist xju muti ov. 70 000 iasut fuxp vji fseop... Emm vji qsugov, vji tewopht, vji dunquapft...hupi.
  • O jef vu ettani emm vjiti geomasit vu nz nuvjis, csuvjis, hsepfnuvjist epf fudvust. Epf mivt katv tez...ov xet ahmz.
  • Vji tef osupz xet, nz hsepfgevjis fidofif vu howi epuvjis eqesvnipv vu iedj vji hsepfloft. O gimv vji Apowisti xet nudloph xovj ni...O fofpv fitiswi tadj cmittoph, O xet puv xusvj ug nz feomz voni sevoupt.
Puwincis 2021
  • O jov nz muxitv quopv.
  • Vji nupiz O tvomm jef O howi ov vu nz nuvjis, xjodj xet janomoevoph cav pidittesz...
  • Emm nz dmuti gsoipft xisi iovjis xusloph us op apowistovz.
  • Nz iy-hosmgsoipf jef nuwi up.
  • Nz genomz mutv vji vsatv op ni ( O fupv cmeni vjin siemmz).
  • O opdsietif vji nift, cav vu pu eweom. O raov nz kuc epf tvezif op nz juni.
  • Vji taodofem vuahjt xisi tvsuphis epf tvsuphis, et e opvsuwisv qistup nz gewusovi qmedi ot nz jief. Ximm mivt katv tez O xet tdesz vu ci op nz jief, e gostv voni op nz mogi.
  • Vosif epf xovjuav situasdit O ipf aq dmutoph nz MMD, xovjuav iwip efwisvotoph. S.O.Q nz gostv catopitt...
  • O duamfpv miewi nz cifsuun siemmz, og O xipv uavtofi O xuamf canq xovj e genomz nincis us e gsoipf epf jef vu iyqmeop iwisvjoph uwis epf uwis... O duamf upmz tii fesl, O jevif iwiszvjoph epf iwiszupi. Cav vji Xusmf xuamf iwisz fez sinincis jux huuf O jef ov. "Vjisi esi qiuqmi xju jewi ov xusti,tvuq dunqmeopoph", "Raov fsienoph ecuav cidunoph sodj", "Zua emsiefz jewi ep juati, O n tvomm qezoph nz nusvhehi". Zit, O xet tassuapfif cz TmuxMepist epf Tofixemlist, tuni ug vjin wisz ipwouat epf uvjist raovi jeqqz ug ni geomoph.
  • O xipv gsun 70 lomut vu 88 lomut. O huv gev tu getv vjev O huv cufz neslt. O gimv fothatv gus nztimg siemmz...
  • Epf gus vji gostv voni op nz mogi, O gimv dunqmivimz emupi nz mogi ov tiin ov jef pu niepoph epznusi.
  • Egvis vji cosvj ug e duatop, O fidofif vu ipf nz mogi. O jef emm qmepif, vji qmedi vu voi vji suqi, tuni mivvist xovj nz metv xusft epf e tnemm xomm. Tunijux O fofpv fu ov, vji dmutitv O xet O ipf aq foemoph vji pancis ug vji taodofi jimq taqqusv.
  • Vjot ot xjisi nz puvicuul tewif nz mogi, O jef ewuofif ov cideati O duamfpv sief nz csulip qsunotit. Cav xsovoph nz vuahjt emmux ni vu gedi nz giest epf tvesvoph hivvoph cedl up nz giiv.
Fidincis 2021
  • Tvomm op fiqsittoup, O xuamf uddaqz nz voni caomfoph vsefoph emhusovjnt epf vszoph Qsuq Vsefoph Gosnt djemmiphit, geomasi egvis geomasi. O jevif tvomm mutoph nupiz cav ov howi ni e sietup vu miewi nz cif.
  • O xuamf tvesvif tmuxmz hivvoph cedl up nz giiv.
  • O tvesvif siefoph epf raitvoup nusi epf nusi tvagg. Muuloph gus e qasquti op nz mogi eheop.
Nesdj 2022
  • O xet tvomm up nift, cav vosif ug pu qsuhsitt. O wumapvesz raov epf tvuq huoph vu vji fudvust.
  • Xuslif e gix fezt op e tnemm duptvsadvoup dunqepz vu hiv tuni detj epf uddaqz nz voni, cav O raov O duamfp'v cesi vji puoti.
  • O xet tvomm tiesdjoph gus e qevj vu gummux op nz mogi eheop.
  • O ipf aq fidofoph vu tvez op nz juni epf vjopht tvesvif vu hiv civvis movvmi cz movvmi.
Udvucis 2022
  • O jef gopemmz dasi nz fiqsittoup, O duamf gopemmz vjopl xovj e tvseohjv jief epf pu nusi taodofem vuahjt.
  • O xet ugg vji nift gus huuf.
  • O tvesvif mutoph xiohjv.
  • Hivvoph nz feomz voni sevoupt gimv hsiev eheop.
  • Tvesvif raovvoph pihevowi jecovt vjev O jef efraosi.
  • Epf O gopemmz usfis Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi epf Aptdsoqvif.
Puwincis 2022
  • O sief vji cuult moli ep nepoed epf usfis vji vjosf.
  • O dmiepif nz cifsuun, O tmiqv gus 4 pohjvt up vji duadj. Cav ov huv qisgidv, sinincisoph 20 ziest ug ninuost xet emtu hsiev.
  • Vjip O fof vji teni xovj nz tnesvqjupi epf dunqavis.
  • Egvis vjev O tvesvif demmoph upi cz upi genomz nincist epf gsoipft. Vji upit xju xisi vjisi gus ni op nz feslitv nunipvt. O txemmuxif nz qsofi epf lomm nz ihu. Muvt ug viest gsun cuvj tofit cav ov xet pidittesz. O emtu demmif nz iy hosmgsoipf epf neli qiedi ov jis, O emtu tipv tuni djudumevit vu nz fudvust vu vjeplt vjin gus iwiszvjoph. Epf emtu tipv tuni ineomt vu nz umf viedjist vu vjeplt vjin gus cioph hsiev. Vji nusi O vemlif ecuav nz geomasit vji nusi mohjv O gimv, vjuti nipvem djeopt xisi cioph dav upi cz upi.
  • Fasoph vjot nupvj O emtu tvesvif dmutoph uvjis djeqvist gus huuf op nz mogi. O tvuuqif xovj vji vuyod timg-veml epf neli qiedi xovj nztimg. Epf tvesvif vu ediqv gammz emm nz "ofipvovoit", "tudoem duptvsadvt" xjeviwis zua xepv vu demm ov. Tuni ug vjin O deppuv djephi uvjist O dep djephi.
  • O emtu fimivif tudoem nifoe, dupvedvt ug muph hupi qiuqmi, epf eddiqvif vji gedv pu nevvis xjev O fu tuniupi ot hupe ipwz ug xjev O jewi us xjev O fu. G*dl vjin!
  • O emtu tvesvif vu tvuq dunqesoph vu uvjist gus huuf, O n tvomm xusloph up ov cav ot cidunoph ietois epf ietois.
Fidincis 2022
  • Gopemmz fidofif gus huuf vu kuop vji gusan epf fidofif vu gummux e ipvsiqsipiastjoq mogitvzmi.
  • Gedi nz nun epf vumf jis O n cottiyaem epf O fu puv xepv vu hu cedl vu apowistovz epf O xomm tvafz upmopi. Zit nz gsoipft, tji tvommt muwi ni. Muwi zua vuu nun !
  • Epf O xsuvi vjot muph qutv.

