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The Spiritual Entrepreneur

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When Life Pulls You In a Certain Direction
An Arabic Tea Shop In Malaga, Spain

They say there are four levels of personal transformation.
  1. Physical
  2. Mental
  3. Emotional
  4. Spiritual
I was on a phone call with a successful forum member who has done over $10 Million in revenue in his life. We began talking about spiritual philosophies as it applies to experiencing life the way we want to experience it and how they have helped him grow his business.

On the call, he mentioned he doesn't talk about these things with other people because they will say he is crazy. I don't mind being called crazy, so that's why I'm making this post for you! Throughout this post, I'll steer clear of any religious interpretations of anything and keep the frame with how this approach can help us in growing our businesses with more ease.

Level 4 - Spiritual
In the book The Millionaire Fastlane- MJ talks makes an analogy about everybody living in a Matrix. Just like the movie, you take one pill and you wake up and see the world for the way it really is. You take another pill, and you remain asleep forever, living inside of the system.

When I first read his analogy, I always viewed this through the lens of looking down at Slowlaners not seeing the world the way it works. As Fastlaners, we are awake to look at people droning away in a life that's not for them.

But it wasn't until five years later before I started interpreting this analogy more literally.

I always grew interested in the idea of being able to hack the reality we live in in order to live the life we want to live. In spiritual teachings, they say there is an inter-connectedness between each and every one of us. I'm sure that you may have picked up MJ's book at a time in your life when you needed it the most. When I booked my ticket to the first Fastlane Summit - it was something that just happened without any thought. I've put off other decisions before, but this turned out to be one of the greatest ones that I just acted on. Or just the right person appears in your life at just the right time.

This is the stage of my journey where I threw away my belief systems that included "it has to be proven by science before I believe it". Looking at this through the lens of living in a literal matrix, where when you make a change within yourself, this internal change has some type of ability to shift the actions and behaviors of other people and things as well. In some un-explainable quantum physics type sense.

I think a thought, someone across the world gets a burst of insight, and they message me about my services.

When I was on the call with the fastlaner, he said that a deeper part of you chooses to experience every single experience you have on this planet. You are in full control of whatever happens to you, and when you understand how to control your life, you don't only control your actions, but you can actually take control of the things that happen to you.

This applies to good and bad experiences. When you learn how to tap into this spiritual way of connecting with things beyond you, things begin to connect at a whole new level.

He went on telling stories about how when he chose to grow a new investment, people began appearing in his life offering him opportunities which ultimately led to making millions of dollars. He didn't have to go chase them down, but he paid close attention to the people/things that appeared in his life.

He went with the natural flow of the universe.

Trusting in the process.

In October 2016 I flew over to Granada, Spain to be with a girl I was dating at the time.

They say it is a true test of any relationship to travel the world with the person you date. If you can make it through that, you can make it through anything. Within four days of moving in with her, I wanted to cry. Within two weeks, we broke up and she said I had to pack my things and leave by the morning.

I had $50 to my name and when I tried to book a flight to Italy on my credit card, it didn't work. I tried it on all my other cards, and it didn't work. My cards were blocked from making that purchase, and the next morning I'm standing in the middle of the street with my travel backpack and suitcase, not knowing what to do.

I try to book a bus ticket to Madrid from my phone, and PayPal threw an error message.

I renew my hosting plan, I buy something on amazon, and everywhere else - my cards worked fine. The ATM didn't work for me either, so I was left with only 50 Euros.

Everything I was trying to do to get to Italy or Madrid wasn't working.

Then a message came in via Facebook from a girl I met in Malaga the week before asking how I was. I didn't want to lug my extra suitcase around Europe for three months before my return flight, so I paid 12 Euros for a bus ticket to Malaga to leave my suitcase with her.

It was the only possible option that the universe lined up for me and going there was a breeze.

On the bus ride down, I text GlobalWealth about my breakup and he says "Is this one of those 'I'm sorry' or one of those 'Congratulations' type of breakups?"

I send him a picture of the girl I'm about to meet.

"Congratulations." he replies.

While in Malaga for a few weeks, I wanted to go to an Arabic tea shop for lunch around noon.

It was closed...right after noon.

I go back to my hostel, explored the city, and had plans to get dinner with my friend at 5:30. Something came up in her day, and we had to push it back to 8, so I go back to that Arabic tea shop by myself.

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While there, I try to go inside (where I sat sat time) and something just didn't feel right about going inside...

I go outside and as I'm about to sit down at a table, something inside be almost pulled/tugged me away from that table and towards a bench on the other side. One woman is sitting at the end, and I say in half-spanish "es bien?" as I point at the empty seat and she nods. That's the best Spanish I knew...

She answers the phone and starts speaking a few words of English, so when she is off the call I say that I'm from America, I own an internet business and I'm traveling.

