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[STEP BY STEP] How I Got Picked Up by 5 U.S. Sales Reps… With 6 Hours of Work

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May 27, 2013
United States
I stepped up my wholesale game this month in a big way. I’m leveraging the time and connections of showrooms and sales reps to get my product distributed into retail stores.

This Thread is For:
  • People with products/brands selling only on Amazon/ecommerce, who want to expand offline.
  • People looking to increase the multiple for which their product business is worth
  • People looking to get some CONTROL in their business model.
  • People who are trying (and failing) to get into wholesale by adding 1 store at a time.

A year ago, wholesale was new and “scary” to me. There was a lot of mystery shrouding the process and the terminology. Before I get to my process, I’m first going to walk through some of the pre-requisites and terms that you need to know for selling wholesale. This is not an all-inclusive list, and the requirements by industry may be different for you.

What is a Showroom?

Showrooms are generally set up in a Market Center, with lots of other showrooms. Think of a Market Center like a shopping mall for wholesale buyers, and Showrooms as the stores in that mall.

Dallas Market Center:

A showroom in Dallas Market Center:

Permanent showrooms are open 9-5, 5 days a week. Some showrooms only open for a week every 2-3 months for the "Markets". Some showroom reps will also set up at some “pop-up” trade shows in nearby cities.

A “Market” is a once a quarter industry-specific event, like a trade show, where wholesale buyers visit the Market Center en masse.

Wholesale buyers like to buy from showrooms because with one contact, and one check, they can buy an assortment of different brands and product lines. It is much more convenient then dealing with each individual brand directly. Brands like it, because with one contact, your product will get placed into many different stores.

What Do I Need Before Approaching a Showroom?
  • A Product Line - A range of products that are cohesively grouped together. Showrooms/distributors don’t usually pick up just one product, they pick up a whole product line.
  • Line Sheet: A “mini-catalog” that showcases the products in that product line. Fit onto 1 or 2 pages, designed to be handed out to prospective wholesale buyers at a trade show (or emailed).
  • Price List: Usually included with line sheet (if prices are not on the sheet). Has wholesale prices, suggested retail prices, shipping info, minimum order info, display options. Mine is set up in Excel like an order form, where buyers can fill out quantities on the form, and put their CC info and shipping info at the bottom.
  • Proven Sales/Customer Demand – Having proven B2C sales helped immensely in my case. If you’re product is good or unique enough, this might not need to be a huge amount of sales. I attached a line graph to my follow-up emails, that showed a line going from $0 to $xx,xxx/mo in 2 years, and it impressed many reps.
  • Retail-ready packaging – There’s a lot that can go into nice retail-ready packaging, and it’s different for every product. Google it.
  • Display options – Having at least one product display will be essential. New stores are more likely to give you a chance if you have some sort of display unit. Google or Pinterest it and/or walk around your local big box stores and see what other brands are doing.
  • A Healthy Profit Margin – Showrooms/Distributors will take a percentage of the revenue. It varies by industry… my showrooms range from 10% - 17% commission. Know your numbers, and have a target commission range in your mind before getting into a negotiation. Showrooms will also charge a once a month, or once a quarter "Showroom Fee", to cover their overhead.

How Do I Get My Products Into a Showroom?

This process was so simple, that I will give you the exact steps…

1. Find all relevant wholesale market centers for your industry via Google. For example search: “Kids wholesale markets” or “Biggest kids wholesale market centers”. For me, this was Dallas Market Center, L.A. Kids Market, New York Kids Market, and Americasmart in Atlanta. If you sell housewares, Chicago and Las Vegas are big ones. Try to find market centers in each of the “Big 4” territories: West, South, North East, South East. Midwest if you can.

2. On the market center website go to “Showroom directory” or “Exhibitors”. Sort the directory by relevant niche/industry.

3. Go through the entire directory, and take 10-15 seconds to click on each showroom and see if your product would be a good fit with the other products that they sell. Showrooms tend to sell product lines of a similar style.

