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Creating profitable B2B webinars for INC 5000 companies...AMA

A detailed account of a Fastlane process...


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Oct 16, 2012
In the mountains
What up, Fastlaners. I've gotten a ton of value from this forum over the years, especially from the awesome AMA threads by @SinisterLex and others. So this is a small opportunity to give back.

What do I know about webinars?

I'm not some guru or anything. I learned about creating webinars at my job a year and a half ago. The TL;DR version: I was doing sales and copywriting at a technology company in Los Angeles.

The biggest problem we had? Getting enough qualified leads. I was cold-calling for hours every day. It got so bad that I lost my voice not once, but twice.

After a particularly terrible month, I had enough. I convinced the company founders to let me do a webinar to see if we could generate leads that way. Amazingly, I got over 100 people on the call with pretty minimal effort and the rest was history. My new job became doing the webinars and marketing full-time (though I still help out with sales when it gets really busy.)

From there, it was a lot of trial and error. I had calls that should have been amazing, but only 1 person showed up (and he was a customer, haha). And others that were a train-wreck, but still generated tens of thousands of dollars in sales.

And the results have been fantastic. The company jumped up 1000 places on the INC 5000, while reducing the size of the sales team and actually spending LESS (a lot less) on marketing.

(If you want to read the longer version, just shoot me a PM and I'll send a free chapter from my book.)

My webinar specialty

My focus is on B2B webinars. I don't really do the high-pressure "change your life or else!" kind of webinars.

Over the past year, I started working with outside clients as a freelancer---helping them create their presentations, marketing campaigns, and tweaking their sales process.

Which industries are perfect for webinars?

I've done webinars for thousands of people in multiple industries. I've seen this work for:
  • Software (either as a low-priced SaaS or a high-ticket enterprise platform)
  • Lead generation
  • Marketing consulting

And really, a lot of B2B sectors are great. If you sell your product over the phone, just imagine if you could talk to 100x as many people at once. High-touch, high-ticket sales (multiple calls for thousands of dollars of recurring revenue, etc) do really well with this model.

What do you want to know?

Ask me anything about different parts of the process---webinar software, outreach strategies, making a good presentation.

(Full disclosure: I am creating a course and also transitioning to consulting full-time. But I'm not pitching anything here. You can read my progress thread if you want to learn more about that.)

Quick Favor

I'm in the process of creating some blog posts/videos for my site.

If you are interested in using webinars for your business, would you mind filling out this 1-minute quiz about what's been holding you up in starting a webinar campaign?

No sales pitch, no catch. I'm not even collecting emails on the form. I just want to know what roadblocks people are running into so I can make the best content possible for my site.
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Lex DeVille

Sweeping Shadows From Dreams
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Jan 14, 2013
Thanks for the offer.

Can you share more about the marketing process? B2C (coaching) webinars are mostly marketed through Facebook Ads, so I'm curious how B2B differs in that area. What outlets are you using to attract B2B clients?


Writing and talking, basically.
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Oct 16, 2012
In the mountains
Sure. Probably the biggest difference is a heavier reliance on email. We still use FB ads (and Linkedin ads) quite a bit. But I'd say 80-85% of sign-ups will come from email.

This is where developing a strong email list is important---anyone from ebook opt-ins, prospects who didn't close, even canceled customers will be a good candidate for a webinar.

Cold emailing, as long as you follow the CAN-SPAM act guidelines, is also great. To stay compliant, I recommend doing SUPER targeted emails (like franchisees of Domino's Pizza, for a made-up example) with SUPER relevant content.

Ultimately, you can connect webinars to anything you're doing. I had a guy use telemarketers to invite people to a call. When I was helping him with the call script, I decided to call some people myself (mainly to show him it was a terrible idea). Surprisingly, I got quite a few people to opt-in in just an hour of calling.

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