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Real Estate Agent Fastlaners: Time for a Disruption

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Read Unscripted!
Mar 25, 2017
Scottsdale, AZ
5EF691C7-A19C-45B0-90FB-9672EFA4CB10.webp I am writing to you tonight from a restaurant bar called Jalepeno Inferno in North Scottsdale. There ironically is a Lambo parked out front, though in Scottsdale that is not too unusual.

I’m 32 and have started a few successful businesses, have been in business for myself since I turned 18, but now find myself stable, wife and a kid and no real worries about bills as I run my own passive income real estate business.

I have gone through the rediculously over regulated process of getting my real estate license in 6 states now and continue to expand my current business however I see an opportunity that I can’t pass up.

Any of my fellow real estate agents here on the forum can tell you that even while it’s pretty easy to make 6 figures as a real estate agent right now, many of the forward thinking agents can see change coming quite quickly.

Companies like OpenDoor, OfferPad, Redfin and Homie are gaining market share at levels never seen before in the industry and on top of that Zillow, the #1 place most buyers start looking for homes is now throwing its hat in the ring, making instant offers and buying homes of potential sellers, which compounds the issue. Not to mention companies like EXP Realty who’s main goal is to just accumulate as many real estate agents as possible and issue their recruiting agents stock (they just went on the Nasdaq) building in essence a recruiting company, not one that actually strives to better serve the customer.

I am a tried and true real estate guy who has battled commission cutting brokerages since I started in the business at 18 years old in 2005.

But I realize today that the time for change in this industry is right now. Businesses like Uber and Lyft transformed transportation, Amazon transformed E-commerce and now a company is going to do the same thing in real estate.

So against everything that has been taught to me by every realtor and broker I’ve ever had the chance to work with, I have decided to venture to the darkside.

Let me tell you this, I’ve listed and sold homes with putting in a total of less than 5 hours of work that I’ve made $30,000+ on, so I can see that there is room for a lower cost alternative and it really isn’t like what the other realtors will tell you, a discount, lower service option.

In fact my last deal in Snohomish, WA I listed and sold a townhome for 2% commission. The next door unit went pending just as I listed this unit and that one was nicer, cleaner with more upgrades.

In the end I fought hard for my client and even though the property didn’t appraise for the contract price we accepted, I willed the buyer to come out of pocket with the additional $10k above appraised value to close the deal. In the end, my client walked away with $13k more than her neighbor who had a nicer identical floorplan.

My point is this, I’m not trying to brag or reflect on past glories like an old fat ex high school all star. I just think it’s time for someone to implement a fresh take on this industry.

So I started a business that is going to do it. We are not a tech company, we are real agents who work mostly remotely. That last deal I told you about... I did the whole thing from 3 states away and my client got a whole lot better deal than her neighbor that’s for sure.

I intend to build this business in 15 key markets across the country leveraging geography and scaling through partner agents on the ground in each state. We plan to expand territory quickly to provide a new option for home owners nationwide to list and sell their homes while saving more of their equity while still receiving the highest level of service available. Let’s be real, it shouldn’t cost $30,000 to sell your $500,000 home. If you bought in the past 3 years the lions share of your equity is being sucked dry by Realtors.

There is a better way and we intend to put that plan into action. If your are an agent or want to be an agent anywhere in the country, I’d love to hear your thoughts and we can really use some great like-minded team members nationwide who get in on the ground floor and grow this thing with me looking forward to a big payday in a few years!

What are your thoughts on the industry fastlaners?

I brought this here because I know this community, above most others has some heavy hitters in this industry and many others. Let me hear your thoughts below.
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O en xsovoph vu zua vupohjv gsun e sitveasepv ces demmif Kemiqipu Opgispu op Pusvj Tduvvtfemi. Vjisi osupodemmz ot e Mencu qeslif uav gsupv, vjuahj op Tduvvtfemi vjev ot puv vuu apataem.

O’n 32 epf jewi tvesvif e gix taddittgam catopittit, jewi ciip op catopitt gus nztimg topdi O vaspif 18, cav pux gopf nztimg tvecmi, xogi epf e lof epf pu siem xussoit ecuav commt et O sap nz uxp qettowi opduni siem itvevi catopitt.