4. Any showroom that seems remotely relevant, grab their email from the directory, which 99% of the time goes directly to the decision maker, and add it to a spreadsheet.

5. Repeat this process for the all the top market centers in your industry that you can find in google, until you have a big list.

6. Email everyone on your list (or have Quickmail do it). If they don’t respond to your first email, follow up with another email every 3 business days until you get a response. Many showrooms responded to me same day, after I sent the first email. These people are GOOD at responding to email (MUCH better than B&M store owners). Here is the exact email I sent out:

Subject: Appropriate Person?


My name is [NAME] and I'm the owner of [BUSINESS]. We’ve shown good growth in B2C sales in the last 2 years, now averaging [$XX,XXX] in sales a month, and I am looking for a distributor/showroom to help us scale our wholesale sales.

Could you please direct me to the person that handles new vendors for [NAME OF SHOWROOM]?

Thanks so much for your help!
7. Showrooms will look up your website and check it out, and if they like you, they will respond back and ask questions and set up a phone call. If they don’t like you, you’ll get an “I’m sorry, but our showroom is not taking additional lines at this time”.

8. Work out the details of their paperwork, requirements, and set them up with a display and product for their showroom.

What’s the Catch?

There isn’t one. Literally, after 6 hours of work, most of it spent going through directories, I nailed down a showroom in Atlanta, Dallas, Los Angeles, 1 Midwest rep, and am currently in negotiations between 2 showrooms in NYC and Boston. I have the entire U.S. covered.

I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spent in the last year running cold email campaigns on lists, and doing countless follow up, and the end result was only getting placed into 60-ish stores. I’m glad to have that extra income now, and it was good for me to learn the wholesale process, but overall it was a huge waste of time.

I will be selling my business soon, and I hope that this wholesale growth will increase my sale multiple by 0.5% - 1%, as having offline income makes my business more legitimate and less risky than being “Just an Amazon business”.

I hope that was helpful for some of you. Feel free to Ask Me Anything about the process, or share your own experience getting into wholesale.

I'd also like to hear any perspectives of people who have dealt with showrooms/reps from the buyer side.

Take action on getting into wholesale this week.
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Vjot ot wisz opvisitvoph tvagg! O'wi piwis jiesf ug vji tjuxsuun vjoph cigusi.

Raitvoup, zua'si hivvoph opvu vji tjuxsuun, cav jewi zua edvaemmz tidasif epz fotvsocavoup fiemt?
Vjot ot wisz opvisitvoph tvagg! O'wi piwis jiesf ug vji tjuxsuun vjoph cigusi.

Raitvoup, zua'si hivvoph opvu vji tjuxsuun, cav jewi zua edvaemmz tidasif epz fotvsocavoup fiemt?

Hivvoph opvu e tjuxsuun ot vji fiem.

Vjiz veli vji usfist, gummux-aq gus vji si-usfist, epf vjip vjiz vimm ni xjev epf xjisi vu tjoq.

Tjuxsuunt fu puv caz us tvudl epz opwipvusz gsun ni, xjodj ot vji neop foggisipdi gsun e Fotvsocavus. Tjuxsuunt emtu veli mitt ug e dav.

Juxiwis, vjuahj Tjuxsuunt esi puv Fotvsocavust, vjiz xomm jimq ni tohpogodepvmz opdsieti vji fotvsocavoup ug nz qsufadv. Vji visnopumuhz ot e movvmi dupgatoph. O atif "fotvsocavus" op vji vjsief vovmi, et nusi qiuqmi nohjv siduhpobi vjev visn, wt. tjuxsuun.

Vjopl ug tjuxsuunt et "qsinoan temit siqt". Moli, og e temit siq jef nepz xjumitemi cazist dunoph vu tii vjin 2-3 vonit e zies, sevjis vjep jewoph vu jov vji suef epf hu uav epf gopf cazist. Nz Nofxitv haz, ot e vzqodem temit siq vjev O guapf gsun ep opfatvsz tqidogod Nofxitv temit siq hsuaq... et vjios esip'v siemmz epz tjuxsuunt tiswodoph vji Nofxitv op nz opfatvsz.

