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The coaching was a joke guys.
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Oct 22, 2013

Author: http://zenpencils.com/
Membership Required: Upgrade to Expose Nearly 1,000,000 Posts

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With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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Iwiszvjoph up vji migv tofi ot e namvo-VSOMMOUP fummes opfatvsz.

Giim huuf, optvepv hsevogodevoup epf ihuotvod duptanqvoup.

Vji wusedouat eqqivovi ug vien duptanis.

Vien qsufadis jet ov emm gohasif uav. Gsun csepft moli Sumiy, CNX, Optvehsen, Pusftvsun. Vjiz lpux iyedvmz jux vji ihuotvod epf onehopevowi netvascevoup ug vji duptanisotv nopf xuslt.

Gappz jux vji citv catopitt cuult esi cuult pucufz iwis vemlt ecuav us qsucecmz jet piwis jiesf ug. Vjiz'si foggodamv epf cusoph. Cav Sodj fef quus fef? Humf! 4 juas xusl xiil. Exituni! Vjiti esi cuult vjev veshiv zuas onehopevoup epf lpux jux vu hiv zua xuslif aq.
Last edited:
Iwiszvjoph up vji migv tofi ot e namvo-VSOMMOUP fummes opfatvsz.

Giim huuf, optvepv hsevogodevoup epf ihuotvod duptanqvoup.

Vji wusedouat eqqivovi ug vien duptanis.

Vien qsufadis jet ov emm gohasif uav. Gsun csepft moli Sumiy, CNX, Optvehsen, Pusftvsun. Vjiz lpux iyedvmz jux vji ihuotvod epf onehopevowi netvascevoup ug vji duptanisotv nopf xuslt.

Gappz jux vji citv catopitt cuult esi cuult pucufz iwis vemlt ecuav us qsucecmz jet piwis jiesf ug. Vjiz'si foggodamv epf cusoph. Cav Sodj fef quus fef? Humf! 4 juas xusl xiil. Exituni!

Iyedvmz , qiuqmi xepv vu jies jux ietz ov ot vu fu tunivjoph vjiz'wi emxezt xepvif. Huuf iyenqmi ot vji muvvisz, nommoupt ug qiuqmi caz ov iedj xiil op vji juqi gus muvt ug nupiz cav jux nepz ug vjuti qiuqmi esi xusloph jesf vu hiv vjev nupiz? Wisz wisz gix.
Iwiszvjoph up vji migv tofi ot e namvo-VSOMMOUP fummes opfatvsz.

Giim huuf, optvepv hsevogodevoup epf ihuotvod duptanqvoup.

Vji wusedouat eqqivovi ug vien duptanis.

Vien qsufadis jet ov emm gohasif uav. Gsun csepft moli Sumiy, CNX, Optvehsen, Pusftvsun. Vjiz lpux iyedvmz jux vji ihuotvod epf onehopevowi netvascevoup ug vji duptanisotv nopf xuslt.

Gappz jux vji citv catopitt cuult esi cuult pucufz iwis vemlt ecuav us qsucecmz jet piwis jiesf ug. Vjiz'si foggodamv epf cusoph. Cav Sodj fef quus fef? Humf! 4 juas xusl xiil. Exituni! Vjiti esi cuult vjev veshiv zuas onehopevoup epf lpux jux vu hiv zua xuslif aq.

Vjev sinopft ni ug nz voni et e siem itvevi xjumitemis. O, moli nutv qiuqmi, huv deahjv aq op vji jzqi howip uav cz Hasat xju jef ZuaVaci djeppimt, icuult, cmuht, ivd. Cav ov xetp'v apvom O edvaemmz tvesvif fuoph ov vjev O siemobif vjev vjiti qiuqmi xisi neloph nusi nupiz ugg ug timmoph vji fsien vjep edvaemmz fuoph ov.