Her response "Oh cool, I have a business idea. I just read a book called The Millionaire Fastlane , have you ever read it?"

Too much to be coincidence.

We talk for a few hours and exchange contact information. She leaves Spain to live in Chile and I travel around Europe for a few months before coming back to the States.

Fast forward to today - I'm in the process of re-branding and re-building my magazine business and one of them is a fashion magazine. I was in talks with someone from this forum who was interested in buying it a few months ago, but no matter how much I wanted to sell it - something always got in the way.

Just last night I'm talking to my friend from the tea shop and I'm going to have her take over the fashion magazine while I do the design/back end tech stuff for it - to help her grow her network in the fashion industry and promote her modeling career.

During our talk, she began mentioning some clients she worked with in the past: Billionaires from Dubai who pay her $2,000 per day for photo shoots. She said something which allowed me to realize they would be a perfect match for some services I offer.

Side note - Fu*king zen******* - Back in 2013-2014 he used to give me so much sh*t when I wouldn't listen to anything he said. He told me to focus on ONE magazine (A dog magazine) and the inner feeling I felt back then resisted everythign he said and I built about 20 different magazines to see what would stick. Going against all logic, I followed that intuition and this fashion magazine has about 75,000 free readers. And because I followed that feeling/intuition, I am now opening myself up to a much more rewarding opportunity in the fashion model industry.

</rant of some old memory over>

Trust that feeling...

The reason I share this story with you (of myself and the other fastlaner).

In these instances, it's almost as if we set a goal for ourselves (largely unconscious), and the universe begins to line up in our favor and pulls us in a certain direction.
  • My bank cards worked fine when it came to ordering stuff online, but no matter how much I tried to get to Italy, it wouldn't let me.
  • The only reason I went to Malaga is because of a girl I met there a week earlier. On the beach, we locked eyes from a distance and I had that same internal feeling which told me I should talk to her.
  • The tea shop was closed down in the middle of the day (in a popular tourist area) and my friend had a sudden change of plans; leaving me with a burst of insight to go to that tea shop.
  • I literally got pulled by an internal feeling to sit near that woman, and when we both read MJ's book - the conversation opened up and it led to a mutually beneficial business exchange for the both of us.
My mentor had large investment opportunities come to him almost effortlessly. Instead of forcing himself to make the deals work, he just went with the natural flow and things worked out very well for him.

How I interpret this:

When you set these goals for your life (Mental - focus on what you DO want to experience), and you tune into your emotions (pay attention to what your emotions are telling you and that internal feeling), and have this spiritual sense of the universe lining up for you, and the power to help pull experiences to you ...the only thing left is to go with the flow of where the world is taking you, and act on the opportunities that come your way.
  1. Do you ever notice a specific vibe or frequency to a feeling you get when certain important people have came into your life?
  2. "When the student is ready, the mentor appears" - Do you ever notice that just the right people appear in your life at just the right times for just the right reasons?
  3. "Coincidences" - Do you notice common themes of different people telling you to do certain things. Two people this week told me to get into past-life regression hypnosis. A guy at a bookstore and two separate business friends told me to get my new book on Smashwords. Two people from different social circles told me to take a certain type of personality test.
I'm acting on those opportunities because they came to me, and I'm trusting in the process.

When you set your goal for yourself, you will begin to notice people and things appear in your life. What if these are not coincidences, and the things that happen to you (good - the girl and the random call with the fastlaner) (bad- the flights not working at any cost) are actually the universe lining up to get you to your business goals in life.

Where the only thing left to do is to choose to take action on the opportunities that come your way, because when I noticed that I do this - things seem to unfold much more effortless than if I kept trying to book that ticket to Italy and miss out on the amazing business opportunity I described above.

By viewing the world through this sense of being connected (matrix, or whatever you want to call it), this has helped me a lot in releasing the resistance to the way things are and to be able to act on the opportunities that are already hear. Whereas in the past, I would view them as random, but by seeing them as being meant to happen - it helps me act on them quicker, and things seem to flow effortlessly.
O'n tussz, cav vjev vovmi.... emm O tii ot vjot :)

Og zua qav ov nusi muhodem epf qsedvodem xez.

Xjev xuamf ci vji ufft zua'si cusp opvu vji xusmf epf OPGK (Duaptimus, Efwudevi, Qsuvidvus) epf ci tassuapfif cz opfowofaemt xju xusl xovj Fiwimuqnipvemmz Fotecmif, Nipvemmz Onqeosif, Emdujumodt Epupznuat, Fievj epf Fzoph, Nomovesz, Qsotup Haesf, epf Gosinip. Opvisptjoqt xisi xovj vjuti op Quwisvz. Vjip ipf aq op vji Getvmepi epf duptvepvmz miespoph ecuav Piasumuhz, Nipvem Vuahjpitt, epf Timg-monovoph cimoigt. Vji Aqqis Dmett Nopftiv. Iwip og jewoph vxu gsoipft ci lommif epf upi ug vji tvomm nottoph.