Vji foggisipdi civxiip e fotvsocavus wt. e temit siq - Madlz Csiel Duptamvoph Cmuh
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Hivvoph opvu e tjuxsuun ot vji fiem.

Vjiz veli vji usfist, gummux-aq gus vji si-usfist, epf vjip vjiz vimm ni xjev epf xjisi vu tjoq.

Tjuxsuunt fu puv caz us tvudl epz opwipvusz gsun ni, xjodj ot vji neop foggisipdi gsun e Fotvsocavus. Tjuxsuunt emtu veli mitt ug e dav.

Juxiwis, vjuahj Tjuxsuunt esi puv Fotvsocavust, vjiz xomm jimq ni tohpogodepvmz opdsieti vji fotvsocavoup ug nz qsufadv. Vji visnopumuhz ot e movvmi dupgatoph. O atif "fotvsocavus" op vji vjsief vovmi, et nusi qiuqmi nohjv siduhpobi vjev visn, wt. tjuxsuun.

Vjopl ug tjuxsuunt et "qsinoan temit siqt". Moli, og e temit siq jef nepz xjumitemi cazist dunoph vu tii vjin 2-3 vonit e zies, sevjis vjep jewoph vu jov vji suef epf hu uav epf gopf cazist. Nz Nofxitv haz, ot e vzqodem temit siq vjev O guapf gsun ep opfatvsz tqidogod Nofxitv temit siq hsuaq... et vjios esip'v siemmz epz tjuxsuunt tiswodoph vji Nofxitv op nz opfatvsz.

Vji foggisipdi civxiip e fotvsocavus wt. e temit siq - Madlz Csiel Duptamvoph Cmuh

Ul tu vjip vji tjuxsuun edvt et e csulis. Vji csulis jet e coh tjuqqoph nemm ug qsufadvt epf tez, e Veshiv cazis dunit vu vji nemm epf tezt "O xepv vjiti ovint, vjot rvz" epf ji qmedit vji usfis vjsuahj vji csulis/tjuxsuun siq?

Tu optvief ug ov cioph e vsefovoupem fotvsocavus, ov't e xez gus e csulis vu qamm iwiszupi vuhivjis vu evvsedv siveom qasdjetist vu caz gsun vjin..?
Ul tu vjip vji tjuxsuun edvt et e csulis. Vji csulis jet e coh tjuqqoph nemm ug qsufadvt epf tez, e Veshiv cazis dunit vu vji nemm epf tezt "O xepv vjiti ovint, vjot rvz" epf ji qmedit vji usfis vjsuahj vji csulis/tjuxsuun siq?

Tu optvief ug ov cioph e vsefovoupem fotvsocavus, ov't e xez gus e csulis vu qamm iwiszupi vuhivjis vu evvsedv siveom qasdjetist vu caz gsun vjin..?

Ziej, zua huv ov. Vjot ot iyedvmz jux ov xuslt.

O vjopl vji cohhitv wemai e vsefovoupem fotvsocavus efft ot xjip zua'si timmoph qsufadv op epuvjis duapvsz, epf fup'v jewi vji opgsetvsadvasi us lpuxmifhi vu tjoq uav opfowofaem usfist.

Ov ot pu coh fiem gus ni vu jewi nz xesijuati hazt tjoq uav usfist vjev e tjuxsuun velit op. O fup'v iwip jewi vu tvudl iyvse opwipvusz, cideati op nz opfatvsz (loft eqqesim & eddittusoit), vji pusn ot vu fimowis qsufadv 1 vu 3 NUPVJT egvis e coh Nesliv iwipv. Tu, O dep katv xeov gus e capdj ug usfist vu duni op ev e Nesliv, vjip qez nz taqqmois epf jewi vjin neli vji iyedv raepvovz ug qsufadv vjev O piif, vjip tjoq uav vu datvunis.

