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Jan 16, 2023
Hi all!

I'm not new here. I've been one of the many lurkers that only read, never posted. I never felt inclined to post because to me, there was so much fluff on this website. Always loved receiving the newsletter because MJ put the best threads to read in them. So I was intrigued when @MJ DeMarco locked it. I thought maybe now is the time to join the conversation.

I do feel now the need for some help, some advice maybe - a good yarn with likeminded people. & Let's be honest - It can be quite lonely doing what we do sometimes. I wouldn't change it for the world. I love this control I have - there will never be blaming anyone but myself. If I F*ck up, it's on me.

Now, a bit more about me. I'm going to try & keep this short. It might be a bit weird posting this here as what I do is not necessarily Fastlane, neither is it CENTS, yet. (please do give me shit for this;))

Originally, I'm a photographer. Ever since I was a wee lad, I've been messing about with cameras. It wasn't until late high school that I started taking it seriously. The idea of sitting in an office for the rest of my life, did not sit well with me. & oh yes, 'do what you love' was right up there with the things I was thinking about when choosing a career. So I went to uni to study photography & visual communication. I started that degree being sold that I would get taught how to run a business - well that was a load of shit.. So I did it myself, reading many business books. I don't remember when I first read MJ's book but I remember thinking 'F*ck me, we're all full of shit'.

Then came the time to do an internship at uni. I went to uni during COVID & I knew I wanted to get out there the moment I could. As a matter of fact, I NEEDED to get out. I'm Europe based so I sent an e-mail to a company based in the US. (knowing this business is bigger in the US - anything is possible in the US compared to EU in this type of business). Almost immediately I got an e-mail back saying yes. So I went to the US for almost a year learning the ins & outs of not only the photography business but also a Creative Production Company. Getting involved in everything from Creative Direction, photography, film, cgi, to fully fletched advertising campaigns. I got insight into the running of the business & the financial side, seeing that it can work. (this was always the question - before starting my creative career)

Before starting uni, I knew I wanted to do more than just take pictures. Now, I've seen how to do just that.

My time in the US was great, getting on the very best with everyone. We got on so well that I suggested taking the company with me to Europe. So, I now run the European arm of this Creative Production Company. Never been challenged like this before & I absolutely love it.

Just to be clear. This company was never started with CENTS in mind & it's not that. Which I don't mind, for now. When we do projects (shoots) it feels like I'm going on vacation. I truly love it.

Now you know a little bit more about me (a very short version of what I've been up to) I want to talk about the problems I'm running into. But I realise, writing this is taking longer than expected - so I'm coming back to this when I have a bit more time to properly formulate my questions & the problems I'm running into.

Also - I will try to start contributing to posts & threads as much as I can. Looking forward to connecting with you all. @MJ DeMarco thank you writing these books.
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May 27, 2013
United States
We got on so well that I suggested taking the company with me to Europe. So, I now run the European arm of this Creative Production Company.
Do you have an equity stake in this division of the company (or in the company as a whole)?

Working a job that allows you to participate in the equity upside can be a path to the fastlane.

Definitely something you should consider asking for as you're managing an entire continent, as long as you think the growth potential is there, and you intend to stay there for a while.


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Jan 16, 2023
Do you have an equity stake in this division of the company (or in the company as a whole)?

Working a job that allows you to participate in the equity upside can be a path to the fastlane.

Definitely something you should consider asking for as you're managing an entire continent, as long as you think the growth potential is there, and you intend to stay there for a while.
Yes, I do. Thanks for asking. I own the European division.

I wouldn't be putting in the hours I do, if I didn't have that.

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