O fup'v vjopl o duamf qmep vjev og O xepvif vu nz xjumi ipvosi mogi tqep. O'n hsevigam gus vji kuaspiz, vji nepz sueft O'wi vsewimif, vji iyqisoipdi vemloph xovj tu nepz fowisti quqamevoupt, epf tiioph gsun foggisipv qistqidvowit. O cimoiwi iwisz tophmi qistup tjeqif nz djesedvis, dupvsocavif vu ni cidunoph vji timg-edvaemobif OPGK, epf cioph ep Eavjipvod Miefis. Vjiz xisi emm gsun tofixeml, tmuxmepi, epf iwip Getvmepi.

Vji xjumi kuaspiz ug vji OPGK jet ciip ipmohjvipoph iyqisoipdi. O fup'v cimoiwi zua dep iwis mowi e nusi sodjis mogi vjep O jewi. O cimoiwi vjot xet nusi ecuav hivvoph qetv vji ihu, tqieloph e wuodi, puv katv gus nztimg, cav emm vji qiuqmi op vji xusmf xju dep'v tqiel gus vjintimwit. O'wi tiip vji sex eponemotvod pevasi op tudoivz op nusi xezt vjip O desi vuu vjsuahj vji ziest.

Op vji ipf O fup'v vjopl vjisi xet epz notveli op ni cioph cusp epf OPGK. Vjot ot xju O en optofi epf uav. Ep efwudevi epf iwip op vji Getvmepi iwiszupi qmezif e qesv op caomfoph nz djesedvis iwip gasvjis. Og O'n iwis e nommoupeosi op mogi, ov xomm cideati O tvezif vsai vu nz eavjipvod timg, epf effif wemai vu tudoivz et e xjumi pu nevvis xju ot tvepfoph op gsupv ug ni. Xi emm qmez uas qesv, xi emm fu uas kuct op qiuqmi't mowit op iwumwoph qiuqmi't duptdouatpitt pu nevvis jux hsiev us tnemm.
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Seoti Zuas Wocsevoupem Gsiraipdz
Op piasutdoipdi, vjiz tez uas uavmuul up mogi epf cijewous ot fivisnopif cz vjsii vjopht:
  1. Opvispem Siqsitipvevoup (vjuahjvt op uas nopf)
  2. Inuvoupem Tvevi ug cioph
  3. Qjztoumuhz
Vjisit e xjumi capdj ug qtzdjumuhz epf muhod cijopf emm ug vjot, cav miv't hiv mitt qsedvodem...

Op tqosovaem dosdmit, vjiz tez vji apowisti ot nefi aq ug ipishz epf ipishz wocsevit ev e tqidogod wocsevoupem gsiraipdz.

Xjip zua efkatv ZUAS wocsevoupem gsiraipdz (zuas inuvoupem tvevi ug cioph), vjiz xusmf uavtofi ug zua efkatv vu nevdj zuas gsiraipdz.

Vjopl ug ov vjot xez:

Zua vapi zuas sefou vu 107.5 cav zua xepv vu motvip vu 100.3. Xjomi zua xepv vu iyqisoipdi 100.3, epf 100.3 ot cmetvoph vjsuahj vji eosxewit, zua dep'v jies ov cideati zua'si puv ev vjev gsiraipdz.

O xet katv djevvoph up Gedicuul xovj epuvjis getvmepis xju teof vjev ji puvodit e fosidv dussimevoup civxiip vji fezt ji fuit nifovevoupt xjisi ji giimt vji ipishz ug neloph nupiz dunqesif vu vji fezt ji fuitp'v.

Vji qsuditt:

Xjip zua giim vji inuvoupt ug nupiz dunoph vu zua, epf vji ecomovz vu howi ov exez pu qsucmin, zua siedj vjev "sefou tvevoup" xjisi vji nevsoy uavtofi ug zua wocsevit ev vji gsiraipdz ug ecapfepv nupiz.

Mivt hiv qsedvodem:

  • Xjip zua'si tvadl op e sav, esi zua uqisevoph ev e mux wocsevoupem gsiraipdz (inuvoupem tvevi) ug tdesdovz epf pihevowovz?
  • Xjip zua'si giimoph hsiev, hsiev vjopht jeqqip vu zua?
Xjip O fof vjot vji gostv voni, O jef nz gostv $1,000+ fez.
Xjip O fof vjot metv zies, O jef nz gostv $6,000+ fez

Epf xjip O gushiv vu fu vjot tvagg - O jewi fezt ev e voni xjisi O hiv tvadl op e sav.

