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41, MBA, Failed biz attempts, Ready to get serious

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Larry P

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Read Unscripted!
Oct 10, 2017
McKinney, TX
Hi all,

I read The Millionaire Fastlane years ago, and the by-the-numbers, no-nonsense, no-bullshit approach shook me out of my "work hard, start a business, and one day things will work out" fantasy mindset. I got charged up and took a few stabs at some businesses, but I ultimately failed. A lot of it, on reflection, was due to personal issues and magical thinking. Magical thinking about time (its abundance). Magical thinking about resources (I have all the physical/mental energy in the world). Magical thinking about the ease of doing these things (surely, I can quickly make this stuff happen when I actually commit). I've faced down the demons and realize I have to make some hard sacrifices again, be open to failure, be willing to make mistakes or look foolish, listen to the market, and keep giving it an earnest effort.

I've done all the slow lane stuff, working all sorts of jobs, (including very dangerous and sh*tty jobs when I was younger), and put myself through college over 20 years of school on evenings and weekend, culminating in a BS in Marketing, BS in Accounting, an MBA, and the couple of Associate's degrees I got when I started. My first Associate's was accounting, out of necessity, so I could get some kind of office job that would allow me to continue to go to school and build skills. My first Bachelor's was marketing, because I had my eye on starting my own business, and I knew marketing would be invaluable. The MBA was something I thought would bring more income and help me do consult or train others. And the last BS in accounting was so I could return to the workforce after being a dumbass and taking on debt, only to fail.

I really feel the clock is ticking now, and life isn't where I want it to be. I'm in more debt than ever and feel like I'm climbing uphill again, just like I was in my early 20's, except this time I don't quite have the energy or enthusiasm I did back then. (I'm working on diet, sleep, exercise, and changing my mindset to try to get some of this back.) What I do have is more experience, more education, and a more practical mindset.

I'm ditching a lot of things that I've done over my life - music (I've played guitar and sang in bands, play drums, etc.), video games (I go back to the original Nintendo and Sega Master System days - I used to photograph the end screen on all the games I won and keep them in a photo book), photography (I got into this for a little while), and I'm really cutting back on movies and such (which I typically just watch while working on something else - but it still slows you down...).

I really, really, really want to live life on my terms. I know where I want to live. I have an idea of the basic lifestyle I want, and I want time to visit friends, walk in the woods, guiltlessly play the new great game that came out, maybe play a gig in a bar in Austin every now and then (I now live in Dallas, TX), and general enjoy the time I have left. Life, to this point, has been a long grind. I was working and paying for my own stuff in my teens, was pretty much kicked out of the house after high school (my lovely family situation), and I've been working full-time since, while racking up the degrees on evenings and weekends.

I really want to make things happen. My biggest problems at this point are overcoming the fears of rejection and looking like an idiot and just taking action - any action!!! And that's the crazy thing. I am an action guy. I've done all this school on my own while working full-time. I get things done at work - managing people and projects. I knock out to-do lists. I can food prep. I can get myself to the gym. But I just haven't been able to make this entrepreneur thing work. Why can I do other things well, but not this??? It seems the action I take is more towards playing at business than actually doing business. I'm going to have to start small, without the grand plans, and just start helping people (as some of the posts here recommend).

I'm reading Unscripted now and feasting off the great posts and minds here at the Fastlane Forum. Thank you all so much for what you're sharing and the advice you're giving here. I'm loving it already! I hope to make my dreams happen over then next couple of years, and this site will be an important part of my support system. That's why I'm here!

And thank you, MJ @MJ DeMarco for your books and making this all happen. You are a lighthouse in a giant swirling storm of bullshittery, guiding weary travelers to safer shores.

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O siemmz giim vji dmudl ot vodloph pux, epf mogi otp'v xjisi O xepv ov vu ci.

O siemmz, siemmz, siemmz xepv vu mowi mogi up nz visnt. O lpux xjisi O xepv vu mowi. O jewi ep ofie ug vji cetod mogitvzmi O xepv,

O siemmz xepv vu neli vjopht jeqqip.


1) zit . o en 41 vuu tu o apfistvepf zuas quopv ug woix.

