I don't exactly know how this forum works. So I just post here, and see what happens.
It seems, that I can tell that I have read The Millionaire's Fastlane somewhere.
Must that be done here?
In any case, I have read The Millionaire's Fastlane two times. One time superficially, and one time more thoroughly, and I am going through it now for the third time. But now I use it to think about every step that is in that book.
I also have read Unscripted once. I plan to go through that book a second time after I have finished The Millionaire's Fastlane now.
I know that TMF says, that ideas are just pawns, and that execution is King, marketing is Queen, the bishops stand for public relations, the knights stand for product, the rooks stand for personnel, and the pawns are standing for just ideas.
However, I am a writer and thinker. Therefore I live by producing ideas and insights. Ideas are, therefore, for me, my knights.
Being a thinker, I want to make a few remarks about TMF .
To begin with, the book is clearly the product of a genius!
Let me first define what a genius is so that you can see that this is not just the expression of a sentiment.
A genius is somebody who has tried to accomplish something in his life, starting with the ideology or presuppositions, usually unconscious, of the culture he was born into And then he noticed that he fails to accomplish his goals.
Almost all people would give up at that moment. But the future genius does not give up! Usually, this is because of some experience. But it can also be because of a question that has led to a contradiction. In MJ DeMarco's case was it seeing a fairly young somebody who owned a Lamborghini. And that experience was in contradiction with his money-consciousness, which was, at that time, that of a Sidewalker. That experience awakened the potential genius in him!
In the next step, the future genius becomes conscious of his unconscious presuppositions and sees how they block the end result he tries to accomplish. But, since these presuppositions are part of his cultural heritage, and fully determine how not only he sees the world, but also most, if not all people around him, he must make the mental step to separate himself from both these ideas and his fellow men! This then leads to a mental crisis, often a total mental breakdown. I don't know whether MJ. DeMarco ever had such a breakdown. But if he had, he would obviously not speak about it.
However, the future genius does not give up. And, because of this, his mind undergoes a transformation whereby some deep-rooted unconsciousn presupposition, some belief is exploded, and replaced by one that is in total logical contradiction with something he held as self-evident before this transformation.
Let me give an example.
Before Sigmund Freud, people believed that all mental disorders were a consequence of some physiological imbalance or damage t the brain, and nothing else could be the cause! Nobody at that time thought that it would be possible that a mental disorder could exist in a neurologically healthy brain. Nobody thought it possible that experiences in contradiction with somebodies world-view could also be the source of extreme mental disorders, even though the brain is from a medical standpoint totally healthy.
Enter Sigmund Freud. He was confronted with soldiers coming from the battlefields of WWI who had what we now call: 'Post Traumatic Stress Disorder', PTSDI. He was a psychiatrist, therefore a doctor. He could not find anything wrong with their brains. This caused a crisis in his thinking about mental disorders. And in this crisis, the idea was born that a mental disorder could also be the result of mental overload, caused by experiences that were in contradiction with the ideas these soldiers held when they went into battle. They were confronted with the most atrocious circumstances, because it was also the first war wherein the Industrial Revolution had produced the most atrocious and violent killing machines, like tanks and machine guns. Old fashion ways to go into battle led to whole battalions being killed within minutes through machine guns.
From these investigations, Sigmund Freud came up with the idea, that experiences that contradicted the common sense of people could be responsible for their mental imbalance. And this led to the invention of psychotherapy as such. That is, by exchanging with patients in such a way, so that they could integrate the experiences that caused their mental imbalance.
Before Freud, all psychiatrists, including Freud himself, thought that nothing could be done with people who were 'insane'. They just locked them up! But Freud introduced psychotherapy to people who were extremely out of mental balance, and had some success with that, although much less than claimed. And later it was also applied to people who were considered 'normal', but who did not feel well. It became a standard practice.
My point is: that the idea that Freud had about the human mind was in complete contradiction with the entire psychiatric world. Yet it was the only explanation for Freud to make sense of what he saw in soldiers with PTSD = post-traumatic stress disorder.
I also want to point out, that Freud's invention of psychotherapy has not refuted the idea, that mental disorders could be the result of brain damage or some chemical imbalance having purely physiological origins. No, he extended the number of possible causes of damage.
In the same manner, MJ DeMarco's book: 'The Millionaire's Fastlane' is the beginning of a totally new view on money. His view is in contradiction with especially one belief that exists in the minds of both the Sidewalker and the Slowlaner. And that idea is the so-called Labor Theory of Value.