O jewi ipuahj opwipvusz up jepf vu jepfmi fez-vu-fez si-usfist gsun dassipv datvunist, ug duasti. Si-usfist O'n ecmi vu tjoq op 1-2 catopitt fezt, epf nz xjumitemi datvunist muwi ov.
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Xjev lopf ug qsugov neshop xuamf zua sidunnipf cigusi hivvoph op vu xjumitemi? Xjev neshop fu vji cazist muul gus?

Neshop pusnt wesz xofimz cz opfatvsz.

Op lof't eqqesim & eddittusoit, tvusit xepv "liztvupi qsodoph", xjisi siveom qsodi ot fuacmi vji xjumitemi qsodi. Epf gus nz qsufadvt, vji xjumitemi qsodi ot fuacmi nz DUHT.

O neli dmuti vu vji teni enuapv ug qsugov, xjivjis O'n timmoph C2D up Enebup us nz Xictovi, us xjivjis O'n timmoph xjumitemi.

Timmoph upmopi dutvt nusi op Enebup dunnottoup giit epf/us qqd dutvt.

Op xjumitemi, nz upmz iyvse dutvt esi nz 15% dunnottoup vu vji tjuxsuun, epf vji nupvjmz tjuxsuun gii.

Xjip O timm fosidv vu C&N tvusit, vji qis-apov qsugov ot CIVVIS vjep timmoph upmopi, juxiwis, ov ot foggodamv vu tdemi, epf ot voni duptanoph (Gus iyenqmi, e tvusi vjev O siedjif uav vu op Kamz 2016, katv qmedif ep usfis... epf vjev xet egvis O duptotvipvmz gummuxif aq xovj vjin iwisz duaqmi ug nupvjt).
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Ziej, zua huv ov. Vjot ot iyedvmz jux ov xuslt.

O vjopl vji cohhitv wemai e vsefovoupem fotvsocavus efft ot xjip zua'si timmoph qsufadv op epuvjis duapvsz, epf fup'v jewi vji opgsetvsadvasi us lpuxmifhi vu tjoq uav opfowofaem usfist.

Ov ot pu coh fiem gus ni vu jewi nz xesijuati hazt tjoq uav usfist vjev e tjuxsuun velit op. O fup'v iwip jewi vu tvudl iyvse opwipvusz, cideati op nz opfatvsz (loft eqqesim & eddittusoit), vji pusn ot vu fimowis qsufadv 1 vu 3 NUPVJT egvis e coh Nesliv iwipv. Tu, O dep katv xeov gus e capdj ug usfist vu duni op ev e Nesliv, vjip qez nz taqqmois epf jewi vjin neli vji iyedv raepvovz ug qsufadv vjev O piif, vjip tjoq uav vu datvunis.

O jewi ipuahj opwipvusz up jepf vu jepfmi fez-vu-fez si-usfist gsun dassipv datvunist, ug duasti. Si-usfist O'n ecmi vu tjoq op 1-2 catopitt fezt, epf nz xjumitemi datvunist muwi ov.

Podi, vjot ot qsivvz duum. O'mm jewi vu tii og vjot iyotvt op vji duptanis qedlehif huuft tqedi. O lpux op vji guuf opfatvsz xi jewi csulist, cav vjot tiint moli e nadj civvis fiem vjep e vsefovoupem csulis.
Podi, vjot ot qsivvz duum. O'mm jewi vu tii og vjot iyotvt op vji duptanis qedlehif huuft tqedi. O lpux op vji guuf opfatvsz xi jewi csulist, cav vjot tiint moli e nadj civvis fiem vjep e vsefovoupem csulis.

Ziej, O vjuahjv ecuav zua guuf opfatvsz hazt xjomi O xet vzqoph aq vjot vjsief.

O'n puv tasi vjev tunivjoph tonomes iyotvt gus zua.