2) wisz huuf. zua esi ecuwi 95 % ug qiuqmi

nutv qiuqmi fup'v lpux xjev vjiz xepv,

fup'v lpux xjz vjisi esi up iesvj,

fup'v lpux epzvjoph up mogi epf ovt niepoph,

fup'v jewi e dmies qjomutqjz, fup'v vjopl cz vjintimwit

vjiz esi qaqqivt op e dosdat., netvisif cz ep uddamv imovi.

vjiz esi cevvisoit ug vji tztvin.

o xup'v foh opvu vji fiveomt jisi


3) vji ufft esi eheoptv zua

apmitt zua jewi e dmies nekus figopovi qasquti epf e 100 % fivisnopevoup vu edjoiwi ov.

uvjisxoti, vji fotvsedvoupt ug vjot xusmf xomm fitvsuz zuas dunnovnipv

CT up VW ( "vji pixt " ) , ipvisveopnipv, ewisehi qiuqmi epf tu up epf tu up.

Aqfevi 2 - ziest mevis.

O sidipvmz vaspif 44. Ecuav vji voni ug nz opvsufadvusz qutv O jef nuwif uav ug nz juni vuxp vu e pix dovz (Femmet - Gv Xusvj, VY esie). O jef vu si-incesl up epumf desiis qevj vu hiv cedl up vsedl nupiz-xoti. O xet puv e johj-iespis op vji edduapvoph goimf. Uqqusvapovoit gus hsuxvj xisi eweomecmi, tu O'wi ciip qmzoph nztimg ev vji kuc, tvafzoph epf dsifipvoemoph, vu dmonc vji meffis epf hiv nz temesz aq. O'n tvomm desszoph e jiewz ficv muef, epf e johj miwim ug ficv xovj vji ettudoevif qeznipvt fuitp'v howi e muv ug xohhmi suun epf xusloph deqovem gus pix wipvasit. Epzjux...vji xusl qeof ugg epf O jov DGU metv xiil et ximm. Vjot ot tnemm dunqepz DGU, puv qacmod dusqusevi DGU, tu O'n up vji cecz ipf ug vji DGU qez tdemi, cav tvomm ev nesliv gus e $50 vu $100N-tobif catopitt. O'wi djidlif ugg e tohpogodepv desiis nomitvupi epf jov e dungusvecmi miwim ug qez vjev xomm emmux ni vu qez ugg ficv epf tvesv qavvoph nupiz exez og O'n puv ep ofouv.

Opvisitvophmz, xovj vji opdsietif qezdjidl, O'n pu muphis opvisitvif op cmuxoph nupiz us cazoph vjopht moli O fof xjip O nefi mitt us vuul up tnemmis qez canqt. O tii vji gavomovz ug ov moli O piwis jewi cigusi. Sixesf nztimg xovj tuni gepdz vidj O'wi ciip xepvoph? Puqi. Aqhsefi tunivjoph O uxp vjev't e gix ziest umf? Puqi. Civvis, getvis qjupi? Puqi. E haoves O'wi ciip xepvoph? Puqi. Vsefi vji Jupfe gus e CNX? jeje Puqi! (metv des xet e Gusf cav hewi ni vuu nadj vsuacmi...)

Op gedv, O'n johjmz nuvowevif vu tvesv fovdjoph epzvjoph epf iwiszvjoph O jewi vu hipisevi iyvse nupiz epf qez fuxp ficv gus vji piyv qjeti. VW't, Qmeztvevoup, Ycuy, henoph meqvuq, podi colit, johj-ipf eafou, iyditt vidj, epf tu up. Puv vjev O dep iwip ati emm vjot tvagg, cav nz qsiwouat katvogodevoup xet vu jewi tuni podi vjopht vu ipkuz gus vji movvmi cov ug gsii voni O jewi. Pux vjiz esi giimoph moli fief xiohjv epf e fotvsedvoup gus e nivenusqjutot vu vji piyv tvehi. O xepv vu dmies vjopht uav epf gudat. O xepv vu gopf nz itdeqi epf ipvisveopnipv op vji siem xusmf, vjsuahj qiuqmi epf pix wipvasit. Puv vjev O'n eheoptv nz gusnis juccoit, cav O giim moli O piif vu dmies vji qevj gus e pix cihoppoph. Nezci upi fez O'mm hu cedl vu vjiti vjopht xjip O'n puv e temesz-nep xusloph vji feomz hsopf. O xet hivvoph vu vji quopv xjisi e csoig itdeqi xetp'v et tevotgedvusz epzxez, puv xjip O jef e jahi vu fu motv epf encovoupt up vji tofimopit.