The Labor Theory of Value asserts, that all value comes from labor, and labor alone. But MJ DeMarco's life shows that he succeeded to create a source of value for other entrepreneurs, through the creation of an internet service, and around that he created a business system. In other words, people can become rich through the creation of a system that provides others with value, without the need of the owners to actually work in that business system themselves. And as such it is in extreme contradiction with the idea almost everybody else in the world has concerning the concept of value!
Understanding that value does not only arise out of labor, and that, therefore, the creation of business systems that operate independently from those who create them, is a legitimate and ethical way to become rich, is a momentous paradigm shift. Moreover, that anybody can become rich if he just tries hard enough, puts in all the effort, and is willing to bear all the uncertainty that goes with it, is the genius of 'The Millionaire's Fastlane' and 'Unscripted '.
Especially in 'Unscripted ', MJ. DeMarco shows that he has become aware that his vision on money can only lead to a result for those who listen to him if they undergo the same tremendous paradigm shift concerning money he has undergone. And now he has apparently devoted his life to bringing about this paradigm shift by others.
However, I must say that there are things I think MJ. DeMarco is not aware of.
His use of the idea of Lanes is, I think, a mistake! The Sidewalk, the Slowlane, and the Fastlane are not just alternate routes to deal with money. They are stages in the development of something I call: 'money consciousness'.
Some time ago I myself have given a course in money consciousness. At that time I myself was, what MJ. DeMarco would call 'a sidewalker'. Still, even then I began to become aware of 'levels of money consciousness'. That course was, in fact, the first genuine success I had in earning money in an independent way. But since I was not aware of what it takes to be a Slowlaner, let alone a Fastlane, I did not recognize my success. So I did not exploit it. At that time the only way I saw to live in such a way that I had all the time for myself, was to just avoid becoming rich in any way!
This is because, back then, I recognized one of the things MJ DeMarco also explained in TMF. Namely, the more you have, the more you need to exert yourself to, as I put it 'uphold all that junk!'. The richer you are, as I understood it then, the more 'you were owned' by the very things you think you own. And I wanted to avoid that 'at all cost!'
Therefore I chose to live on as little as I could. However, I did choose to lead a life of studying, thinking, and meditation. So, in all the years I have lived ( am 67 now) the amount of time I have spent working for a boss is about 6 months total!
I got my income from just a few people, who recognized that I was, and still am, a thinker, and have a lot of insights and understandings not many people have. As such I have helped several people who were stuck in their lives, and to develop their mental capacities that 'unstuck' them. You might say, that I have been something of a super-psychotherapist, and even succeeded to help somebody recover from his Asperger syndrome!
These people have been so grateful, that they gave me just enough money to go by. So, I succeeded to use poverty as a way to at least be mentally free from work slavery!
In any case, in that course of 'money-consciousness', I had a classification in five stages.
1. The Poor Sod. (My name.) No money-consciousness at all! You can be a person who has not a clue about money at all because your mind does not work properly. In that case, you are a poor sod and a 'professional' beggar!
2. The Sidewalker: (My name is the Wage Slave.) The Sidewalker has at least some money-consciousness which prevents him from being a beggar. You work only for yourself. You understand, that if you earn money through a job, you can live in a house, feed yourself, and live from month to month. This is where MJ. DeMarco begins. He calls such a person a Sidewalker. I call such a person 'somebody who works for others and hasn't a clue why he is paid. He only knows that he is paid for his 'work', and that in one way or another he 'has value' for his boss. Although he hasn't a clue what 'value' is, exactly. This person 'works for himself'.
3. The Slowlaner. (My name is: the Middle Class.) The Slowlaner has more money-consciousness than the Wage Slave, the Sidewalker. The paradigm shift is this: 'you work for others'. Or, 'you get money through providing others with value'. That is the reason you are paid! The Sidewalker 'has no idea' why his 'boss' pays him! Not really! The Middle Class, the Slowlaner has some idea. This is the first paradigm shift in money. You could understand something about value, and understand that the money you get from others is not just an 'inexplicable gift' paid to you, because you do 'what the boss says'. No, as soon as you understand that there is such a thing as 'value', you can use that to become 'your own boss'. You can make not only a 'boss' pay you, but you can serve several others, your 'customers' who pay you. And you can make them pay you because, in one way or another, you are good at something they are not good at. Moreover, it makes you conscious of the fact, that you will not always have the physical or mental power to 'deliver the goods'. Therefore you are thinking about old age, and start building towards a pension. You do not do that to become rich. No, you do that just because you realize that one day, you will not be able to provide others with 'value' which, in one way or another, arises out of your expertise. But how exactly your expertise and value are connected, is something you totally do not understand!