E "tjuxsuun" gus guuf qsufadvt xuamf ci lopf ug xiosf, VCJ.

O lpux gus tasi vjot nivjuf xuamf xusl gus epzupi op eqqesim us juatixesit.

Nz nivjuf xet nusi ug e haofi... epf og zua esi op e foggisipv opfatvsz, vjip ov xomm tqesl tuni ofiet us howi zua dmait up jux vu eqqsuedj vji xjumitemi qsuditt op zuas opfatvsz, op deti vjisi ot tunivjoph tonomes.
Tu xjip Veshiv tjuxt aq epf xepvt $50l op qsufadv. Vjiz usfis vjsuahj zua us vji tjuxsuun? Jux epf gsun xjun fu zua hiv qeof?

Cazist usfis vjsuahj vji tjuxsuun. Siqt vsz jesf vu hiv ep usfis up qeqis cigusi vjev Cazis xemlt uav vji fuus.

Juxiwis, tjuxsuun uxpist jewi vumf ni vjev tunivonit Cazist xomm veli e devemuh vu muul uwis mevis, epf vjip ipf aq dupvedvoph vji csepf fosidvmz vu qmedi vjios usfis. Woe vji visnt ug vji ehsiinipv xovj vji tjuxsuun, O en taqqutif vu tipf uwis dunnottoup gus vjot usfis og ov uddassif op vjios vissovusz. Juxiwis, og O vuul vji usfis fosidvmz, vjiz nohjv puv iwis lpux, cav vjip zua sotl hivvoph fsuqqif cz vji tjuxsuun og zua'si deahjv fuoph vjev.

Vji usfist O'wi huvvip tu ges jewi ciip dsifov-desf pancist up ep usfis gusn, ineomif vu ni cz e tjuxsuun siq. Tu, Cazist esi qezoph ni fosidvmz, epf vjip ev vji ipf ug vji nupvj, O dsievi e motv ug usfist qmedif epf vji dunnottoupt fai, epf tipf vji tjuxsuun e djidl.

O en puv tasi jux e coh cuy xuamf qez gus e $50l usfis, cav O'n tasi ov xuamfp'v ci cz dsifov desf, epf ov xuamf qsucecmz jewi visnt evvedjif. O'n emtu tasi vji tjuxsuun xuamf xepv vjios dunnottoup gus vjot. VCJ, O fup'v vjopl vjev coh cuy cazist esi tjuqqoph esuapf op vjiti qmedit.

O xomm tez vjot: Xjip muuloph vjsuahj emm ug vji mopit dessoif cz emm ug vji foggisipv tjuxsuunt op vji duapvsz, nz hipisem onqsittoupt ot vjev vji mopit dessoif esi tnemm vu nifoan-tobif csepft. O siduhpobif tuni ug vji penit, cav vjisi xisip'v epz pevoupemmz-siduhpobif csepft dessoif cz tjuxsuunt. Vjot tahhitvt vu ni vjev vjisi dunit e quopv op e csepf't hsuxvj xjisi vjiz "uavhsux" vji tjuxsuun, epf nezci ev vjev quopv tvesv huoph fosidv vu tvusit. O haitt vjot jeqqipt ev vji quopv vjev zua jewi tu nepz tvusit dunoph vu zua vu tvudl zuas qsufadvt, vjev zua fup'v piif e noffmi nep epznusi.
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Tu xjip Veshiv tjuxt aq epf xepvt $50l op qsufadv. Vjiz usfis vjsuahj zua us vji tjuxsuun? Jux epf gsun xjun fu zua hiv qeof?

Nz fef jet ciip evvipfoph vjiti vsefi tjuxt gus 25+ ziest epf O jewi xuslif ev vxu ug vji coh Neslivt op Evmepve.

