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Create a brand of me, I'm all in!


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Nov 30, 2017
*If you read something strange is because I'm not native English speaker and I don't post so often in an english forum, so I apologize to that :)

Some years ago I was always dreaming to be something valuable for people, dreaming to bring people joy and happiness. I'm a musician (pianist and singer) and composer.

When I read the TMF I notice that I was egoist to my approach and I was going for the sideline. I will never be successful if a tried to create the music that only I was passionate and others not.

I have serious thinking about creating a brand of me. I'm from Argentina, where the economy is hard to deal with ( like all the Latin América countries), so bring up a business is a pain in the a$$ (crisis every 10 years since 1900). But the culture part of my people was always with music and food.

I'm thinking to be the product along with my music. I will be using the social media to create a vlog life. I will learn a lot of marketing to get the people attention, create some great stuff and gain momentum to launch some of my production.

I'm posting this to dump some of my ideas so maybe some things will be heard like crap: I will create an Instagram account when I will be posting things related to my music/covers. I will be getting ripped and I will enhance my appearance (i was getting great results with calisthenic). I will be creating music that people will enjoy listen live or in their parties. I maybe will create something along the road that will create some extra income (like a food/ training plan/ products related to health/ music courses of piano/compose) so I can add more value to all the stuff I will sell and will be worth it (i will prove myself all of this).

I will try to do covers and create content with other people in the environment and will be covering some popular music so others can know me by the time I will launch my music.

This are some of my ideas. I know that is hard as f*ck but the BIG risk will be the worth it in the long run.

I don't want to think in a plan B: I'm 23 y.o., I'm thinking in terms of 5 years ahead.

"When you have nowhere to go, you will fight until you die".

peace! :)
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