4. The Fastlaner. (My name: the Really Rich) The Fastlaner has undergone a further transformation in money-consciousness. He 'turns around' what the Slowlaner believes. The Fastlaner let others, or something else work for him. So the paradigm shift is from 'you work for others' to 'others work for you' This is the second paradigm shift in the understanding of money. Making others, or a business system work for you.
In this paradigm shift, you understand that money does not necessarily have to flow to you directly. You can make something, traditionally called a business system, which is the 'money magnet', and which 'attracts the money for you. It is not you, but the business system, whether it is electronic or whether it consists of human resources that 'attracts' the money from those whom such a system serves. (A human resource business system was the only possibility before the inventions of machines and especially computers and the Internet.) It is the business system that is delivering the value, and therefore 'siphons' money to you. This is the paradigm shift of MJ. DeMarco. And this is what he teaches.
It is a paradigm shift, because a Fastlaner is somebody who has freed himself from the idea that it is labor that is the only source of value. A Fastlaner must make a mental transition whereby he must learn to think in terms of systems detached from himself. He must understand, that 'begging', 'working for yourself, or 'working for others' are not the only three ways to get money. You can also get money through the creation of something, a business system, an automated internet system, that does the 'working' for you.
This way of thinking is, by the way, an invention of the Dutch. It was the East Indian Company, the most successful company ever in history, that introduced the idea of a business system that became a legal entity in its own right. It was an idea that could limit the liability of those, who wanted to become rich without running into the risk of losing what they had when something went terribly wrong.
5. The Superlaner or the Super-Rich. This requires an even more thorough transformation. As far as I can judge, MJ. DeMarco himself is now making this transition from a Fastlaner into a Superlaner. This forum is one of its manifestations.
However, I will not yet explain this level of mone-consciousness here now. I think this introduction is already long enough. And, to be frank, I am still figuring out this one for myself! The only thing I want to say here is that the paradigm shift is this: A Superlaner, or a Super-rich somebody gets money through making others work for others. Or to make business systems that interact with each other.
So, to summarize, there are five levels of money-consciousness.
1. The Beggar or Poor Sod. He has no clue whatsoever what money is. The only thing he knows is that if he wants goods or services from others, he must offer them money. A beggar knows only consumption.
2. The Sidewalke or, Wage Slave. Contrary to the Beggar, he knows at least how to make others give him money. Namely through working. But he nevertheless only looks at his own interest. Therefore his work is purely and only for himself, and a reaction to what a 'boss' asks him to do..
3. The Slowlaner or Middle Classer. He works for others. He knows that money comes from delivering value. Therefore he can free himself from the necessity of a job, and become a Wage Slave. He can be 'his own boss'. He, therefore, does not work for himself, but he works for others. And that is in his consciousness as his view on money. He also believes that only work produces value.
4. The Fastlaner or Really Rich. The basic paradigm is that he frees himself from the idea that he must work for others. He tries makes others work for him. Or, thanks to the Internet, he makes 'something else' work for him. He creates 'money magnets' that preferably can operate without his presence.
5. The Superlaner or Super Rich. The basic paradigm is that he succeeds to break even through the paradigm of the Fastlaner. He himself from the idea that you can only become really rich through an outside agent working for him. He operates in such a way, that money flows toward him through constructions that make others work for others.
There is a mathematical formula that represents this. Bill Gates calls this mathematical principle: 'The Critical Mass'. Bill Gates has become the richest person in the world by using this principle in a positive way. Warren Buffett is also aware of this principle, and became the second-richest person in the world by using this principle in a negative way Elon Musk uses both Bill Gates' principle, through Tesla, and Warren Buffett's principle, through buying up social media.
Just like there are mathematical formulas that describe the Sidewalker, the Slowlaner and the Fastlaner, as described in MJ. DeMarco's books, so there is a mathematical formula that describes the Superlaner. People like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Elon Musk know this formula! But the ability to transform this formula into action requires an extraordinary money-consciousness.
This is my introduction to this forum.