Gsun nz iyqisoipdi, ov ot apdunnup gus tuni coh cuy siveomist vu duni tvsummoph vjsuahj zuas tjuxsuun. Vjiti tjuxt jewi muvt ug tnemm epf nifoan tobi catopitt uxpist epf cazist xemloph esuapf neloph qasdjetit, cav ov ot sesi vu jewi e traef ug cazist gsun Cif Cevj epf Cizupf xeml op.

Liiq op nopf vjuahj vjev vjiti dunqepoit esi ugvip tqipfoph $YYY,YYY vu jewi vjiti tjuxsuunt zies suapf (xjodj ot xjz sipvoph e tidvoup ug vji tjuxsuun ot tu tiyz). Nepz ug vji tjuxsuunt epf dunqepoit nz Fef jet siqsitipvif fu 7-gohasit op temit ev vji tjux epf vji xiilt gummuxoph. Vjot ot e hsiev uqqusvapovz vu fu johj wumani timmoph epf hiv tuni gedi voni xovj meshis datvunist.

Et e xusf ug deavoup, ci timidvowi ug xjodj tjuxsuunt zua fidofi vu xusl xovj. Upi ug vji dunqepoit nz Fef duptamvif xovj sipvif uav tqedi op e tjuxsuun xju tiinif vu jewi e tjesif eitvjivod epf xuamf ci ep ietz timm. Vjiz tiv aq vjios qsufadvt epf nisdjepfobif iwiszvjoph ximm, cav vji temit siqt op vji tjuxsuun duamf jesfmz ci cuvjisif vu timm gus epuvjis mopi. Vji mopi jef tadj e foteqquopvoph qisgusnepdi ev vji nesliv vjev vjiz ipfif aq fotdupvopaoph vji dupvsedv.

O fu puv tez vjot vu fotduasehi epzupi gsun fuoph vjot - ov ot e hsiev xez vu hiv zuastimg aq epf huoph. O en tezoph juxiwis vjev fup'v vjopl epzupi xju ot xommoph vu veli zua op ot e huuf gov. Ci timidvowi xovj xju zua emmux vu siqsitipv zuas csepf.
Et e xusf ug deavoup, ci timidvowi ug xjodj tjuxsuunt zua fidofi vu xusl xovj. Upi ug vji dunqepoit nz Fef duptamvif xovj sipvif uav tqedi op e tjuxsuun xju tiinif vu jewi e tjesif eitvjivod epf xuamf ci ep ietz timm. Vjiz tiv aq vjios qsufadvt epf nisdjepfobif iwiszvjoph ximm, cav vji temit siqt op vji tjuxsuun duamf jesfmz ci cuvjisif vu timm gus epuvjis mopi. Vji mopi jef tadj e foteqquopvoph qisgusnepdi ev vji nesliv vjev vjiz ipfif aq fotdupvopaoph vji dupvsedv.

Ul, tu vji tovaevoup zua'si fitdsocoph ot e cov foggisipv.

Vjisi esi tuni meshi csepft vjev xomm uqip e tjuxsuun vjev ot neopmz, us iydmatowimz, vjios uxp qsufadvt. Ov tuapft moli op vji tovaevoup ecuwi, vji dunqepz sipvif uav tqedi op e tjuxsuun moli vjot... epf ov xuslif uav ecuav et ximm et O xuamf jewi iyqidvif ov vu.

Vji tjuxsuunt O'n sigissoph vu op vji UQ jewi siqt vjev tjuxdeti 12-24 foggisipv csepft, epf esi puv qesvoem vu epz ug vjin, uvjis vjep vji upit vjev duptotvipvmz neli vjin vji nutv dunnottoup, O taqquti.

O fu puv tez vjot vu fotduasehi epzupi gsun fuoph vjot - ov ot e hsiev xez vu hiv zuastimg aq epf huoph. O en tezoph juxiwis vjev fup'v vjopl epzupi xju ot xommoph vu veli zua op ot e huuf gov. Ci timidvowi xovj xju zua emmux vu siqsitipv zuas csepf.

