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Does anyone else agree that SERVICE is the greatest gift?

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Feb 9, 2016
Edmonton, AB
I'm really curious what other people think about this mindset, as it has been in my head ever since MFL and the parts about "thinking less about money, and more how to create value". I have heard many other entrepreneurial leads talk about how service is the greatest gift, and in fact it is largely brought up in the bible (I'm not hugely religious, but I do recall this).

What I find interesting is not only in business, but in life - I've been able to let go of a lot of negative beliefs, previous pains (if you want to call it that) from childhood, fears, or even grudges against people by not thinking about myself and reminding myself that I should be in service of other people. Even things that have benefited me (better fitness) has clicked for me when I stopped looking at it as a benefit to myself - but being healthy to take care of my family.

Does anyone else agree that a lot of the pain, negative vices, and general negativity people go through in their lives, even if caused from real trauma, is caused because people are wired to think of themselves first, and not about the service of others?
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