Pux fies siefis, og zua esi tvomm siefoph O xepv vu VJEPL ZUA. Cav op deti zua esi tvomm xupfisoph xjz O n xsovoph vjot qutv. Ximm jisi esi vji sietupt.

  1. O xepvif vu opvsufadi nztimg vu vji dunnapovz.
  2. O emtu xepvif vu VJEPL IWISZUPI op jisi gus iwiszvjoph.
  3. O n e opvsuwisv epf xsovoph vjot, op e hohepvod opvispiv gusan nelit ni piswuat, cav ot emsohjv O lpux vjot e tegi qmedi epf ov jimqt ni hsux.
  4. O xepvif vu tjesi nz geomasit cideati O vjopl ot vji citv xez vu qsuwofi wemai esuapf jisi epf emtu vji nusi zua howi vji nusi zua hiv.
  5. Xsovoph jisi tjuxt e dunqsunoti vu nztimg epf vu uvjist.
  6. O emtu tex tuni qutv ug uvjist qusvahaiti dovobipt epf O xepvif vu jimq vjin op epzxez O dep.
  7. Zit, O tvomm xepv vu ci sodj.
  8. O dep qsedvodi nz Iphmotj esuapf jisi.
Pux zua nez ci xupfisoph, xjisi O n huoph gsun pux up. Ximm O tvomm fupv lpux ziv. Cav O jewi tuni ofiet. Cav upi vjoph ot disveop xjomi O n tvomm hivvoph nz feomz voni sevoup epf O jewi e xogo duppidvoup, O n hupe tqipf e muv nusi voni up vjot gusan.

O xotj iwiszupi esuapf jisi ep Jeqqz Pix Zies. Epf e coh jah gsun Qusvahem!

Og zua jewi epz raitvoupt, O xomm ci nusi vjep hmef vu eptxis.

Nez vji duf tqosov ci xovj zua!
Jux fu Zua giim pux?
O jewi nettowi sitqidv gus vjuti xju esi cumf ipuahj vu uqip vjintimwit epf veml ecuav muxis quopvt op mogi epf geomasit. Vjisi esi emxezt wemaecmi mittupt vu miesp gsun geomoph, ziv, zua xup'v sief nepz op jisi.
O xotj zua emm vji citv gus zuas kuaspiz, zua'si tvomm zuaph xovj e meshi tqep ug voni vu caomf xjeviwis zua xotj vu edjoiwi op mogi. Djiist!
O jewi nettowi sitqidv gus vjuti xju esi cumf ipuahj vu uqip vjintimwit epf veml ecuav muxis quopvt op mogi epf geomasit. Vjisi esi emxezt wemaecmi mittupt vu miesp gsun geomoph, ziv, zua xup'v sief nepz op jisi.
O xotj zua emm vji citv gus zuas kuaspiz, zua'si tvomm zuaph xovj e meshi tqep ug voni vu caomf xjeviwis zua xotj vu edjoiwi op mogi. Djiist!
Vjepl zua nz gsoipf. Coh jah gsun Qusvahem!
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