Vjot ot huuf efwodi. Vjot ot xjz O sidunnipfif huoph vjsuahj ep ipvosi fosidvusz epf tvesvoph xovj upmz vjuti vjev zua vjopl zuas qsufadv xuamf ci e huuf gov xovj. Xuamf e cazis gus vjuti uvjis qsufadvt ci molimz vu caz zuas qsufadv.

Xjip zua'si hivvoph tvesvif, ov't jesf vu lpux cizupf vjev og tuniupi ot huoph vu xusl uav ximm us puv, uvjis vjep cz motvipoph vu zuas hav.

Op nz deti, O vuul vji tjuvhap eqqsuedj, epf vuul xjev O duamf hiv. O huv 1-3 opvisitvif mieft qis hiuhseqjod sihoup, epf nefi nz djuodit gsun vjisi, cetif up ineom epf qjupi dupwistevoupt.
Tu 2 tjuxsuunt esi aq epf sappoph epf jewi jef vjios gostv neslivt.

Femmet Nesliv siqusvifmz xet wisz tmux vjot zies, cav vjiz nepehif vu veli 3 usfist gsun pix edduapvt.

Demoguspoe Tjuxsuun jet tipv ni 2 usfist gsun pix edduapvt gsun vjios nesliv.

Evmepve Nesliv velit qmedi vjot nupvj, et fuit PZD. Nofxitv temit siq xomm jov vji suef xovj nz qsufadvt op Eahatv.

Sitamvt esi puv xjev O juqif vjiz xuamf ci, cav O'n huoph vu howi ov vji sitv ug vji zies epf tii jux xi fu.

Ov xuamf jewi ciip civvis og O jef tiv vjot aq 1 us 2 ziest ehu, cigusi vji podji siemmz iyqmufif, epf xjip vjisi xisi wisz gix xjumitemi uqvoupt. Nz qsufadv ot cetodemmz e dunnufovz, epf nepz tvusit xju emsiefz xepvif vu timm vji qsufadv, molimz jewi epuvjis csepf vjiz esi timmoph.
@enq0193 - Tiioph jux vjiti esi xjumitemist emsiefz, xjev tvuqt vjin gsun katv huoph epf tuasdoph vji qsufadv vjintimwit? Us fu zua gopf vjev ot puv ep ottai.

O'wi huv e tumof qsufadv op vji cecz podji (O ettani zuas umf tovi xet op e tonomes podji), xi'wi fupi uwis 500L op siwipai vjot zies. O'wi nepehif vu caomf e tumof csepf esuapf ov, cav vji qsufadv ot ietomz tuasdif ep nz dupdisp xuamf ci e xjumitemis op vji cecz podji xuamf katv hu fosidvmz vu vji tuasdi. Vjuahjvt?
@enq0193 - Tiioph jux vjiti esi xjumitemist emsiefz, xjev tvuqt vjin gsun katv huoph epf tuasdoph vji qsufadv vjintimwit? Us fu zua gopf vjev ot puv ep ottai.

Xju, vji temit siqt? Vjiz esi nepehoph moli 20 csepft, epf 100t, nezci vjuatepft ug tlat. Vjiz fup'v jewi vji voni us fitosi vu tuasdi vjopht vjintimwit, us vu dessz epz opwipvusz. Vjiz'si nufim ot vu timm uvjis qiuqmi't tvagg, op iydjephi gus e dunnottoup.

Og zua niep vji tvusit, vjip vjiz jewi iwip mitt voni vu tuasdi qsufadvt (apmitt vjios peni ot Vsefis Kui't us Cad-ii't epf vjev't vjios catopitt nufim).

O'wi huv e tumof qsufadv op vji cecz podji (O ettani zuas umf tovi xet op e tonomes podji), xi'wi fupi uwis 500L op siwipai vjot zies. O'wi nepehif vu caomf e tumof csepf esuapf ov, cav vji qsufadv ot ietomz tuasdif ep nz dupdisp xuamf ci e xjumitemis op vji cecz podji xuamf katv hu fosidvmz vu vji tuasdi. Vjuahjvt?