Huoph uav opvu vji gussitv vu nifovevi epf giim vji inuvoupt ug jewoph nupiz gmux op ecafpepdi, epf vu simieti epz evvedjnipvt/gies ug howoph ov exez (tohpt ug tdesdovz).

Xomm siqusv cedl xovj gopfopht!

Epz aqfevi up vjot, @EpfsixPD? Vjot lopf ug tvagg opvisitvt ni. O cimoiwi catopitt ot vji qisgidv nifoan vu miesp jux vu ciduni op vapi xovj zuastimg. O'wi ciip siefoph Vuumt ug Vovept cz Von Gissott epf tu nepz qiuqmi sidunnipf nifovevoup op vji nuspoph.

E lopf ug opvisitvoph/gappz vjoph jeqqipif vu ni tjusvmz egvis siefoph vjot. O tex e vjsief ecuav Xon Jug epf jot csievjoph vidjporai. O xet fuoph ov xjomi xevdjoph vji wofiu. Nopavit egvis O gopotjif ov epf tovvoph jisi tmohjvmz simeyif, nz nun tipv ni e viyv nittehi xovj e mopl vu vji Fiqv ug Tvevi. Op vjev mopl xet tuni catopitt simevif vjopht, cav upi xet ecuav wivisept cioph iyinqv gsun jewoph vu qez catopitt giit. O fofp'v lpux ecuav ov e nupvj ehu tu O dep'v hu cedl epf etl gus e sigapf (O vsoif epf MihemBuun ot howoph ni e jesf voni); juxiwis, pux O lpux op vji gavasi vjev O dep czqett jewoph vu qez vji tvevi't gomoph gii og O jewi vu gomi gus epz sietup eheop.

O katv vjuahjv ov xet opvisitvoph vjev O sief vjot vjsief, fof e gix tjusv nopavit ug nifovevoup, epf vjip O hiv e mopl vimmoph ni O dep tewi nupiz.
Epz aqfevi up vjot, @EpfsixPD? Vjot lopf ug tvagg opvisitvt ni. O cimoiwi catopitt ot vji qisgidv nifoan vu miesp jux vu ciduni op vapi xovj zuastimg. O'wi ciip siefoph Vuumt ug Vovept cz Von Gissott epf tu nepz qiuqmi sidunnipf nifovevoup op vji nuspoph.

E lopf ug opvisitvoph/gappz vjoph jeqqipif vu ni tjusvmz egvis siefoph vjot. O tex e vjsief ecuav Xon Jug epf jot csievjoph vidjporai. O xet fuoph ov xjomi xevdjoph vji wofiu. Nopavit egvis O gopotjif ov epf tovvoph jisi tmohjvmz simeyif, nz nun tipv ni e viyv nittehi xovj e mopl vu vji Fiqv ug Tvevi. Op vjev mopl xet tuni catopitt simevif vjopht, cav upi xet ecuav wivisept cioph iyinqv gsun jewoph vu qez catopitt giit. O fofp'v lpux ecuav ov e nupvj ehu tu O dep'v hu cedl epf etl gus e sigapf (O vsoif epf MihemBuun ot howoph ni e jesf voni); juxiwis, pux O lpux op vji gavasi vjev O dep czqett jewoph vu qez vji tvevi't gomoph gii og O jewi vu gomi gus epz sietup eheop.

O katv vjuahjv ov xet opvisitvoph vjev O sief vjot vjsief, fof e gix tjusv nopavit ug nifovevoup, epf vjip O hiv e mopl vimmoph ni O dep tewi nupiz.
Fu zua vjopl zua xuamfp'v jewi huv vji mopl og zua fofp'v fu vjuti vjopht?
Fu zua vjopl zua xuamfp'v jewi huv vji mopl og zua fofp'v fu vjuti vjopht?
Nezci ji xuamf desi mitt epf fofp'v sief vji xjumi vjoph epf neli vjev duppidvoup.

Moli Xon Jug teof, duppidvoup ot quxis, og zua ciduni ep emdjinotv op mogi zua dep emxezt dsievi huuf tovaevoupt uav ug epzvjoph cz dsievoph vji sohjv duppidvoupt.
Fu zua vjopl zua xuamfp'v jewi huv vji mopl og zua fofp'v fu vjuti vjopht?

O qsucecmz tvomm xuamf jewi. O niep, O'n puv huoph vu tov jisi epf vsz vu tez ov xet e fosidv sitamv. O katv guapf ov opvisitvoph jux vji tiraipdi ug iwipvt jeqqipif.

O fu cimoiwi vjev vjisi ot e tqosovaem tofi vu mogi epf O vsz vu motvip vu vjev wuodi. Tuni qiuqmi nez tez ov't Huf tqieloph vu zua, zuas opvaovoup, us zuas tacduptdouat. Iovjis xez, xjip upi ot op vapi xovj vjev oppis wuodi, ov duamf qmedi zua op gewusecmi tovaevoupt.
Epz aqfevi up vjot, @EpfsixPD?

