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landing page

  1. smarty

    Is your landing page as good as you think? Let's find out

    I keep coming back to this video year after year and I think it's one of the best on the topic of reviewing landing pages, so I thought I'd share here and hopefully some of you find it helpful as well. In short, your landing page should answer three basic questions as quickly as possible in...
  2. Pranav_Banerjee

    Landing page for my SaaS

    Hey, forum! I have created a landing page for a SaaS product that I have decided to work on, This is my first time creating a landing page or a SaaS for that matter. I need some feedback on what I can improve on this page before I start reaching out to potential customers. Any...
  3. klaipeda

    My marketplace bootstrapping strategy: what are your thoughts?

    Hello, I'm building a marketplace, and I'm very close to the release of the MVP. I created the brand following the concept I learned reading Al Ries books about positioning; My brand is in a new category compared to the competitors and has a new approach to the market, bringing new technology...
  4. Chris McCarron

    This landing page is converting like crazy and here's why

    Hi folks, a client needed my help with a complete redesign of their website. So, I got to work on a landing page and they're now getting a conversion rate of over 30% (visitors going to their contact page to request pricing). I'm very excited for them and they're now getting ready to send paid...
  5. Lihan

    AI solution for businesses - can someone critique my value proposition and landing page?

    Hey all, I'm following Rcaraway's approach of building the MVP (really just the landing page) before the product. So this afternoon was my first time building my landing page, can someone give me ruthless feedback? Besides the landing page, how's the value proposition? The main idea: scrape...
  6. Gaurav

    Is it better to have a single feature focus sales page vs multi-features focussed sales page?

    We have a car community and our daily 1K-2K unique traffic is split among our 4 main features: discussing car problems, offroad club, car classifieds and car business listing. So while designing a sales page, we are split between the idea whether to focus on each feature separately and design 4...
  7. Scot

    What is your favorite Landing Page Builder?

    I'm currently using and it's... adequate. However, I'm switching my shop over from WordPress to Shopify at the moment and looking for a better landing page builder. Here are the things I need. Intuitive drag and drop builder Customizable - not one size fits all templates...
  8. HiGHPeR

    Get a higher converting website or landing page from

    Hey everyone! We're almost into summer and its that time of the year to launch those hot summer offers! Contact me today to schedule a free consultation, and lets see how can help you improve your overall ROI or FB ROAS and simply make you more money. We've been in the...
  9. Argue

    The Beginner's Guide To The Sales Funnel

    Getting Started The funnel is a tool designed to turn visitors into customers. The visitor goes through a series of steps that lead them to take action. Learning the basics of the funnel will help your online business with conversions. The Funnel There are typically 5 parts to the funnel...
  10. Chris McCarron

    How to Build An Epic Email List Fast (So Simple Even Your Kids Can Do It)

    Direct link: How to make money with a website - 60% - 80% Opt In Landing Page Conversion Rate Optimization Anyone who has a website knows how important it is to grow your email list. Email marketing is one of the easiest ways to get your message read by tens of thousands (if not hundreds of...
  11. D

    Lead Gen Page for Window Cleaning

    Could you guys please have a look at a landing page I designed for my friends window cleaning business? The website is We are currently trying to collect leads from FB and Google ads. So far we have no clicks and about 45 views on FB and 7 on Google. However, we only...
  12. NoahK

    CENTS Evaluation/Kinetic Execution

    I'm feeling pretty good after finishing UNSCRIPTED a while ago. Instead of wasting time playing a mobile game, I thought I'd take an idea through a CENTS Evaluation as part of the first step of Kinetic Execution described in UNSCRIPTED. (If you haven't yet, go read it.) This would be my first...
  13. arfadugus

    One Page of FREE Copywriting. Limited Slots.

    EDIT: I just need portfolio pieces. No catch. Just like the title says. You get a page of copy for FREE. Need a landing page, product description, about page, sales letter, or email funnel? Need that same page optimized with secret sales tactics? GOOD. Just PM me and we can get started...
  14. juanalou

    A Complete Meal in a Bag of Chips? Is my idea a flop?

    Hi Guys, I have developed the following product: A complete meal in a bag of chips. It contains all the nutrients that you need from a meal and tastes good unlike the current meal replacement products. I am looking to get funded with Kickstarter to bring it to shelves. I have spent months...
  15. K

    Lead/Call Generation Website

    Product/Service the lead is for : $100 Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Target, Best Buy Rebate Voucher for $1.95, Call for more information! My employers charge the banks, insurance companies, etc... $4.50 per lead/call they send us. I was thinking that $4.50/call was easy to make a profit off of with...