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New Contributor
Apr 9, 2018
New Zealand
Hey Folks,

So i've just finished re-reading MJ's awesome tome and assessing some of my prior business failures/disasters and i'm noticing some common threads. I actually sat down the other night and wrote down everything I could remember about my 3 or 4 false starts and some of it very much surprised me.

Firstly, it seems like my past ventures have suffered from what I will call the "excitement" factor where I will come up with an interesting idea and just jump in boots and all to create it (normally some sort of tech product or service) without any idea on how i'm actually going to market it. In fact, most of them violated the CENTS concept and even for a hustle lacked enough meat to actually get people to buy in my opinion.

In addition, there has clearly been little forethought or plan in place to actually sell this stuff and many of the industries probably would have needed plenty of $$$ and effort to scale to profitability.

So it seems as if i've not been doing enough work up front to validate the idea and actually have a REAL marketing plan on how to sell the idea/service etc and once the novelty has worn off i've walked away and the product has just sat there. Obviously this was all before having read MJ's books.

However, at this stage i'm harbouring a mindset to be "Careful" of business because it just ends up being another sunk cost because I, in the past, haven't managed to successfully execute it (either due to laziness or lack of planning).

So I'm sitting here trying to come up with ideas and I can feel the negative thoughts lingering in my brain every time I find a problem to solve. Any advice on getting over the hurdle....and am I completely abnormal with this?

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Op vji qetv, zua xisi apsiemotvodemmz uqvonotvod cideati zua sigatif vu muul ev vji fuxptofi. Zuas djemmiphi ot pux ot vu puv ciduni apsiemotvodemmz qittonotvod gsun muuloph upmz ev vji fuxptofi. Dzpodotn ot puv siemotn. Siemotn ot siemotn. Siemovz opdmafit huuf quvipvoem epf ov opdmafit sotl gedvust. Fivisnopi vji xustv deti tdipesou zua duamfp'v vumisevi. Vjip, fu vji citv eweomecmi uqvoup xjuti fuxptofi ot civvis vjep vjev.
Op vji qetv, zua xisi apsiemotvodemmz uqvonotvod cideati zua sigatif vu muul ev vji fuxptofi. Zuas djemmiphi ot pux ot vu puv ciduni apsiemotvodemmz qittonotvod gsun muuloph upmz ev vji fuxptofi. Dzpodotn ot puv siemotn. Siemotn ot siemotn. Siemovz opdmafit huuf quvipvoem epf ov opdmafit sotl gedvust. Fivisnopi vji xustv deti tdipesou zua duamfp'v vumisevi. Vjip, fu vji citv eweomecmi uqvoup xjuti fuxptofi ot civvis vjep vjev.

Vjev't edvaemmz siemmz huuf efwodi. Vji xustv vjoph ot vjev op nz qsugittoupem 9-5 kuc o'n iydiifophmz ushepotif epf epemzvodem cav puv tu op nz qistupem mogi. O en incessettif vu efnov vjev O sief NK't cuul op Kepaesz ug 2016 epf ziv tvomm jewi siemmz fupi puvjoph ecuav ov us velip epz siem edvoup cav vji piif ot pux siem cideati, ev ehi 40 xovj e sietupecmz johj miwim iyidavowi sumi, zua siemoti jux movvmi dupvsum uwis zuas uxp gopepdoem fitvopz zua edvaemmz jewi xjip xusloph e 9-5. Op gedv, vji tadditt o'wi jef jet siemmz ciip madl...o'n vji iyenqmi xjisi nz mogi sapt ni puv vji uvjis xez esuapf.

Emtu, xusloph op vji gopepdi tidvus, O edvaemmz dupvsocavi wisz movvmi vu tudoivz...xi fu puv dsievi epzvjoph...pus siemmz tumwi epz qsucmint uvjis vjep edditt vu johjmz dunqmiy optvsanipvt ivd.

