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Surpassing anxiety to achieve success

Anything related to matters of the mind


Hi ! It's Alexis Autotte theautismgenius here I'm here to ask a question about some of people in this forum who have succeed and even the author of millionnaire Fastlane could probably answer my question.

I was curious to see if there was people who suffered lots of fear in their process of success how did you guys cope with fear of maybe I don't know failing to achieve goals, other's opinion and all of the stuff that human fears and that you have to conquer in order to be a millionnaire and financially free. I struggle a lot with anxiety in everyday life's even tho I still live with my parent I bought a trading books, an affiliate marketing book and the author of "Rich dad poor dad" Robert Kiyosaki book with a prepaid credit card since I don't have credit card for the moment. I bought some programming books for the backend of my mobile application so I can build a pretty strong mobile application and I believe in the strength of my project. I'm 19 years old now I have 1 year of college to finish and I decided to do my college program in 4 years so I have time to learn more stuffs about business things and building my capital to build a true financial security because my experience of losing jobs made me realise how much job security doesn't exist. So when I'll have my job in computer science I would build my business on the side and work like more than 40 hours 7 days on 0 to after not even need to work one day in the week later on and just chill on the beach at miami while writing my blog.
So my goal in life is to be financially free and I work really hard each day to achieve my goals wake up at 5 am read my book about trading, in the afternoon I'm learning about building ecommerce and building my instagram for business and the night I usually do my mobile application then I do some training abs before sleeping. Now since college semester is finished I have time to focus massively to improve myself and build a solid work ethic habit. I feel like yesterday my parents told me that it can take like 20 years to be millionnaire it kinda screw my motivation and I was like it won't take 20 years to be millionnaire if I can lose my job really fast and that I need income to pay fully my house and I was kinda depressed in a way and I feel like I live with kind off pessimistic persons that kill my hopes and motivations. Also, I finish the millionnaire fastlane it was a really great book I understood lots of things it changes a lot my mindset and become more courageous than ever.

So I'm asking again, how did you guys surpass these fears in order to be successful and live life to the fullest ?
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Jun 8, 2017
Please list the fears one by one. It is hard to understand what they are exactly.

Do you understand your fears? Sometimes we fear the unknown, or we believe the risk of a bad outcome is greater than in reality. If you dissect the fears, it is easier to see them for what they are.

Fears are relative and change over time. When you conquer a fear it can be replaced with a new one.

When someone warns you, reinforcing your fears, try to recognize the fear in THEM and see their statements through that lens. Don't argue against their fear (it is not logical, but emotional) instead express agreement. Try to understand their deeper feelings on the topic.

What is the opposite of fear? What if you focus on that instead?


Please list the fears one by one. It is hard to understand what they are exactly.

Do you understand your fears? Sometimes we fear the unknown, or we believe the risk of a bad outcome is greater than in reality. If you dissect the fears, it is easier to see them for what they are.

Fears are relative and change over time. When you conquer a fear it can be replaced with a new one.

When someone warns you, reinforcing your fears, try to recognize the fear in THEM and see their statements through that lens. Don't argue against their fear (it is not logical, but emotional) instead express agreement. Try to understand their deeper feelings on the topic.

What is the opposite of fear? What if you focus on that instead?
The opposite of fear is courage. I think fear is due like you said from the unknown they are not sure about the path I've decided to choose in my head the courageous path which will lead me to abundance and lots of money is the most courageous one and I know the reward within this fear after I won't have to depend on a boss again for decades and just live life until I die and continue to do projects to pass days.

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