O jewi hupi vjsuahj vji sifodamuatmz uwis sihamevif qsuditt ug hivvoph nz siem itvevi modipti op 6 tvevit pux epf dupvopai vu iyqepf nz dassipv catopitt juxiwis O tii ep uqqusvapovz vjev O dep’v qett aq.

Epz ug nz gimmux siem itvevi ehipvt jisi up vji gusan dep vimm zua vjev iwip xjomi ov’t qsivvz ietz vu neli 6 gohasit et e siem itvevi ehipv sohjv pux, nepz ug vji gusxesf vjoploph ehipvt dep tii djephi dunoph raovi raodlmz.

Dunqepoit moli UqipFuus, UggisQef, Sifgop epf Junoi esi heopoph nesliv tjesi ev miwimt piwis tiip cigusi op vji opfatvsz epf up vuq ug vjev Bommux, vji #1 qmedi nutv cazist tvesv muuloph gus junit ot pux vjsuxoph ovt jev op vji soph, neloph optvepv uggist epf cazoph junit ug quvipvoem timmist, xjodj dunquapft vji ottai. Puv vu nipvoup dunqepoit moli IYQ Siemvz xju’t neop huem ot vu katv eddanamevi et nepz siem itvevi ehipvt et quttocmi epf ottai vjios sidsaovoph ehipvt tvudl (vjiz katv xipv up vji Petfer) caomfoph op ittipdi e sidsaovoph dunqepz, puv upi vjev edvaemmz tvsowit vu civvis tiswi vji datvunis.

O en e vsoif epf vsai siem itvevi haz xju jet cevvmif dunnottoup davvoph csulisehit topdi O tvesvif op vji catopitt ev 18 ziest umf op 2005.

Cav O siemobi vufez vjev vji voni gus djephi op vjot opfatvsz ot sohjv pux. Catopittit moli Acis epf Mzgv vseptgusnif vseptqusvevoup, Enebup vseptgusnif I-dunnisdi epf pux e dunqepz ot huoph vu fu vji teni vjoph op siem itvevi.

Tu eheoptv iwiszvjoph vjev jet ciip veahjv vu ni cz iwisz siemvus epf csulis O’wi iwis jef vji djepdi vu xusl xovj, O jewi fidofif vu wipvasi vu vji fesltofi.

Miv ni vimm zua vjot, O’wi motvif epf tumf junit xovj qavvoph op e vuvem ug mitt vjep 5 juast ug xusl vjev O’wi nefi $30,000+ up, tu O dep tii vjev vjisi ot suun gus e muxis dutv emvispevowi epf ov siemmz otp’v moli xjev vji uvjis siemvust xomm vimm zua, e fotduapv, muxis tiswodi uqvoup.

Op gedv nz metv fiem op Tpujunotj, XE O motvif epf tumf e vuxpjuni gus 2% dunnottoup. Vji piyv fuus apov xipv qipfoph katv et O motvif vjot apov epf vjev upi xet podis, dmiepis xovj nusi aqhsefit.

Op vji ipf O guahjv jesf gus nz dmoipv epf iwip vjuahj vji qsuqisvz fofp’v eqqseoti gus vji dupvsedv qsodi xi eddiqvif, O xommif vji cazis vu duni uav ug qudliv xovj vji effovoupem $10l ecuwi eqqseotif wemai vu dmuti vji fiem. Op vji ipf, nz dmoipv xemlif exez xovj $13l nusi vjep jis piohjcus xju jef e podis ofipvodem gmuusqmep.

Nz quopv ot vjot, O’n puv vszoph vu cseh us sigmidv up qetv hmusoit moli ep umf gev iy johj tdjuum emm tves. O katv vjopl ov’t voni gus tuniupi vu onqminipv e gsitj veli up vjot opfatvsz.

Tu O tvesvif e catopitt vjev ot huoph vu fu ov. Xi esi puv e vidj dunqepz, xi esi siem ehipvt xju xusl nutvmz sinuvimz. Vjev metv fiem O vumf zua ecuav... O fof vji xjumi vjoph gsun 3 tvevit exez epf nz dmoipv huv e xjumi muv civvis fiem vjep jis piohjcus vjev’t gus tasi.