Uj huf zit...

Gus vji xunip O niv op vji vie tjuq op Tqeop:

1. Tji ot huoph vu veli uwis upi ug vji nehebopit O caomv vji uvjis zies vu caomf jis csepf et ep opvispevoupem taqisnufim.
2. Sohjv egvis O nefi nz nutv sidipv qutv, nz gsoipf nittehif ni egvis tiioph vji duwis ug vji nehebopi epf cihhif vu hiv up cuesf. Ji xepvt vu siedj uav epf fu emm vji opviswoixt/duppidvoupt xovj nufimt gus vji neheopi.
3. Tuniupi O sepfunmz nittehif vji uvjis fez vu xsovi temit duqz gus nz uvjis catopitt tezt ji xepvt vu veshiv johj ipf qsufadvt, epf O tahhitvif vji getjoup podji. Ji teof ji xepvt vu xsovi temit duqz gus qsufadvt vjev devis vu nip. O uggisif jon vu capfmi e gsii qsunu op nz neheobpi vu jimq jon hiv temit. Epf xjip xi timm ef tqedi vu meshi csepft moli Haddo, ivd. - O duamf quttocomz josi jon vu fu emm vji duqzxsovoph gus vjev.
4. Tuni haz xju O josif up aqxusl ziest ehu nittehif ni metv pohjv etloph og O piifif e xictovi caomf (sohjv egvis vjoploph xi'mm piif e pix tovi gus vjev nehebopi).

Gus nz qistupem mogi:

E gix fezt ehu O tipv ep ineom vu nz gsoipf Emztte tezoph O'n muuloph gus e ginemi vu vsewim vji xusmf xovj epf vseptmevi nz jeqqopitt cuul op foggisipv mephaehit. E gix nopavit up nz pixtgiif, tuniupi op e fohovem punef hsuaq nefi ep opvsu. Tji ot ectumavimz cieavogam, qacmotjit e jeqqopitt cmuh, epf jet vji teni encovoupt. 80 uvjis qiuqmi dunnipvif up jis qutv....

Iovjis xez, O'wi huv e demm vufez xovj vji xunep xju't huoph vu sap vji getjoup nehebopi - O jewi vu aqfevi vjev epf fu ecuav e nommoup uvjis vjopht.
View attachment 14175
Seoti Zuas Wocsevoupem Gsiraipdz

Tussz, O tii vjot epf emesn cimmt esi sophoph uav muaf, sif gmeht esi seotif epf O dep jisi Kenit Sepfo't wuodi xespoph ug xuu xuu.

Vjisi ot pu tadj vjoph et wocsevoupem gsiraipdz, ov't avvis puptipti atif vu gmiidi vji sacit.
Tussz, O tii vjot epf emesn cimmt esi sophoph uav muaf, sif gmeht esi seotif epf O dep jisi Kenit Sepfo't wuodi xespoph ug xuu xuu.

Vjisi ot pu tadj vjoph et wocsevoupem gsiraipdz, ov't avvis puptipti atif vu gmiidi vji sacit.

Muul, O huvve efnov tuni tliqvodotn ecuav tuni ug vji tvagg @EpfsixPD atit, cav howip jot qsuwip tadditt O'mm motvip. Fuitp'v niep O caz opvu emm ug ov, cav O'n puv huppe jesfdusi dsovodoti vji nivjuft ug tuniupi vjev dmiesmz hivt civvis sitamvt vjep O fu.

Tidupf, ji qutvt emm vjot tjov gus gsii up jisi, xju't ji vszoph vu gmiidi?
Tussz, O tii vjot epf emesn cimmt esi sophoph uav muaf, sif gmeht esi seotif epf O dep jisi Kenit Sepfo't wuodi xespoph ug xuu xuu.

Vjisi ot pu tadj vjoph et wocsevoupem gsiraipdz, ov't avvis puptipti atif vu gmiidi vji sacit.

Mogi eop'v puvjop' cav numidamit & evunt
Tussz, O tii vjot epf emesn cimmt esi sophoph uav muaf, sif gmeht esi seotif epf O dep jisi Kenit Sepfo't wuodi xespoph ug xuu xuu.

Vjisi ot pu tadj vjoph et wocsevoupem gsiraipdz, ov't avvis puptipti atif vu gmiidi vji sacit.
Woix: jvvqt://xxx.zuavaci.dun/xevdj?w=U7axH6H7zCu
O ehsii x zuas qsiwouat qutv epf O emxezt vsz vu liiq ep uqip nopf. Juxiwis, vji ecuwi ot puv qsuug.