I hope this was interesting.
It seems, that I can tell that I have read The Millionaire's Fastlane somewhere.
Must that be done here?
In any case, I have read The Millionaire's Fastlane two times. One time superficially, and one time more thoroughly, and I am going through it now for the third time. But now I use it to think about every step that is in that book.
I also have read Unscripted once. I plan to go through that book a second time after I have finished The Millionaire's Fastlane now.
I know that TMF says, that ideas are just pawns, and that execution is King, marketing is Queen, the bishops stand for public relations, the knights stand for product, the rooks stand for personnel, and the pawns are standing for just ideas.
However, I am a writer and thinker. Therefore I live by producing ideas and insights. Ideas are, therefore, for me, my knights.
Being a thinker, I want to make a few remarks about TMF .
To begin with, the book is clearly the product of a genius!
Let me first define what a genius is so that you can see that this is not just the expression of a sentiment.
A genius is somebody who has tried to accomplish something in his life, starting with the ideology or presuppositions, usually unconscious, of the culture he was born into And then he noticed that he fails to accomplish his goals.
Almost all people would give up at that moment. But the future genius does not give up! Usually, this is because of some experience. But it can also be because of a question that has led to a contradiction. In MJ DeMarco's case was it seeing a fairly young somebody who owned a Lamborghini. And that experience was in contradiction with his money-consciousness, which was, at that time, that of a Sidewalker. That experience awakened the potential genius in him!
In the next step, the future genius becomes conscious of his unconscious presuppositions and sees how they block the end result he tries to accomplish. But, since these presuppositions are part of his cultural heritage, and fully determine how not only he sees the world, but also most, if not all people around him, he must make the mental step to separate himself from both these ideas and his fellow men! This then leads to a mental crisis, often a total mental breakdown. I don't know whether MJ. DeMarco ever had such a breakdown. But if he had, he would obviously not speak about it.
However, the future genius does not give up. And, because of this, his mind undergoes a transformation whereby some deep-rooted unconsciousn presupposition, some belief is exploded, and replaced by one that is in total logical contradiction with something he held as self-evident before this transformation.
Let me give an example.
Before Sigmund Freud, people believed that all mental disorders were a consequence of some physiological imbalance or damage t the brain, and nothing else could be the cause! Nobody at that time thought that it would be possible that a mental disorder could exist in a neurologically healthy brain. Nobody thought it possible that experiences in contradiction with somebodies world-view could also be the source of extreme mental disorders, even though the brain is from a medical standpoint totally healthy.
Enter Sigmund Freud. He was confronted with soldiers coming from the battlefields of WWI who had what we now call: 'Post Traumatic Stress Disorder', PTSDI. He was a psychiatrist, therefore a doctor. He could not find anything wrong with their brains. This caused a crisis in his thinking about mental disorders. And in this crisis, the idea was born that a mental disorder could also be the result of mental overload, caused by experiences that were in contradiction with the ideas these soldiers held when they went into battle. They were confronted with the most atrocious circumstances, because it was also the first war wherein the Industrial Revolution had produced the most atrocious and violent killing machines, like tanks and machine guns. Old fashion ways to go into battle led to whole battalions being killed within minutes through machine guns.
From these investigations, Sigmund Freud came up with the idea, that experiences that contradicted the common sense of people could be responsible for their mental imbalance. And this led to the invention of psychotherapy as such. That is, by exchanging with patients in such a way, so that they could integrate the experiences that caused their mental imbalance.
Before Freud, all psychiatrists, including Freud himself, thought that nothing could be done with people who were 'insane'. They just locked them up! But Freud introduced psychotherapy to people who were extremely out of mental balance, and had some success with that, although much less than claimed. And later it was also applied to people who were considered 'normal', but who did not feel well. It became a standard practice.
My point is: that the idea that Freud had about the human mind was in complete contradiction with the entire psychiatric world. Yet it was the only explanation for Freud to make sense of what he saw in soldiers with PTSD = post-traumatic stress disorder.
I also want to point out, that Freud's invention of psychotherapy has not refuted the idea, that mental disorders could be the result of brain damage or some chemical imbalance having purely physiological origins. No, he extended the number of possible causes of damage.
In the same manner, MJ DeMarco's book: 'The Millionaire's Fastlane' is the beginning of a totally new view on money. His view is in contradiction with especially one belief that exists in the minds of both the Sidewalker and the Slowlaner. And that idea is the so-called Labor Theory of Value.