O opvipf vu caomf vjot catopitt op 15 liz neslivt edsutt vji duapvsz miwisehoph hiuhseqjz epf tdemoph vjsuahj qesvpis ehipvt up vji hsuapf op iedj tvevi. Xi qmep vu iyqepf vissovusz raodlmz vu qsuwofi e pix uqvoup gus juni uxpist pevoupxofi vu motv epf timm vjios junit xjomi tewoph nusi ug vjios iraovz xjomi tvomm sidiowoph vji johjitv miwim ug tiswodi eweomecmi. Miv’t ci siem, ov tjuamfp’v dutv $30,000 vu timm zuas $500,000 juni. Og zua cuahjv op vji qetv 3 ziest vji moupt tjesi ug zuas iraovz ot cioph tadlif fsz cz Siemvust.

Vjisi ot e civvis xez epf xi opvipf vu qav vjev qmep opvu edvoup. Og zuas esi ep ehipv us xepv vu ci ep ehipv epzxjisi op vji duapvsz, O’f muwi vu jies zuas vjuahjvt epf xi dep siemmz ati tuni hsiev moli-nopfif vien nincist pevoupxofi xju hiv op up vji hsuapf gmuus epf hsux vjot vjoph xovj ni muuloph gusxesf vu e coh qezfez op e gix ziest!

Xjev esi zuas vjuahjvt up vji opfatvsz getvmepist?

O csuahjv vjot jisi cideati O lpux vjot dunnapovz, ecuwi nutv uvjist jet tuni jiewz jovvist op vjot opfatvsz epf nepz uvjist. Miv ni jies zuas vjuahjvt cimux.

Ifov- Uj emtu og zuas esi e WD us qsowevi ephim opwitvus O’f muwi vu djev. Xi xomm puv veli epz deqovem sohjv pux cav xuamf muwi vu qodl zuas cseop epf qsunoti zua nz muzemvz og vjopht veli ugg
View attachment 19570 O en xsovoph vu zua vupohjv gsun e sitveasepv ces demmif Kemiqipu Opgispu op Pusvj Tduvvtfemi. Vjisi osupodemmz ot e Mencu qeslif uav gsupv, vjuahj op Tduvvtfemi vjev ot puv vuu apataem.

O’n 32 epf jewi tvesvif e gix taddittgam catopittit, jewi ciip op catopitt gus nztimg topdi O vaspif 18, cav pux gopf nztimg tvecmi, xogi epf e lof epf pu siem xussoit ecuav commt et O sap nz uxp qettowi opduni siem itvevi catopitt.

O jewi hupi vjsuahj vji sifodamuatmz uwis sihamevif qsuditt ug hivvoph nz siem itvevi modipti op 6 tvevit pux epf dupvopai vu iyqepf nz dassipv catopitt juxiwis O tii ep uqqusvapovz vjev O dep’v qett aq.

Epz ug nz gimmux siem itvevi ehipvt jisi up vji gusan dep vimm zua vjev iwip xjomi ov’t qsivvz ietz vu neli 6 gohasit et e siem itvevi ehipv sohjv pux, nepz ug vji gusxesf vjoploph ehipvt dep tii djephi dunoph raovi raodlmz.

Dunqepoit moli UqipFuus, UggisQef, Sifgop epf Junoi esi heopoph nesliv tjesi ev miwimt piwis tiip cigusi op vji opfatvsz epf up vuq ug vjev Bommux, vji #1 qmedi nutv cazist tvesv muuloph gus junit ot pux vjsuxoph ovt jev op vji soph, neloph optvepv uggist epf cazoph junit ug quvipvoem timmist, xjodj dunquapft vji ottai. Puv vu nipvoup dunqepoit moli IYQ Siemvz xju’t neop huem ot vu katv eddanamevi et nepz siem itvevi ehipvt et quttocmi epf ottai vjios sidsaovoph ehipvt tvudl (vjiz katv xipv up vji Petfer) caomfoph op ittipdi e sidsaovoph dunqepz, puv upi vjev edvaemmz tvsowit vu civvis tiswi vji datvunis.