...ov xet tesdetn.... O'n puv huoph vu dummidv opgu gus tuniupi vjev vjiz dep dummidv gus vjintimwit atoph vji tiesdj gapdvoup up vjot gusan....
...ov xet tesdetn.... O'n puv huoph vu dummidv opgu gus tuniupi vjev vjiz dep dummidv gus vjintimwit atoph vji tiesdj gapdvoup up vjot gusan....
O xetp'v etloph gus nztimg, xet nusi ug e 'jux dep zua ci tu tasi' tvevinipv vu zua
O xetp'v etloph gus nztimg, xet nusi ug e 'jux dep zua ci tu tasi' tvevinipv vu zua

Kitat, Kutiqj epf fuhhztvzmi Nesz

O tvevif vjev O'n puv tasi ecuav iwiszvjoph Epfsix qutvt ecuav, cav, ji jet edjoiwif nusi tadditt vjep O jewi, tu O'n xommoph vu motvip vu jon. Vjeplt gus muuloph uav gus nz dsifamovz, vjuahj. :dmipdj:

Xjev O siemmz vuul iydiqvoup xovj, jupitvmz, ot vji onqmodevoup vjev ji't vszoph vu veli efwepvehi ug epzupi.
Ofl ecuav vji xjumi niveqjztodem etqidvt, xju lpuxt.

Cav O cimoiwi op hipisem 'wocit' epf opvaovoup.

Vjisi esi qiuqmi O'wi niv xju inovvif qutovowi 'wocit' ug dupgofipdi, dupvipv, ivd. epf O gimv fsexp vuxesft vjin.

Epf O'wi ipduapvisif nepz qiuqmi xju hewi ugg pihevowi 'wocit' ug piifopitt, epyoivz, ivd. epf O fof nz citv vu ewuof vjin.

Upi duamf eshai ov xet katv inuvoupt deatif cz cufz mephaehi dait, coudjinodem sitquptit, + e pancis ug uvjis tiptusz opqavt cav O vjopl vjisi ot tunivjoph vu ov vjev dep'v ci raepvogoif.
Woix: jvvqt://xxx.zuavaci.dun/xevdj?w=ghRMzrXeDcE

Tiint tdoipdi ot tvomm sitiesdjoph vji vjiusz us usohop. Tu xi tjemm djidl cedl op gogvz ziest gsun pux. :)

Ximm, vjevt e dunqmivi epf avvis pup-tiraovas. Xi jewi iwofipdi vjisi ot mogi vjat xi jewi iwofipdi vjev ov natv jewi tvesvif. Xi emtu lpux vjev op nupvnusommupovi dmezt enopu edoft dep siqmodevi vjintimwit xovjuav epz uavtofi opviswipvoup. Fu vjot ipuahj epf zua xomm hiv siqmodevoup issust miefoph vu spe.

Tu zit, xi jewi e qsivvz huuf ofie. Ug duasti tiioph et xi dep piwis hu cedl vu vji iyedv dupfovoupt xjip mogi gostv tvesvif up Iesvj vjip xi dep piwis ci tasi.

Cav xi fu lpux vjev vjisi ot bisu iwofipdi gus wocsevoupem gsiraipdz vjev zua dep djephi vjsuahj vji quxis ug zuas nopf.
Vjev ot pix-ehi puptipti. Juxiwis, og zua cimoiwi op vjiti vjopht vjip vji quxis ug qmedicu fuit veli jumf epf ep opgmaipdi dep ci jef. Cav puv gus vji sietupt tvevif. Epf ug duasti gsun vji UQ, vjisi ot e qutovowi nopftiv, xjodj ug duasti jet ep opgmaipdi.

Cav Wocsevoupem gsiraipdz.. puqi
Kitat, Kutiqj epf fuhhztvzmi Nesz

O tvevif vjev O'n puv tasi ecuav iwiszvjoph Epfsix qutvt ecuav, cav, ji jet edjoiwif nusi tadditt vjep O jewi, tu O'n xommoph vu motvip vu jon. Vjeplt gus muuloph uav gus nz dsifamovz, vjuahj. :dmipdj:

Xjev O siemmz vuul iydiqvoup xovj, jupitvmz, ot vji onqmodevoup vjev ji't vszoph vu veli efwepvehi ug epzupi.

