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Paulius T

New Contributor
Read Fastlane!
Aug 7, 2018
Hello all and greetings from Europe!

So where do I start... Well as I stated above I am a fellow from Europe, 26 years old, born in Lithuania living in Denmark. I work at consultancy company as mechanical engineer, which basically means that my work is constantly changing, one day I could be designing wind turbines the other day I could be making production lines. I am pretty good at what I am doing, I constantly get leading positions, like team lead, tech lead etc. Doesn't sound too bad, but I had enough of it...
Although I am fairly young and shouldn't be so pissed already, the problem is, I never wanted a "job". After graduating from high school it was really difficult for me to decide if I should study or try to start something on my own. I wasn't lazy, I simply had this "thought" in my mind since I was very young - "I do not want to work for someone". But due to the influence from my parents and the fact that I couldn't come up with something to do on my own, I chose to study abroad (Denmark).
For all those years I've been thinking constantly - what could I do to get out, what business could I start?? Never coming up with an answer... Basically every idea was followed by - "someone is already doing this" or "this is not good enough to start real business"
Then two years ago I changed my mind into "I want to retire somewhat earlier, with enough money to live and travel (something like 50 y/o)" -big mistake!
I started reading a lot about investing, made my strategy which is pretty safe and would allow me to retire at 50-55, with fair amount of money. I basically gave up to the system.
Then suddenly this book came out of nowhere "The millionaire fastlane ", it made me believe again that I CAN DO IT! Thank you @MJ DeMarco for bringing this spark back into my life!!!

While reading this book I remembered the idea I had like 2-3 years ago, which I didn't even consider developing, was simply just a thought "that would be nice if existed".
The idea is basically job search website, but with a nice twist, which would give control to regular people or very small business instead of big corporations. I found couple courses which I am going to take to learn "wordpress", but further I have some difficulties:
I want to learn more about business fundamentals but all I find is just business fundamentals for "good employees".
I want to learn more about marketing, but general thought right now is, if you post it on social media, magic will happen (yeah, right...), additionally what twists my brain is that I am not selling any product, my website needs people to post in it, but nobody will post in there if they see its empty, like a cursed loop.
If anyone knows any really good reads or courses on these subjects I would really appreciate it:
1. Business fundamentals
2. Marketing (particularly how to market something that doesn't have a real product)
3. Anything on how to make website attractive to people

Happy to be here and I hope that at some point I will also be able to contribute

Best regards
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