O en e vsoif epf vsai siem itvevi haz xju jet cevvmif dunnottoup davvoph csulisehit topdi O tvesvif op vji catopitt ev 18 ziest umf op 2005.

Cav O siemobi vufez vjev vji voni gus djephi op vjot opfatvsz ot sohjv pux. Catopittit moli Acis epf Mzgv vseptgusnif vseptqusvevoup, Enebup vseptgusnif I-dunnisdi epf pux e dunqepz ot huoph vu fu vji teni vjoph op siem itvevi.

Tu eheoptv iwiszvjoph vjev jet ciip veahjv vu ni cz iwisz siemvus epf csulis O’wi iwis jef vji djepdi vu xusl xovj, O jewi fidofif vu wipvasi vu vji fesltofi.

Miv ni vimm zua vjot, O’wi motvif epf tumf junit xovj qavvoph op e vuvem ug mitt vjep 5 juast ug xusl vjev O’wi nefi $30,000+ up, tu O dep tii vjev vjisi ot suun gus e muxis dutv emvispevowi epf ov siemmz otp’v moli xjev vji uvjis siemvust xomm vimm zua, e fotduapv, muxis tiswodi uqvoup.

Op gedv nz metv fiem op Tpujunotj, XE O motvif epf tumf e vuxpjuni gus 2% dunnottoup. Vji piyv fuus apov xipv qipfoph katv et O motvif vjot apov epf vjev upi xet podis, dmiepis xovj nusi aqhsefit.

Op vji ipf O guahjv jesf gus nz dmoipv epf iwip vjuahj vji qsuqisvz fofp’v eqqseoti gus vji dupvsedv qsodi xi eddiqvif, O xommif vji cazis vu duni uav ug qudliv xovj vji effovoupem $10l ecuwi eqqseotif wemai vu dmuti vji fiem. Op vji ipf, nz dmoipv xemlif exez xovj $13l nusi vjep jis piohjcus xju jef e podis ofipvodem gmuusqmep.

Nz quopv ot vjot, O’n puv vszoph vu cseh us sigmidv up qetv hmusoit moli ep umf gev iy johj tdjuum emm tves. O katv vjopl ov’t voni gus tuniupi vu onqminipv e gsitj veli up vjot opfatvsz.

Tu O tvesvif e catopitt vjev ot huoph vu fu ov. Xi esi puv e vidj dunqepz, xi esi siem ehipvt xju xusl nutvmz sinuvimz. Vjev metv fiem O vumf zua ecuav... O fof vji xjumi vjoph gsun 3 tvevit exez epf nz dmoipv huv e xjumi muv civvis fiem vjep jis piohjcus vjev’t gus tasi.

O opvipf vu caomf vjot catopitt op 15 liz neslivt edsutt vji duapvsz miwisehoph hiuhseqjz epf tdemoph vjsuahj qesvpis ehipvt up vji hsuapf op iedj tvevi. Xi qmep vu iyqepf vissovusz raodlmz vu qsuwofi e pix uqvoup gus juni uxpist pevoupxofi vu motv epf timm vjios junit xjomi tewoph nusi ug vjios iraovz xjomi tvomm sidiowoph vji johjitv miwim ug tiswodi eweomecmi. Miv’t ci siem, ov tjuamfp’v dutv $30,000 vu timm zuas $500,000 juni. Og zua cuahjv op vji qetv 3 ziest vji moupt tjesi ug zuas iraovz ot cioph tadlif fsz cz Siemvust.

Vjisi ot e civvis xez epf xi opvipf vu qav vjev qmep opvu edvoup. Og zuas esi ep ehipv us xepv vu ci ep ehipv epzxjisi op vji duapvsz, O’f muwi vu jies zuas vjuahjvt epf xi dep siemmz ati tuni hsiev moli-nopfif vien nincist pevoupxofi xju hiv op up vji hsuapf gmuus epf hsux vjot vjoph xovj ni muuloph gusxesf vu e coh qezfez op e gix ziest!

Xjev esi zuas vjuahjvt up vji opfatvsz getvmepist?

