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  1. ThomasTLM

    $300k on IG Reels - tells his audience to copy him. Thoughts?

    What is everyone's opinion on this video? How I made $333,213 posting IG reels so you can just copy me When I first saw the video title, my first thought was "It violates commandment of entry and/or it is a kind of video for money chasers." But then I watched the video and this guy doesn't...
  2. Johnny boy

    Purchasing a trendy B&M business...

    I am looking at a business for sale. It is in the entertainment space. A selfie museum. Metro area, downtown close to everything. Should make about 150-170k this year on the low end. 420k in revenue 250k in expenses The rent is 100k a year as part of those expenses. Right now it is...
  3. MexicanCreator48

    Launched a social media page for my app but I haven't gotten new followers yet

    A few hours ago I made a post on Instagram letting users know how does the app work and soon make a launch for my app (I have made a prototype for users to test the product), but as for know I haven't gotten any followers yet, how did you guys get new followers for your social media page for...
  4. MJ DeMarco

    The Social Media Duality: Tool of Destruction? Or Growth?

    I'd like to reiterate that social media is a TOOL. This thread advocates deleting social media. My agreement depends on how the tool is used. You can use social media to hammer you over the...
  5. Fox

    How I got to 169,000 Instagram followers

    I haven't dropped a new thread in a while and wanted to give back on something... So here is how I have grown on IG over the last year. This will be for normal style content you can build an "expert" following with. So, not random flexing content - but instead something you can get paying...
  6. J

    Should I Create an IG Profile for personal brand purposes?

    Hello There. First, I'll make the question, then I'll give the context. What would be the first step for growing an IG to create a personal brand? This is one of my first posts in the forum, so pardon me If I wrote on the wrong topic. In 2020 I stopped using all social media except for...
  7. MJ DeMarco

    One metaphor everyone needs to hear...

    From the Fastlane Newsletter being sent out today... Highly relevant to this thread about shutting down social media. ------- My stepson never cared about financial freedom or wealth until he started getting up at 6AM and working Monday through Friday. Now all of a sudden, he's interested in...
  8. B

    Social media strategy: Instagram vs. TikTok

    Hey fellow entrepreneurs, I hope you are well. My niche is helping entrepreneurs and professionals get control of their alcohol drinking. A bit more than 6 weeks ago I launched my Instagram and TikTok account in order to start building my brand and generating leads. If you check both of my...
  9. K1 Lambo

    How to get 10k Instagram followers(or more) in less than 90 days

    Just like the title suggests; I've already uploaded a video that's gonna talk about the main points(see below), but I'm going to write some key points here for those of you who don't have the time to watch the whole video. I'm doing this because I keep getting requests and messages on my Quora...
  10. G

    Influencer Agent / Manager (Side Hustle Idea)

    Hi everybody! I’m looking to start making some money online and came across this video by Sebastian Ghiorghiu. I was really drawn to the idea of being what he calls a deal closer and network manager for social media influencers. I see tons of influencers all over social media, most of these...
  11. mikecarlooch

    Get 100,000+ New Eyeballs On Your Brand

    What does it take to get up to 1,000,000+ eyeballs on your brand? Some people may be thinking "1,000,000? I tried this social media thing and I've barely gotten a single view! What am I doing wrong?" Let me ask you a question - WHAT are you posting on social media? Is it structured for success...
  12. B

    A question about Instagram hashtags

    Do Instagram hashtags matter in terms of business promotion?
  13. G

    949 newsletter subscribers for $0.44 per sub with Instagram Ads

    Or, «The lazy mans way to killer results with Instagram stories» Whether as an entrepreneur or employee/freelancer, you'll always provide food on the table with this skill. Dont spend $997 on a course, heres a free step-by-step guide to Facebook/Instagram ads. 1/ Have a great product...
  14. MJ DeMarco

    Why control is so important and Facebook/Instagram cannot make or break your brand...

    I cannot stress this enough. Stop trying to make social media your business when it simply is a marketing channel. I mentioned this before, by back in the day I was growing the TMF FB page at a great clip. Then suddenly, FB stop showing my posts and continually nagged me to "pay to play" ...
  15. R

    20 years old , committed to staying on the Fastlane

    Hello ! I am Rohit , 20 years old from central India . I have been reading about finance and business since past 1 year (all thanks to corona for slowing down the world so i could think clearly for myself and choose to start gaining financial knowledge). I am currently self employed with a few...
  16. notinuse1245

    Experience with Instagram Pages?

    I was thinking about small side hustles I could start (<4h per week) and was wondering if anyone has experience with growing an instagram page. The focus would be on self-improvement/productivity and I would post daily. For monetization, I thought about basic amazon affiliate marketing and the...
  17. Furniture-brah

    Making my start in the Furniture game

    Hi Guys, Myself and my partner have been looking to move out of the 'slow lane' for some time now, we both work for a corporate making just enough money to scrape by each week. The 9 - 5 wage slave life is soul crushing so we have been aligning ourselves with the sentiments espoused in MJ's...
  18. Reffo

    Instagram advertising / likes on advertised post

    Hey Guys! This is my first post on this forum and I hope that you guys can help with my problem. I am currently advertising on Instagram via their app and via facebook business manager. I am advertising an image that was already posted in the instagram feed, but the likes gained from...
  19. MaxT

    Instagram promotion techniques

    Hello everyone, to promote my Android and iOS applications I use Instagram, in order to increase the growth of Likes and subscribers I would like each of us to share HIS technique. I know there are several and I would also like to have your opinion on mine. Personally, I subscribe to several...
  20. maximusVaio

    A newbie to Instagram

    Hey there everyone! I just joined this forum and would love to document my process as I would be entering the social media app Instagram. My background - I am an engineer who just graduated college and extremely interested in software and entrepreneurship. THE PROCESS - Documenting and...