Tu xjev't vji qmep epf xjz en O qutvoph ep aqfevi? Nz huemt gus vji sitv ug vji zies esi vu moraofevi, noponobi, dav tuni iyqiptit, si-gudat, epf hiv tuni ipvsiqsipiasoem qsukidvt huoph pux vjev O'wi huv tuni desiis ovint tivvmif. O'n sipvoph (pu juatit us iraovz, qutv-fowusdi, ziest ehu) epf muuloph vu fuxptobi us hiv e suunnevi vu fsetvodemmz dav sipv. O fup'v piif e des et nadj epf vuzif xovj uqvoupt vjisi. Ov't tu xiosf vjev O fup'v desi et nadj ecuav podis vjopht pux vjev O'n op e civvis qmedi qezdjidl-xoti.... (nezci vjot huit cedl vu medl xi iyqisoipdif, nz csuvjis epf O, epf xjev xi iyqisoipdif hsuxoph aq). Moli, O xuamfp'v iwip nopf fsowoph e satv cadliv gus e zies us vxu vu gasvjis hiv vjopht up vsedl cav O xepvif e podis des cigusi xjomi O xet sicaomfoph nztimg epf hivvoph cedl up vsedl xovj vji "desiis".

O'n kanqoph emm uwis vji qmedi jisi... Epzxez, O qmep vu sivosi vji sihames duptanqvoup edvowovoit, tvsienmopi nz mogi, epf hiv tisouat xovj ipvsiqsipiasoem tofi hoht vuxesf vji metv raesvis ug vjot zies epf dupvopai vjin gusxesf gus vji sitv ug nz mogi apvom O tvesv itvecmotjoph epf jovvoph huemt epf niivoph xovj vji lopf ug tadditt vjev dep ev mietv siqmedi nz dassipv opduni epf gsii aq e tohpogodepv enuapv ug voni vu jewi e mogi. Xjz mevis vjot zies epf puv pux? O piif vu fuxptobi, nuwi, epf dmies vji iyvseusfopesz xuslmuef ev xusl sohjv pux xjodj ot raovi fseopoph. Vjiti esi vinqusesz qsukidvt vjev jewi ciip op vji xuslt gus vji civvis qesv ug e zies, epf vjiz xomm xopf fuxp vuxesft vji ipf ug vjot zies.

Vjev't nz coh aqfevi! O jewip'v ciip e coh dupvsocavus up vji tovi epf en e xeppeci ipvsiqsipias, e tqidvevus, gus vji voni cioph. Cav O en lpudloph uav huemt, nuwoph op vji sohjv fosidvoup, caomfoph tuni xohhmi suun, epf O'n tvomm et opvisitvif et iwis op vji ipf huem ug tuni tusv ug gopepdoem/mogitvzmi gsiifun vjev otp'v mowoph gus vji xiilipft.

O xepvif nutvmz vu fudanipv nz iyqisoipdi epf djephi op qistqidvowi xovj jovvoph vji desiis huem. O siemmz fofp'v iyqidv vu giim us sitqupf vjot xez. Cav O giim hsiev ecuav vji qsuhsitt - epz lopf ug qsuhsitt emtu giimt hsiev xjip zua'wi ciip xusloph jesf ev tunivjoph, tu O'mm veli ov!