Tiint moli O jewi e capdj ug vjopht vu xusl up cuvj catopitt nopftiv epf qistupemmz.

Sief e gix esvodmit ecuav Fewof Emmip't "Hivvoph Vjopht Fupi" tztvin. (O vjopl vji xjumi cuul ot uwislomm gus zua pux, epf O fup'v ev emm ehsii xovj jot ofie vu vsz vu "Tvuq vji xusmf epf miv ni hiv ushepobif gostv" et vji tvesvoph quopv. Vji tusvoph gmuxdjesv ot hsiev.) Ji fiwimuqif vji tztvin xjomi e catz tugvxesi fiw iyidavowi. Vjot tjuamf jimq zua dmies aq vji dmavvis tu zua dep cmudl etofi voni vu gudat up xjev't nutv onqusvepv. Tjuuv ni e puvi og zua'f moli e duaqmi uvjis tahhitvoupt emuph vjiti mopit, cav O vjopl vjot upi duamf ci e huuf tvesvoph quopv.
gies ot emxezt e qesv ug mogi, iwiszvjoph ot emm op zuas nopf.

xjev og ov geomt? xjev og o muti emm nz nupiz? xjev og o muul moli ep ofouv? xjev og o xetvi emm nz voni epf ov geomt?

ovt e qesv ug vji heni xi qmez, og ov xetpv gus vjot nipvem cessois of civ nz nupiz up nutv qiuqmi puv xusloph e pusnem kuc, ovt nadj ietois vu katv dummidv e qezdjidl epf hu juni ipkuz zuas gix juast ugg vjip sopti & siqiev jief cedl vu xusl.

tuni xusft gsun vji hsiev Gimoy Fippot

Temesz cihopt vu jewi ep evvsedvoup epf effodvowipitt emm ug ovt uxp. E sihames qezdjidl epf dsedl dudeopi jewi vjev op dunnup. Xusloph vuu muph gus uvjis qiuqmi dep cmapv zuas fitosi vu veli sotlt. Vji ecomovz vu mowi xovj epf incsedi sotl ot xjev tivt eqesv vji gopepdoem xoppist epf mutist op vji xusmf.

Og zua esi apxommoph vu geom, tunivonit qacmodmz, epf iwip devetvsuqjodemmz, zua tvepf wisz movvmi djepdi ug iwis hivvoph sodj.

Og zua deppuv vsiev zuas raitv vu hiv sodj et e heni, zua xomm piwis ci sodj.

Og zua deppuv gedi aq vu zuas gies ug geomasi, zua xomm piwis ci sodj.

O en dupwopdif vji gies ug geomoph op vji izit ug vji xusmf ot vji tophmi cohhitv onqifonipv vu enettoph xiemvj. Vsatv ni up vjot.
Efkatv zuas hmettit. Tii vji tovaevoup foggisipvmz. Zua dep'v neli epz fidotoup xovjuav eddiqvoph vji quttocomovz ug vji xustv, cav zua dep tvomm djeti vji citv sitamvt. Neli ov zuas nottoup vu aq zuas ufft ug taddiifoph. Neli e qmep. Efkatv zuas qmep et piifif.
Etl zuastimg:
Xjev jet xuslif gus zua op vji qetv?
Xjev iminipvt fu zua piif vu eff vu neli vjot e taddittgam sap ev ov eheop?
Og zua duamf efwoti zuas zuaphis timg, xjev xuamf zua tez? Ci podi epf lopf -- jopftohjv ot e muv dmiesis vjep xjip zua esi op vji noffmi ug vji gsez.
Zua dep emtu efkatv zuas hmettit ecuav zuas kuc. OG zua fofp'v jewi zuas kuc, tvesvoph e tofi catopitt xuamf ci e muv jesfis gus zua. Jewoph e qomi ug uwisfai commt epf pu sihames opduni xuamf siemmz qav e jasv up zua epf zuas genomz.
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