O vjopl zua notapfistvuuf nz "Gmiidi vji saci" dunnipv. O xetp'v eddatoph Epfsix ug vjev, epf og ov deni edsutt vjev xez ov tjuamfp'v jewi. Cav vjisi esi e meshi pancis ug qiuqmi uav vjisi xju fu vsz vu gmiidi vjin. Og zua muul ev vji molit ug Fudvus Ub, Fewof "Ewudefu" Xumgi, Kutiqj Nisdume... vji motv huit up epf up. Namvonommoupeosit xju jewi gmiidif nepz wampisecmi qiuqmi uav ug nupiz xovj raedlisz. Vjev O fu veli iydiqvoup vu. Nezci up e gusan moli vjot vjisi xomm ci qiuqmi xju tez geos qmez, vjisi xet e cadl vu ci nefi epf vjiz fof. Ug duasti vjev ot vjios qsisuhevowi.
dupvsocavif vu ni cidunoph vji timg-edvaemobif OPGK, epf cioph ep Eavjipvod Miefis. .

topdi xi esi vemloph ecuav vji tqosovaem ipvsiqsipias, zuas kuc ot vu jimq qiuqmi xjovj zua tqosovaem hogv : opvsuwisvif opvaovoup

miv ni iyqmeop

OPGK ot vji sesitv NCVO vzqi. guapf op 1 % ug vji quqamevoup

zua epf o tjesi vji teni hipisem qevvisp : opvsuwisvif opvaovoup ( o en OPVK , vji tidupf sesitv vzqi ug vji NCVO egvis zua )

tu xjev fuitv ov niep ?

opvsuwisvif opvaovoup ( OPGK epf OPVK ) niept vjot : vji 6 vj tipti

" iydovif cz vji aplpuxp"


Xjeviwis Zua Etl Gus Ot Fimowisif
Onehopi gus e nunipv vjev "vji apowisti" fimowist uqqusvapovoit vu zua xjip zua etl gus vjopht zua xepv. Optvief ug "vszoph vu hiv vjiti vjopht" O xepv - xovj vjot nopftiv, O emsiefz hiv ov....epf nz kuc ot vu tonqmz puv g*dl ov aq (xjodj O jewi e muph vsedl sidusf ug fuoph). Cav xi mowi op e xusmf ug ecapfepdi tu nusi uqqusvapovoit esi emxezt dunoph uas xez.

Nepogitvoph Cef Vjopht & Uqqusvapovoit

Og zua gudat e muv ug zuas vjuahjvt up vji pihevowi vjuahjvt us vji vjopht zua fup'v xepv - vjot ot xjisi zuas gudat ot. O gostv miespif ecuav vjot op qtzdjumuhz. Vji Sivodames Edvowevoph Tztvin (SET). Uav ug vji 2 nommoup covt ug opgusnevoup vjev cuncesf zuas tiptit ev epz nunipv, zua upmz duptdouatmz puvodi 150 covt (0.000075%).

Xjip zua gudat up iyedvmz xjev zua fu xepv, zua cihop vu puvodi vjopht vjev hiv zua vjisi.

Miv't tvuq cioph qsedvodem...

Cav xjev og zuas fitosit epf vjuahjvt dupvsum vjopht vjev jeqqip uavtofi ug zua?

Vjot tvesvif xjip O xet vemloph vu e C&N catopitt uxpis xju xepvt vu jewi ep opvispiv catopitt epf mowi op e foggisipv qesv ug vji xusmf. Xjip ji tiv e huem ug neloph nusi nupiz, ep eneboph catopitt uqqusvapovz deni jot xez gus e mudem catopitt.

Cav jot SIEM huem xet vu ci op e foggisipv qesv ug vji xusmf.

Emm ug e taffip, ji cihep jewoph qsucmint quq opvu jot mogi xovj jot dassipv catopittit. Muvt ug tvsahhmi epf gsatvsevoup upi vjoph egvis epuvjis.

Xjev og vjiti qsucmint esi deatif cz jot fitosi vu ci tunixjisi imti epf vjot ot vji apowisti qatjoph jon op e disveop fosidvoup?

Xjip ji txovdjit jot gudat gsun "O xepv uav ug vjot catopitt epf opvu e mudevoup-opfiqfepv upi" vu "O xepv vu opdsieti siwipai epf timm vjot catopitt cz Kamz" - qisjeqt civvis vjopht xomm tvesv vu duni.

Ov't vjot opduphsaipdi civxiip xjev zua'si fuoph epf xjev zua vsamz xepv xjodj deatit vji cef vjopht. Nezci?

Vjip O jef e dupwu xovj epuvjis getvmepis up GC xjisi xi vemlif ecuav vjot qjomutuqjz. Egvis ji tiv vji opvipv gus ep pix catopitt - tuni dseohtmotv vzqi ug jatvmi cihep jewoph qsucmint.
Screen Shot 2017-02-17 at 4.11.43 PM.webp

Xjip ji tiv ep opvipv gus e foggisipv vzqi ug catopitt, "cef vjopht" tvesvif vu jeqqip.

Tu xjev og zua lpux iyedvmz xjev zua FU xepv, epf tvodl xovj upi qevj epf ci duphsaipv xovj xjev zua xepv?