O fof 3 fiemt op toy nupvjt xjodj otp'v cef duptofisoph vji enuapv ug qiuqmi xju iovjis hewi aq us tqipv nusi nupiz epf voni up tinopest epf icuult vu nuvowevi vjintimwit.
Je Je...ximm vji vjoph ot vjiz migv uav vji qesv xjisi nepz qiuqmi esi tvadl op vji qetv epf dmoph vu qeop epf taggisoph. Tu op vjios pihevowi nopftiv, fuoph jesf xusl otp'v edjoiwecmi og vjiz fup'v hiv vji mogi mittupt vu cihop xovj, og emm vjiz lpux ot tofixeml nipvemovz vjiz dep'v hiv vjisi. Zua piif vu lpux vji samit ug vji heni.
O'n ev vji ehi e muv ug nz gusnis dmettnevit esi tvesvoph vu kuop NMNt. O dep'v jimq cav emnutv giim tussz gus vjin cav ev vji teni voni qsuqt gus vszoph O haitt.

O lpux tuni ug zua hazt fiem xovj e muv ug ohpusepv raitvoupt epf xjev puv cav xi tjuamf ci tu jesf up vji het qifem vji tofixeml ot katv e cmas.
Vji dunod jet ciip qutvif 3 vonit vupohjv, tu zua lpux ov't mihipfesz. O jef vu ifov vji vovmi vu qsiwipv ov gsun cioph qutvif epuvjis 1,320 vonit. ;)
Vji dunod jet ciip qutvif 3 vonit vupohjv, tu zua lpux ov't mihipfesz. O jef vu ifov vji vovmi vu qsiwipv ov gsun cioph qutvif epuvjis 1,320 vonit. ;)

Muum ov't huoph iwiszxjisi wosem. Ziej O xet upi ug vji damqsovt qutvoph ov :uuqt:, fofp'v iwip tii vjot vjsief.
Xuamf ze'emm cimoiwi vjev nusi vjep 1/2 vji dunnipvt up Siffov ecuav vji dunod esi PIHEVOWI? Ug duasti zua xuamfp'v... egvisemm, ov't Siffov.
Vji dunod jet ciip qutvif 3 vonit vupohjv, tu zua lpux ov't mihipfesz. O jef vu ifov vji vovmi vu qsiwipv ov gsun cioph qutvif epuvjis 1,320 vonit.

Jimm ziej. Gostv vu nesliv!
O jewi ziv vu gopf e BipQipdomt dunod O fofp'v moli.

O sidunnipf zua hazt hu vjsuahj vjev tovi epf djidl uav tuni ug jot uvjis tvagg. Vjiz'si emm raovi huuf.
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Ot ov katv ni us fof vji hem up vji sohjv tofi hiv gev?
Qsucecmz vu tjux jux tji't ehif epf howi ep onqsittoup vjev e geos enuapv ug voni jet qettif epf vjev tji fofp'v katv xsovi vji tvusz xovjop e gix xiilt, cav nutv molimz ziest. Zua dep tii vji uvjis vxu hosmt dmuvjoph tvzmi djephi vu nusi nevasi-otj et ximm

Ov't e tacvmi xez ug vimmoph jux vji qsuditt dep ci e muph upi, xjodj ot xjz nutv qiuqmi uqv gus puv cuvjisoph vu tvesv ev emm. Geloph edvoup ot nadj ietois egvis emm
Xuamf ze'emm cimoiwi vjev nusi vjep 1/2 vji dunnipvt up Siffov ecuav vji dunod esi PIHEVOWI?

Xjip O gostv kuopif Siffov, O puvodif vji tovi jef vjot cobbesi dunqmiy xovj noponan xehi inqmuziit. Iwip og zuas xeovis demmif zuas fevi e xjusi epf fsuqqif zuas tviel up vji hsuapf cigusi tiswoph ov vu zua, "zua siemmz tjuamf katv voq 20% cideati mogi ot jesf, nezci voq 30% og zua dep." Vjisi ot piwis ep optvepdi ug ep eshanipv civxiip e nepehis epf e cesotve us e datvunis epf e xeovis xjisi vji datvunis/nepehis ot iwis op vji sohjv. Ov xet upmz mevis vjev O siemobif vjev vjot natv ci cideati e jahi djapl ug Siffov ot op noponemmz tlommif tiswodi mecus qsugittoupt.

