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From backpacking to fastlane process


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Sep 18, 2017
Hello all,

For a long time I just followed the flow. I wasn't too bad at school, I wasn't too bad in sciences, so I got an engineering degree, which is what you do in that situation if, as most, you have no clue about what you want in life. Even got an advanced degree. Then a job. I always had a feeling I wouldn't find my way through corporate life, but well getting a degree and a job was what I was supposed to do right?

It didn't miss. Awful experience. I reached a level of personnal emptiness I had never experienced before. With hindsight, I'm glad I had this experience because it served as my F*ck That Event which made me question the road I was taking. It was a necessary step of my process.

Not having an idea of what I could do, besides the fact I had to get out of here, I decided I would go backpacking around the world. So I saved, and when I had enough, I quit and went.

That was a great experience when I took time to figure things out and do something I hadn't done for years: READ. A LOT. Especially about entrepreneurship and related topics, including MJ's books. It was incredible! I had no idea all these things were possible, even existed!

I'm now at the very beginning of a long and exciting process, from my good old parents house bedroom, working on identifying needs I could answer creating value to others.

I already had the opportunity to read some threads, there's some amazing guys around here. I hope soon I'll be able to give back all I'm learning now and will be learning. Hopefully someone in my situation will read this message and be able to relate and find his way.

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