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Dec 21, 2015
Rep Bank
User Power: 475%
Hi guys,

It has been a long while since I posted an execution thread and there's a good reason - ALL of my previous execution threads got abandoned. So, roughly a year ago I made a decision to post an execution thread only when I feel I am able to execute it.

Most of you are somewhat familiar with me and my story and for those who aren't, please check this thread to get a taste of where I am now and some of my background. Ok, here we go...

Here are the things killing my progress: 30kg overweight, addicted to social media (wasting like 3-5h a day), addicted to negative thinking, addicted to junk food and currently have no routine whatsoever. My diet is a mess. My sleeping pattern is a mess. I am a mess.

So, this thread is going to be more than just making money by providing value. In addition to making money, I will also document my mental and physical changes - I want to become a different, much better version of myself so I can provide even more value to my customers.

Presently, I have a side-business that generates somewhere in the range of €1000 - €2000 a month profit. I do all kinds of stuff for people from my native country - writing CVs and Cover Letters, Business Plans, checking academic projects and so on - basically, everything that involves writing in English.

Also, a year ago I tested one of my business ideas that attracted massive attention. Don't ask me why, but since now I haven't executed it. So, my plan is to increase revenue of my side-business and FINALLY bring my REAL business idea into the daylight.

Each week I will update my progress and set new targets for the following week. I will do my best to share as much valuable information as possible and be as open as I can. I will not sugarcoat and lie about the progress. Whatever happens, you all are going to witness it.

Thanks for taking your time to read this thread and I hope you'll buckle up and join me on this ride to greatness.
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