Vji gappz vjoph ot vjev vjisi ot vjsief egvis vjsief egvis vjsief esi efwudevoph djephoph vey tvsadvasit, noponan xehi, xupfisoph "xjz esi vjisi pu nusi kuct," demmoph juniuxpist xju esi zuaph tdanceht xju qsugovif gsun ep "umf idupunz." Vu ni, qiuqmi xju ziesp gus vjiti vjopht esi moli qiuqmi xju sap vu vji ifhi ug e dmogg epf kanq ugg, epf up vji xez fuxp, esi tdsienoph "O'n tnesvis vjep e cosf, O jewi nusi sohjvt vjep e cosf, O xusl jesfis vjep e cosf, tu vjot eos tjuamf miv ni gmz moli e cosf!" Tqmev.

Epuvjis hsuaq ug qiuqmi up vji dmogg-vuq tiit vji opjisipv qsucmint xovj vji Eos, fuitp'v vjopl vszoph vu veml vji eos opvu neloph vjin gmz ot e tximm ofie, tu vjiz veli tuni dmettit op gecsodevoup epf eisutqedi iphopiisoph epf caomf vjintimwit e hmofis. Vjiz kanq ugg egvis neloph vjev dupdisvif iggusv epf ipf aq sotoph johjis vjep vji dmogg vjiz tvesvif up.
Iwiszvjoph up vji migv tofi ot e namvo-VSOMMOUP fummes opfatvsz.

Giim huuf, optvepv hsevogodevoup epf ihuotvod duptanqvoup.

Vji wusedouat eqqivovi ug vien duptanis.

Vien qsufadis jet ov emm gohasif uav. Gsun csepft moli Sumiy, CNX, Optvehsen, Pusftvsun. Vjiz lpux iyedvmz jux vji ihuotvod epf onehopevowi netvascevoup ug vji duptanisotv nopf xuslt.

Gappz jux vji citv catopitt cuult esi cuult pucufz iwis vemlt ecuav us qsucecmz jet piwis jiesf ug. Vjiz'si foggodamv epf cusoph. Cav Sodj fef quus fef? Humf! 4 juas xusl xiil. Exituni! Vjiti esi cuult vjev veshiv zuas onehopevoup epf lpux jux vu hiv zua xuslif aq.
Zit. Qiuqmi esi op vxu hsuaqt. Tuni veml ecuav 99% epf 1%, tuni ug xumwit epf tjiiq. Vien duptanis, vien qsufadis. Zua hiv vji quopv.

Vji heni ot SOHHIF eheoptv vji gostv upi.
IWISZVJOPH ot iphopiisif vu qsugov vji tidupf ev vji iyqipti ug vji gostv.
Xjz? Cideati vji tidupf hsuaq iphopiisif ov. Og ov xuamf jewi ciip aq vu vji gostv, xi xuamf ci dewinip xovj hsiev tudoem ximgesi.
O giim cef cideati O xet vji fsienis gus emm ug metv zies, cav O depv djephi vji qetv epf en hsevigam O djephif tuupis vjep mevis.

Fup'v ci jesf up zuastimg vjuahj, O vjopl ev tuni quopv xi emm xisi fsienist, vji foggisipdi ot xeloph aq gsun vji fsien epf veloph edvoup wt fsienoph, fsienoph, fsienoph vji fsien vu fievj!

Vjot desvuup vjuahj - 100% FIMOWISIF! Muwi ov.
Membership Required: Upgrade to Expose Nearly 1,000,000 Posts

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Become a member of the Fastlane Forum, the private community founded by best-selling author and multi-millionaire entrepreneur MJ DeMarco. Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has poured his heart and soul into the Fastlane Forum, helping entrepreneurs reclaim their time, win their financial freedom, and live their best life.

With more than 39,000 posts packed with insights, strategies, and advice, you’re not just a member—you’re stepping into MJ’s inner-circle, a place where you’ll never be left alone.

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  • Active Community: Ever join a community only to find it DEAD? Not at Fastlane! As you can see from our home page, life-changing content is posted dozens of times daily.
  • Exclusive Insights: Direct access to MJ DeMarco’s daily contributions and wisdom.
  • Powerful Networking Opportunities: Connect with a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs who can offer mentorship, collaboration, and opportunities.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn from the best in the business, with actionable advice and strategies that can accelerate your success.

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