The Labor Theory of Value asserts, that all value comes from labor, and labor alone. But MJ DeMarco's life shows that he succeeded to create a source of value for other entrepreneurs, through the creation of an internet service, and around that he created a business system. In other words, people can become rich through the creation of a system that provides others with value, without the need of the owners to actually work in that business system themselves. And as such it is in extreme contradiction with the idea almost everybody else in the world has concerning the concept of value!
Understanding that value does not only arise out of labor, and that, therefore, the creation of business systems that operate independently from those who create them, is a legitimate and ethical way to become rich, is a momentous paradigm shift. Moreover, that anybody can become rich if he just tries hard enough, puts in all the effort, and is willing to bear all the uncertainty that goes with it, is the genius of 'The Millionaire's Fastlane' and 'Unscripted '.
Especially in 'Unscripted ', MJ. DeMarco shows that he has become aware that his vision on money can only lead to a result for those who listen to him if they undergo the same tremendous paradigm shift concerning money he has undergone. And now he has apparently devoted his life to bringing about this paradigm shift by others.
However, I must say that there are things I think MJ. DeMarco is not aware of.
His use of the idea of Lanes is, I think, a mistake! The Sidewalk, the Slowlane, and the Fastlane are not just alternate routes to deal with money. They are stages in the development of something I call: 'money consciousness'.
Some time ago I myself have given a course in money consciousness. At that time I myself was, what MJ. DeMarco would call 'a sidewalker'. Still, even then I began to become aware of 'levels of money consciousness'. That course was, in fact, the first genuine success I had in earning money in an independent way. But since I was not aware of what it takes to be a Slowlaner, let alone a Fastlane, I did not recognize my success. So I did not exploit it. At that time the only way I saw to live in such a way that I had all the time for myself, was to just avoid becoming rich in any way!
This is because, back then, I recognized one of the things MJ DeMarco also explained in TMF. Namely, the more you have, the more you need to exert yourself to, as I put it 'uphold all that junk!'. The richer you are, as I understood it then, the more 'you were owned' by the very things you think you own. And I wanted to avoid that 'at all cost!'
Therefore I chose to live on as little as I could. However, I did choose to lead a life of studying, thinking, and meditation. So, in all the years I have lived ( am 67 now) the amount of time I have spent working for a boss is about 6 months total!
I got my income from just a few people, who recognized that I was, and still am, a thinker, and have a lot of insights and understandings not many people have. As such I have helped several people who were stuck in their lives, and to develop their mental capacities that 'unstuck' them. You might say, that I have been something of a super-psychotherapist, and even succeeded to help somebody recover from his Asperger syndrome!
These people have been so grateful, that they gave me just enough money to go by. So, I succeeded to use poverty as a way to at least be mentally free from work slavery!
In any case, in that course of 'money-consciousness', I had a classification in five stages.
1. The Poor Sod. (My name.) No money-consciousness at all! You can be a person who has not a clue about money at all because your mind does not work properly. In that case, you are a poor sod and a 'professional' beggar!
2. The Sidewalker: (My name is the Wage Slave.) The Sidewalker has at least some money-consciousness which prevents him from being a beggar. You work only for yourself. You understand, that if you earn money through a job, you can live in a house, feed yourself, and live from month to month. This is where MJ. DeMarco begins. He calls such a person a Sidewalker. I call such a person 'somebody who works for others and hasn't a clue why he is paid. He only knows that he is paid for his 'work', and that in one way or another he 'has value' for his boss. Although he hasn't a clue what 'value' is, exactly. This person 'works for himself'.
3. The Slowlaner. (My name is: the Middle Class.) The Slowlaner has more money-consciousness than the Wage Slave, the Sidewalker. The paradigm shift is this: 'you work for others'. Or, 'you get money through providing others with value'. That is the reason you are paid! The Sidewalker 'has no idea' why his 'boss' pays him! Not really! The Middle Class, the Slowlaner has some idea. This is the first paradigm shift in money. You could understand something about value, and understand that the money you get from others is not just an 'inexplicable gift' paid to you, because you do 'what the boss says'. No, as soon as you understand that there is such a thing as 'value', you can use that to become 'your own boss'. You can make not only a 'boss' pay you, but you can serve several others, your 'customers' who pay you. And you can make them pay you because, in one way or another, you are good at something they are not good at. Moreover, it makes you conscious of the fact, that you will not always have the physical or mental power to 'deliver the goods'. Therefore you are thinking about old age, and start building towards a pension. You do not do that to become rich. No, you do that just because you realize that one day, you will not be able to provide others with 'value' which, in one way or another, arises out of your expertise. But how exactly your expertise and value are connected, is something you totally do not understand!
