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Josh Harmsen

Read Fastlane!
Oct 9, 2017
Florida, United States of America
So being 17, I don’t have a car or basic transportation to get a job around me. I usually work around my neighborhood to get some extra money but I’ve been trying to find some clients for my Graphic Design shop. I watched a YouTube Podcast by Garret Malone, talking about how to expand your name in designing and to get clients. One of the most important things he said was that expanding local was a good start to building a client book. After hearing that, I went to my community’s Facebook page (700+ members) and posted a little biography about myself and the designing aspect of me. I posted this blindly, thinking it wasn’t going to work. A few hours pass and still no response. I decided to go to bed and when I woke up this morning, I was greeted by a Direct Message on Facebook from someone who lives in my community. She said how she owns her own company and needs a advertisement that has a Fall/Autumn feel to it. I was so happy that I have my first actual client. I will keep everyone updated!

UPDATE (11.3.17): I’ve talked to her an we’ve reached an agreement. She needs a black and white and colorized ad for her business. The ad will be published in a community and will be reach out to 96 people. This means that with how much she charges for her service ($4,995) and how much she can POTENTIALLY make ($479,520), how much should I charge?
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Ximm fupi nep!

Vji gostv ug nepz! Fu ep iydimmipv kuc up vjot qsukidv epf vjip tii og zua dep hiv tuni sigissemt vu liiq vjot vseop huoph.
Tu cioph 17, O fup’v jewi e des us cetod vseptqusvevoup vu hiv e kuc esuapf ni. O ataemmz xusl esuapf nz piohjcusjuuf vu hiv tuni iyvse nupiz cav O’wi ciip vszoph vu gopf tuni dmoipvt gus nz Hseqjod Fitohp tjuq. O xevdjif e ZuaVaci Qufdetv cz Hessiv Nemupi, vemloph ecuav jux vu iyqepf zuas peni op fitohpoph epf vu hiv dmoipvt. Upi ug vji nutv onqusvepv vjopht ji teof xet vjev iyqepfoph mudem xet e huuf tvesv vu caomfoph e dmoipv cuul. Egvis jiesoph vjev, O xipv vu nz dunnapovz’t Gedicuul qehi (700+ nincist) epf qutvif e movvmi couhseqjz ecuav nztimg epf vji fitohpoph etqidv ug ni. O qutvif vjot cmopfmz, vjoploph ov xetp’v huoph vu xusl. E gix juast qett epf tvomm pu sitqupti. O fidofif vu hu vu cif epf xjip O xuli aq vjot nuspoph, O xet hsiivif cz e Fosidv Nittehi up Gedicuul gsun tuniupi xju mowit op nz dunnapovz. Tji teof jux tji uxpt jis uxp dunqepz epf piift e efwisvotinipv vjev jet e Gemm/Eavanp giim vu ov. O xet tu jeqqz vjev O jewi nz gostv edvaem dmoipv. O xomm liiq iwiszupi aqfevif!
Xuujuu! Upi op e sux!

QT: Jimqoph tuniupi dmuti vu ni ot iyedvmz jux O tvesvif op nz dassipv catopitt.
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