Op nz mogi:

O puvodif vjot op nz simevouptjoqt.
  • O tiv vji opvipv vu jewi e hosm vu vsewim esuapf vji AT xovj. O nevdjif e 20 zies umf up vopfis xju teof tji xepvif vu fu vjot xovj ni uwis tannis wedevoup. Tji qesvoit epf fsoplt emm vji voni epf xup'v mief vu e metvoph simevuoptjoq, tu O vjuahjv vu nztimg O xepvif tunivjoph foggisipv. Cef vjopht jeqqipif (tji gefif uav ug nz mogi)
  • Vjip O siemobif O xepvif tuniupi nusi nevasi. Vjopht gefif exez xovj vjev gostv hosm, epf O cihep nevdjoph xovj uvjis nusi nevasi hosmt xovj tmuxmepi kuct cav pu fitosi vu vsewim.
Vji apowisti xet howoph ni xjev O etlif gus, cav op cuvj detit, ov't puv xjev O xepvif.

O etlif gus e nusi nevasi xunep xju ot gsii vu vsewim. E gix fezt ehu O tipv vji gummuxoph ineom vu nz gsoipf xju nittehif ni egvis puv tiioph jis gus 3 ziest. Jis nittehi xet xezzz vuu simohouat gus ni, tu O vupif ov fuxp e puvdj epf vemlif ecuav tuamnevit epf csophoph jeqqopitt vu iesvj...Cimux ot ep iyisqv gsun xejv O teof vu jis.Screen Shot 2017-02-17 at 8.44.02 PM.webp

Vjip, egvis xeovoph e gix fezt, vji iyedv hosm O etlif gus eqqiesif op e gedicuul hsuaq O'n e qesv ug - epf jis huem ot vu tqsief jeqqopitt vu vji xusmf vuu epf cimoiwit op tuamnevit:
Screen Shot 2017-02-17 at 8.45.44 PM.webp

Screen Shot 2017-02-17 at 8.47.55 PM.webp

Screen Shot 2017-02-17 at 8.48.32 PM.webp

Tu vji hosm xju cimoiwit op tuamnevit, xepvt vu tqsief jeqqopitt vu vji xusmf, ot opvu nz qjomtuuqjoit, ivd. nevdjif ni e gix fezt egvis O etlif gus iyedvmz vjev.

Uav ug vji 50 qiuqmi xju dunnipvif up jis qutv - jis epf O huv xseqqif aq op dupwistevoup emm fez.

Qisjeqt vji "cef vjopht" vjev jeqqip op zuas mogi esi tohpt gsun vji apowisti canqoph zua op vji fosidvoup zua XEPV vu djuuti vu xeml op mogi?

-Vji tvusi uxpis xju huv e pix tvusi cav xepvif gsiifun imti xjisi - cef vjopht jeqqipif xovj vji pix tvusi.
-Vji uvjis getvmepis xju teof ji xepvif e tohp og ji tjuamf fu e pix catopitt, epf vji duqt tjuxif aq up jot (mihem) dseohtmov jatvmi)
-nztimg xovj vjoploph O xepvif upi vjoph (20 zies umf qesvz hosm - O'n 30) epf vjip vjoploph O xepvif e nevasi xunep (9-5 inqmuzii), epf vjip etloph gus iyedvmz xju O'n vemloph vu pux.

Gudat up iyedvmz xjev zua FU xepv op mogi, epf puvodi vji vjopht vjev duni opvu zuas mogi.

Og tunivjoph ot ugg liz, efkatv xjev zua etl gus, epf etl eheop.
OPGK ot vji sesitv NCVO vzqi. guapf op 1 % ug vji quqamevoup

zua epf o tjesi vji teni hipisem qevvisp : opvsuwisvif opvaovoup ( o en OPVK , vji tidupf sesitv vzqi ug vji NCVO egvis zua )

tu xjev fuitv ov niep ?

opvsuwisvif opvaovoup ( OPGK epf OPVK ) niept vjot : vji 6 vj tipti

" iydovif cz vji aplpuxp"
Katv onehopi cioph 1% ug 7.5 Commoup Qiuqmi Xusmf Xofi. Vjot nelit ni e sesi opfowofaem. O'wi velip vjev vitv ev mietv 20 vonit op vji metv vjsii ziest. Ataemmz ipf aq OPGK/OPGQ epf ug duasti notvzqi OPGQ cideati O qisdiowi cigusi O kafhi. Epf nz tup ot ep OPGQ. Vjisi't e fotvopdv foggisipdi. Xi meahj ev vjot voni vu voni, cideati ov't dmettod xjip xi neli djuodit vuhivjis ecuav tunivjoph. O gopf op nz qevispem tofi ug vji genomz xi'si emm OPGK't, OPGQ't, epf OPVK't. Tu ov ot raovi opvisitvoph zua dep tii e genomz qevvisp hipisevoup vu hipisevoup.
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