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  1. Simon Angel

    Where to acquire lists of affiliate marketers and dropshippers?

    Hi guys, I've been working with a client (an agency rather than my usual e-commerce brand clients) that has presented a new challenge: Acquiring massive lists of dropshippers and affiliate marketers for cold emailing. We'd need to buy them and they'd also have to be half-decent obviously since...
  2. MAFI

    Looking for guys from Lithuania that can help with job placement

    Hello everyone, i am looking for workers from lithuania. We are in the cleaning maid business and located in germany. If you are good at recruiting please get in touch. Good Bonus guaranteed! Best regards Seb
  3. Scott Robertson

    Anyone Have Experience As A Data Reseller?

    Hey guys, I’m contemplating becoming a data reseller. I have a rather large network of potential clients who need leads on an ongoing basis. My question is whether or not this is a feasible avenue to pursue? Ideally, I’d like to hear from someone who has successfully gone down this path and can...
  4. G

    I don't want to fail anymore_Ending the failure cycle

    Hello, Really glad to be here! I know that I’m not a real active member of this forum, but I seriously take time to read some of the hot topics sent to me via e-mail each week for a several months now. I’m more active in another forum about Internet marketing. But I think The Fastlane Forum is...
  5. Lex DeVille

    How do you set up affiliate deals with companies that don't have affiliate programs?

    There are some products I’d like to promote, but the companies don’t have affiliate programs. They’re non-technical companies, so I would have to help them set up a way for us to track referrals. Is there a good way to do this? A third-party software or platform or something? How have you set up...
  6. T

    Is there any honorable affiliate marketer out there??

    Hi everyone, this is my first post here, i hope i'm in the correct section. So lately, i've become unemployed, so i've started to look at it as an opportunity to grow personally. I've always wanted to have my own startup/business and i will, but i've come to realize that either you have a...
  7. Lex DeVille

    Lex DeVille's - 200 Big Ticket Items Referral Program Ideas

    This thread is a spin-off of my Laser thread. For those who haven't read it, I bought a laser engraver on a loan and paid nothing because I make way more than the loan payment each month from referrals, not to mention product sales. So this post is for sharing ideas for BIG Ticket products...
  8. B

    Getting out of the affiliate trap - From Spain :)

    Hello everyone, my name is Juan Bonilla. I am a Dominican Republic guy who lives in Spain since I was a kid. I was a sidewalk boy until just a while ago. I worked as customer service and computer technical support in a phone company, but I hated my job. I wanted to change my situation, so I...
  9. Jon Anthony

    Everything I Learned From Blogging $0 to $15k/month

    EDIT: Follow my journey thread here: EXECUTION - [Progress Thread] The Blogger's Lifestyle Journey What's up, guys. I just introduced myself about an hour ago, and figured I'd start right off by adding a ton of value upfront. My name's Jon. I've been blogging and running a self-development...
  10. SparksCW

    SaaS Affiliate Scheme Advice

    SAAS / APPS 
    After a few months of hard work we've finally soft-launched our app. It's fully functional, works well, the sales site is done so we are ready to start getting users. Our strategy is to use strategic partnerships in our industry to help advertise the app. We've spoken to some top players and...
  11. PippoW

    Found with a team or alone?

    Hi, I am running an Affiliate Site about furniture in Germany. Actually I earn enough to pay my bills and save money. But I want to reach the slow lane. So I have to raise my profits! To raise the profit I have 3 ways: Raise the traffic Cut the costs Raise the margins The way 1 and 2 are no...
  12. JCS

    Journey to $1K/day Selling info Products

    What’s up guys. Are you ready to make some F*cking money? Because I certainly am Call it a Gut Feeling… :humph: So there I am, faced with a choice. I’m with clients at the time, 30 hours a week. They offer me full time at 40 - 50 hours a week. Huge pay raise, double what I was making. More...
  13. business_man

    Affiliate marketing. Is there someone killing it?

    Hey guys, I am looking to dive into affiliate marketing business model. I have solid experience on social media marketing, have helped clients building their business with generating traffic (and sales) from Facebook. Just wondering is there any guys here killing on affiliate business model...
  14. go giver

    how to get start with affiliate marketing

    hello, fastlaners I wanted to get started with affiliate marketing on a particular niche. my idea is to create a website with affiliate links of various sites which shows offers and price drop like camel camel camel. is it possible to create a website like that?.i 've been researching about it...
  15. Samy Bazizi

    Where can I find affiliate marketers to sell my products?

    Hi. I have a website, generating a decent amount of sales. It is selling anime related clothes and accessories. Where can I find an affiliate program to help me sell that kind of products? I am currently selling with facebook ads, but it is really expensive and I want to try new ways to drive...
  16. B

    Looking for some advice on affiliate broker for betting sites

    Hi! I recently joined the site and after reading some inspirational stories and advice I am looking to set up something myself. A bit of background (skip this para if its not of interest!), I am 31, Have a Business and Management degree and live in the UK. Been married 4 years and just had our...
  17. SouthernGuy

    What am I doing wrong??

    Hey everyone, first post here! So I have recently gotten into affiliate marketing, and to test the waters I set up an amazon affiliate account because it seemed to be noob-friendly. My first product I am marketing is the book Rework by Jason Fried and David Hansson. I found the search analytics...
  18. ToySoldier

    I've built a tech affiliate site with 150k Pageviews and 50k Users. How to I better monetize it?

    Hey guys! I've got one semester left until graduation, and I've got a problem. The Numbers My affiliate site Tech Under 10 has been doing well the past few months. A combination of high sharability (thanks to the nature of the site,) and great SEO ranking have provided me a constant source of...
  19. ToySoldier

    Accidentally Going Viral. The TechUnder10 Story (Part Two!)

    Hey guys! This was originally posted to /r/entrepreneur on July 26th 2016, two months after my initial post, and one month after I went viral. Here's what happened. History: 21/M/Toronto. I've an entrepreneur since highschool, and I'm just starting to get the hang of it. My most recent gig was...
  20. ToySoldier

    My reddit-fueled Journey to $10. The TechUnder10 Affiliate Story (Part One!)

    Hey Guys! I'm Neal. Being new to the forum, I thought I'd share the story of my first successful affiliate site- TechUnder10. I've been a longtime contributor to /r/entrepreneur for the past few years, and have only recently discovered the Fastlane Forum, after having read MJ's book way back...