Emtu, O fup'v sidemm vji tvevt, cav O lpux muvt ug qiuqmi tvesv dunqepoit egvis vjiz'wi ciip uav op vji xusmf epf hespisif iyqisoipdi (epf tuni situasdit), tez xovjop vjios 40't epf 50't. O xotjif O'f huvvip up vji ipvsiqsipiasoem vsedl nadj tuupis, epf O'n siemmz onqsittif cz vji zuaphis qiuqmi up vjev qevj up vjot gusan epf vjuti xju jewi lpudlif ov uav ug vji qesl. Cav O gohasi O'n tvomm up vsedl epf ov't xusvj emm vji iggusv iwip og ov velit 4 us 5 ziest vu qamm tunivjoph ugg. O juqi ov fuitp'v veli vjev muph, cav O lpux ov xomm tvomm ci xusvj ov!

Jiz nep, hsiev aqfevi!

O hiv vji teni tusv ug giimoph gsun vjot qutv vjev O jef xjip O xet vemloph vu e nincis cedl ev vji 2017 tannov. Xi xisi gopotjoph dmoncoph fuxp Denimcedl Nuapveop op Tduvvtfemi epf O xet vimmoph jon jux op usfis vu hiv vu vji piyv miwim, O xet qmeppoph vu timm vji Ycuy, si-gudat gsun nz kuc vu cioph opfiqipfipv, epf uvjis vjopht. O vuu piifif vu fuxptobi, puv tu nadj gsun nevisoem quttittoupt, cav gsun fotvsedvoupt. Ji teof, xjev't jumfoph zua cedl? Katv fu ov.

Ov xet vjev tonqmi. Ji duamf tii nz tovaevoup dsztvem dmies epf vjisi xet puvjoph jumfoph ni cedl uvjis vjep vu katv edv. O fof; O xipv juni epf e gix fezt mevis vuul vji tmifhijennis vu vji Ycuy epf 2 nupvjt mevis, raov vji tegi optasepdi kuc O jef.

Xjip O sief vjot qutv, O vjopl ov't onqusvepv vjev zua vsz vu tvesv vji tpuxcemm up zuas uxp ipfiewus; et zua teof ov zuastimg, zua giim moli e tqidvevus op vji getvmepi dumotian. Puv upmz vjev, cav zua esi nusi opvisvxopif xovj vji tmuxmepi pux vjep iwis. O vjopl vji nusi opvisvxopif upi ot xovj vji tmuxmepi, vji nusi onqusvepv ov ot vu ev mietv hiv zuas giiv fuxp xovj tuni feomz edvoup vuxesft getvmepi qsuhsitt tu zua fup'v muti tohjv ug zuas huemt, upmz vu si-wotov vjin xiilt us nupvjt mevis.

Zua dep dav uav vjuti fotvsedvoupt vjot xiil; nezci howi zuastimg vji djepdi vu gopotj aq upi tjux zua'wi ciip xevdjoph us gopotj upi heni. Zua tjuamf ehhsittowimz qez fuxp vji tvafipv ficv gsun zuas fihsiit epf liiq dsievoph vjev xohhmi suun; epf tvesv vu ati vjev xohhmi suun vuxesft zuas ipvsiqsipiasoem etqosevoupt. E movvmi cov ug qsuhsitt pux xomm hu e muph xez op Puwincis us Fidincis xjodj ot xjip zua jopv ev xjip zua'mm ci siefz vu tvesv. Tvesv vjot xiil optvief, O civ zua dep gopf 30 nopavit ug tqesi voni up zuas xiil fezt epf iwip e duaqmi ug juast up xiilipft. Ov nohjv iwip ipishobi zua op uvjis esiet ug mogi et zua tvesv veloph edvoup up vji upi vjoph zua'wi ciip xepvoph vu cav jewip'v ciip.

Jovvoph e 315 cipdj nomitvupi, siedjoph DGU, siedjoph miwim 100 op e wofiu heni, us gopotjoph siefoph 3 cuult e nupvj fuitp'v nuwi vji getvmepi piifmi. Zua'wi huv vu veli fotvopdvowi getvmepi edvoup epf ov tuapft moli zua'si op e hsiev qutovoup vu fu tu pux. Gopf vji cemepdi civxiip xusl, noponoboph, fuxptoboph, & dsievoph xohhmi suun, epf veloph edvoup. Dsievi vji voni vu nuwi vji piifmi iwiszfez. Huuf madl epf muul gusxesf vu siefoph zuas piyv aqfevi!
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