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  1. J

    23-year-old with 23 X 3 in debt

    Hello everyone, I have read the Millionaire Fastlane and my entire worldview has shifted. I am 23 years old and living in Minneapolis with around 70k in student debt. I currently work in corporate finance with a salary of 75k; this will never give me freedom. I am currently laying the seeds of...
  2. S

    Should I go to college

    Hi, I'm currently in high school and want to have my own trucking business. My parents are hardcore slow laners and believe that I should get a 4 year college degree and then graduation school and get something like an mba. I really do not see the point in this because I feel like most business...
  3. jwest95

    Is it better to use debt or live debt free?

    I feel extremely lucky to be in the process of buying a house in cash (no mortgage). I am 27 and feel like I've been given a massive opportunity, partly from my own doing but mostly in this case from inheritance (I feel dirty even saying it). I weighed up my options, I thought about using the...
  4. Akita

    Hello! Glad to be apart of the forum!

    I joined and recently read "The Millionaire Fastlane." I live in Washington, USA, I'm in my late 20's, and I have been working in warehousing jobs since out of high school. The job I currently work at I've been at for 3 years for $14.50 an hour and I've hated every moment of it. Iv'e always...
  5. Lizjinx9

    Shifting focus from stock mkt investing to business

    I’ve wanted to own a business for as long as I can remember. In grade school I wrote a report on entrepreneurship by choice. When I was a kid I was a drummer so naturally my first idea was a music store. I later realized those all died when the online market took over. Since graduating high...
  6. L

    Getting Started With Velocity Banking & A Credit Line

    Hi, I'm a single parent with a full time job and I'm looking to make this a little better financially for me and my daughter and I'm really interested in utilizing velocity banking but I have some question on how and IF it will work for us. So here some of my questions and issues: Accessing...
  7. S

    How do I manage my Debt?

    Here is a breakdown of my debt: 1. Loan against my home (valued around $500,000) Monthly Payments of $5000. Have to pay till 2030. 2. Credit Card Total Overdue: $3000. Minimum Payment every month: $130 3. Motorbike Finance Monthly Due: $300. 10 More Payments to Go. 4. Car Finance Month Due...
  8. behappy1300

    New idea/general advice

    Hello all, This is my first post. Just want to say MJ has opened my mind so much. I have been so unhappy in every job I ever had. Even when I was making $2k to $3k a week, and I realized it's because I have never been free the way I want to. I'm sick and tired of being a time prostitute. I'm...
  9. S

    Hi. I'm an M33 entrepreneur from India who failed my first 2 ventures. Hear my see-saw story!

    Hi everyone! Here's an introduction about myself. I read TMF because a person who I used to do business with makes $60k a month, and he recommended this book to me, saying that this book really helped him build the mindset to earn that kind of money. After graduating in Chemical Engineering, I...
  10. Z

    Never been good with ever!

    Ok so I have history of being a true financial f***up. I am about to finish my Master’s degree in Radiology Administration which will hopefully make me more money (not rich slowlane) to help pay my debt. I have quite a bit of debt so it make take me a while to pay it all off. My question is...
  11. Haelios

    Move Back in with Parents and Save $$$ or Stay Independent and Gain Opportunities?

    Hey everyone. It's been a while since my last post, but I'm back and am trying to figure out what's the best path. It's been rough being out of my parents house for a few months now, I've had a bunch of setbacks from medical bills to court fees (ended up getting in a minor fender bender...
  12. Paul David

    I'm going to go from bankruptcy/£240,000 personal debt to a life of freedom using Facebook ads.

    Ok, where do I start with this? This is long so i'll break it up into smaller more readable posts. Your time is valuable so I hope you can get something out of my story. Yes you read it correctly, my name is Paul and at the time of writing this, I'm £240,000 in personal debt and on the verge of...
  13. B

    Conflicted on Entrepreneurship Loan Opportunity

    I have an opportunity I am conflicted on, and would like to know people's thoughts. The offer is essentially a loan paid out to me over two years in monthly increments. The amount is roughly 70% of my current pre-tax salary. The purpose is to provide a "monthly income" while I work on building a...
  14. Salama2017

    Moving to a Cheaper Area to Pay Off debt

    I have just paid off my $12,500 in credit card debt and now I am focused on paying off $37,000 in student loan debts. My monthly payments for the student loans are $250 but I plan on paying about $500 every month in order to pay off the loan faster. Other than this loan and rent, and do not have...
  15. G

    Entrepreneur/Investor Starter Pack | What to Learn | Practical Info Only

    You read The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime! & UNSCRIPTED: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Entrepreneurship You now know that education starts today! Life did happen before and there are some consequences, so.. Reading best selling books about...
  16. RazorCut

    I'm 29 Years Old With Nearly $1,000,000 In Debt!

    HOW THE F$*& CAN SOMEONE SO SMART BE SO STUPID! :wideyed::wideyed::wideyed: This is slowlane mentality taken to extreme. This is what happens when huge student loans numb you into thinking that debt doesn't really matter, until it escalates to a point where you come out of your cosy coma and...
  17. RazorCut

    Superb Caricature of the Slowlane

    This made me smile but feel sad at the same time as we all know people trapped in this world: View:
  18. Kelly86

    A mum seeking freedom :)

    Hi everyone! I joined the forum yesterday and spent a couple of hours reading through some of the threads last night, then logged straight on again as soon as I got out of bed this morning as there's so much amazing info and advice on here! I'm Kelly, a mum in UK raising my 3 beautiful...
  19. Larry P

    41, MBA, Failed biz attempts, Ready to get serious

    Hi all, I read The Millionaire Fastlane years ago, and the by-the-numbers, no-nonsense, no-bullshit approach shook me out of my "work hard, start a business, and one day things will work out" fantasy mindset. I got charged up and took a few stabs at some businesses, but I ultimately failed. A...
  20. X

    15k Tax Dept With 21

    Hello, i am trying to make this as short as possible. I was earning a good amount of money in 2016. I also put the tax money on a separate bank account so i cant accidentally spend it. But after half a year my money was spend and nothing new was coming in anymore. So i started to use the tax...