I have been dealing with copy cats the last few weeks, reporting them on the eBay site and to the copyright infringement department. All but one were taken down. Report it a second time and today this happend.
All my eBay listings, which where good till cancelled, ended. eBay is unsure about what happened and is investigating. The nice lady on the phone told me it might be a colleague who simply made an honest mistake but they will have to investigate.
5 year of building up listings with views, watchers, sales, reviews and the lot... GONE.
It's not possible to restore these ended listing, I was told by eBay.
I asked them if they can check if anyone accessed my account but they couldn't tell me. I was assured my account was not breached and everything was and is safe. I changed my password just in case.
I guess I'll have to wait and hear what their investigation uncovers.
All my eBay listings, which where good till cancelled, ended. eBay is unsure about what happened and is investigating. The nice lady on the phone told me it might be a colleague who simply made an honest mistake but they will have to investigate.
5 year of building up listings with views, watchers, sales, reviews and the lot... GONE.
It's not possible to restore these ended listing, I was told by eBay.
I asked them if they can check if anyone accessed my account but they couldn't tell me. I was assured my account was not breached and everything was and is safe. I changed my password just in case.
I guess I'll have to wait and hear what their investigation uncovers.
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