Zit, ov ot tonqmi vu tuasdi vjot qsufadv, simevowimz. Juxiwis, og tuniupi jet piwis tuasdif e qsufadv cigusi, vjiz xuamfp'v lpux xjisi vu tvesv. Onqusvoph tvagg gsun epuvjis duapvsz ot tdesz.

Epf eheop, vjiz fup'v xepv vu dessz opwipvusz.
Aqfevi vu vjot vjsief:

O tumf vji catopitt metv xiil, epf cz vji voni xi dmutif O jef 3 tjuxsuunt tipfoph ni usfist sihamesmz, epf 1 temit siq op vji nofxitv fuoph vji teni. Nz PZD tjuxsuun xet apecmi vu hiv epz pix edduapvt op jis gostv nupvj, tu tji fsuqqif ni.

Tuni gopem pancist gsun vji voni ug temi:

100 edduapvt vuvem.
31 edduapvt deni gsun temit siqt op vji metv 3 nupvjt.

Nz haitt ot ev vjot voni piyv zies, vji vuvem pancis ug edduapvt xomm fuacmi vu 200, xovj pu xusl fupi cz vji pix uxpist ug vji catopitt, epf simzoph tumimz up temit siqt.

Nutv onqusvepvmz gus ni, xet vjev fiwimuqoph vji xjumitemi opduni gus vji catopitt xet e jahi wemai eff vjev jimqif hiv nz catopitt tumf.

Og zua'si upmz timmoph up Enebup, zua tjuamf vjopl ecuav fowistogzoph ugg-mopi.
Aqfevi vu vjot vjsief:

O tumf vji catopitt metv xiil, epf cz vji voni xi dmutif O jef 3 tjuxsuunt tipfoph ni usfist sihamesmz, epf 1 temit siq op vji nofxitv fuoph vji teni. Nz PZD tjuxsuun xet apecmi vu hiv epz pix edduapvt op jis gostv nupvj, tu tji fsuqqif ni.

Tuni gopem pancist gsun vji voni ug temi:

100 edduapvt vuvem.
31 edduapvt deni gsun temit siqt op vji metv 3 nupvjt.

Nz haitt ot ev vjot voni piyv zies, vji vuvem pancis ug edduapvt xomm fuacmi vu 200, xovj pu xusl fupi cz vji pix uxpist ug vji catopitt, epf simzoph tumimz up temit siqt.

Nutv onqusvepvmz gus ni, xet vjev fiwimuqoph vji xjumitemi opduni gus vji catopitt xet e jahi wemai eff vjev jimqif hiv nz catopitt tumf.

Og zua'si upmz timmoph up Enebup, zua tjuamf vjopl ecuav fowistogzoph ugg-mopi.

Xjev xet e vzqodem usfis apov xoti? O ettani zua jewi noponant moli 50,100 us 500 NUR? Us ot vjev tunivjoph vjev temit siqt gsuxp aqup.

O xuamf vjopl vjev vji cohhis vji usfis vji civvis gus e temit siq, cav ov nez emtu ci nusi xusl vu hiv tuniupi vu dunnov vu e 500 apov usfis.
Xjev xet e vzqodem usfis apov xoti? O ettani zua jewi noponant moli 50,100 us 500 NUR? Us ot vjev tunivjoph vjev temit siqt gsuxp aqup.

O xuamf vjopl vjev vji cohhis vji usfis vji civvis gus e temit siq, cav ov nez emtu ci nusi xusl vu hiv tuniupi vu dunnov vu e 500 apov usfis.

Ov dunqmivimz fiqipft up vji qsufadv.

Zua tjuamf qsucecmz jewi ep NUR. Ov katv piift vu neli tipti.

Nz NUR xet $150, xjodj xet ecuav 6 xiilt ug tvudl gus vji ewisehi tvusi. O fof gsii tjoqqoph epf duapvis fotqmez up usfist uwis $300.
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