4. The Fastlaner. (My name: the Really Rich) The Fastlaner has undergone a further transformation in money-consciousness. He 'turns around' what the Slowlaner believes. The Fastlaner let others, or something else work for him. So the paradigm shift is from 'you work for others' to 'others work for you' This is the second paradigm shift in the understanding of money. Making others, or a business system work for you.
In this paradigm shift, you understand that money does not necessarily have to flow to you directly. You can make something, traditionally called a business system, which is the 'money magnet', and which 'attracts the money for you. It is not you, but the business system, whether it is electronic or whether it consists of human resources that 'attracts' the money from those whom such a system serves. (A human resource business system was the only possibility before the inventions of machines and especially computers and the Internet.) It is the business system that is delivering the value, and therefore 'siphons' money to you. This is the paradigm shift of MJ. DeMarco. And this is what he teaches.
It is a paradigm shift, because a Fastlaner is somebody who has freed himself from the idea that it is labor that is the only source of value. A Fastlaner must make a mental transition whereby he must learn to think in terms of systems detached from himself. He must understand, that 'begging', 'working for yourself, or 'working for others' are not the only three ways to get money. You can also get money through the creation of something, a business system, an automated internet system, that does the 'working' for you.
This way of thinking is, by the way, an invention of the Dutch. It was the East Indian Company, the most successful company ever in history, that introduced the idea of a business system that became a legal entity in its own right. It was an idea that could limit the liability of those, who wanted to become rich without running into the risk of losing what they had when something went terribly wrong.
5. The Superlaner or the Super-Rich. This requires an even more thorough transformation. As far as I can judge, MJ. DeMarco himself is now making this transition from a Fastlaner into a Superlaner. This forum is one of its manifestations.
However, I will not yet explain this level of mone-consciousness here now. I think this introduction is already long enough. And, to be frank, I am still figuring out this one for myself! The only thing I want to say here is that the paradigm shift is this: A Superlaner, or a Super-rich somebody gets money through making others work for others. Or to make business systems that interact with each other.
So, to summarize, there are five levels of money-consciousness.
1. The Beggar or Poor Sod. He has no clue whatsoever what money is. The only thing he knows is that if he wants goods or services from others, he must offer them money. A beggar knows only consumption.
2. The Sidewalke or, Wage Slave. Contrary to the Beggar, he knows at least how to make others give him money. Namely through working. But he nevertheless only looks at his own interest. Therefore his work is purely and only for himself, and a reaction to what a 'boss' asks him to do..
3. The Slowlaner or Middle Classer. He works for others. He knows that money comes from delivering value. Therefore he can free himself from the necessity of a job, and become a Wage Slave. He can be 'his own boss'. He, therefore, does not work for himself, but he works for others. And that is in his consciousness as his view on money. He also believes that only work produces value.
4. The Fastlaner or Really Rich. The basic paradigm is that he frees himself from the idea that he must work for others. He tries makes others work for him. Or, thanks to the Internet, he makes 'something else' work for him. He creates 'money magnets' that preferably can operate without his presence.
5. The Superlaner or Super Rich. The basic paradigm is that he succeeds to break even through the paradigm of the Fastlaner. He himself from the idea that you can only become really rich through an outside agent working for him. He operates in such a way, that money flows toward him through constructions that make others work for others.
There is a mathematical formula that represents this. Bill Gates calls this mathematical principle: 'The Critical Mass'. Bill Gates has become the richest person in the world by using this principle in a positive way. Warren Buffett is also aware of this principle, and became the second-richest person in the world by using this principle in a negative way Elon Musk uses both Bill Gates' principle, through Tesla, and Warren Buffett's principle, through buying up social media.
Just like there are mathematical formulas that describe the Sidewalker, the Slowlaner and the Fastlaner, as described in MJ. DeMarco's books, so there is a mathematical formula that describes the Superlaner. People like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Elon Musk know this formula! But the ability to transform this formula into action requires an extraordinary money-consciousness.
This is my introduction to this forum.
I hope this was interesting.
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