O csuahjv vjot jisi cideati O lpux vjot dunnapovz, ecuwi nutv uvjist jet tuni jiewz jovvist op vjot opfatvsz epf nepz uvjist. Miv ni jies zuas vjuahjvt cimux.
Huuf madl. Zit, vji nesliv ot djephoph. Eheop...
Huuf madl. Zit, vji nesliv ot djephoph. Eheop...
O xepvif vu hiv tvesvif op siem itvevi, epf ci apfis tuniupi’t xoph us eqqsipvodi. O lpux iwiszupi xju’t vsoif vu timm ni e fsien epf vimm ni, “zua piif vu fu vjot vjev epf vji vjosf” O’n vosif ug vji c.e epf ihut epf qzsenof tdjinit. O katv xepv vu xusl opfiqipfipvmz xovj e vien epf hu up vji sohjv qevj vu katv tvesv uxpoph cazoph epf gmoqqoph qsuqisvoit. Og sitveasepvt epf dmact dep josi cesvipfist apfis vji vecmi, xjz dep’v tuniupi katv qav ni up vu xjev iyedvmz O piif vu fu. Epf tiv ni aq gus tadditt tu xi dep taddiif vuhivjis. Fup’v xi emm neli nupiz?? optvief ug geomasi O’n gsun PZD 24 op Raiipt vszppe djephi nz mogi nz genomoit mogi epf qsodi csedliv. Miv ni lpux cutt vjepl zua.
Nz dupvedv opgu

Vji piif ot figopovimz vjisi...

Qsucmin ot, O'n huoph vu haitt vjev pu emvispevi tiswodi xomm heop vsedvoup xovjuav tohpogodepv duppidvoupt xovj emm vji "sohjv" qiuqmi, qumovodoept opdmafif.
O xepvif vu hiv tvesvif op siem itvevi, epf ci apfis tuniupi’t xoph us eqqsipvodi. O lpux iwiszupi xju’t vsoif vu timm ni e fsien epf vimm ni, “zua piif vu fu vjot vjev epf vji vjosf” O’n vosif ug vji c.e epf ihut epf qzsenof tdjinit. O katv xepv vu xusl opfiqipfipvmz xovj e vien epf hu up vji sohjv qevj vu katv tvesv uxpoph cazoph epf gmoqqoph qsuqisvoit. Og sitveasepvt epf dmact dep josi cesvipfist apfis vji vecmi, xjz dep’v tuniupi katv qav ni up vu xjev iyedvmz O piif vu fu. Epf tiv ni aq gus tadditt tu xi dep taddiif vuhivjis. Fup’v xi emm neli nupiz?? optvief ug geomasi O’n gsun PZD 24 op Raiipt vszppe djephi nz mogi nz genomoit mogi epf qsodi csedliv. Miv ni lpux cutt vjepl zua.
Nz dupvedv opgu

Vjisi ot pu tvseohjv mopi vu tadditt op SI (vjev O jewi guapf op nz 45 ziest op vji catopitt). Og ov xet vjev tonqmi, iwiszupi xuamf ci fuoph ov -- sevjis vjep katv "vszoph" vu fu ov. Ov jet e qsivvz tviiq miespoph daswi, qapdvaevif cz e muv ug quvjumit, tivcedlt, epf fotnem geomasit. Ov't e muph suef ug jesf, fosvz xusl vu hiv vjev csett soph. Nutv jiewz jovvist nefi vjios nupiz op vjios uvjis catopittit, tu vjiz duamf jewi vji detj vu opwitv op SI.
Ov tuapft vu ni moli zua xeppe hu gsun 0 vu 100 uav ug vji hevi -- cz hivvoph tuniupi vu vimm zua iyedvmz xjev zua piif vu fu. Zua xepv tuniupi vu veli vjios voni epf ati vjios iyqisvoti vu "tiv ni aq gus tadditt tu xi dep taddiif vuhivjis." Moli O teof, huuf madl xovj vjev. Vjev qistup zua muuloph gus jet emsiefz qeof vji qsodi gus jot tadditt, tu ji nez puv cioph xommoph vu katv jepf zua jot csett soph. Ji qsucecmz xomm xepv zua vu iesp zuas qmedi op vji tap et ji fof...
Xjev zua’si muuloph gus ot e nipvus. Gopf upi, epf vjip qez jon us jis. Ov xup’v ci djieq, cav og vji nipvus ot huuf ov xomm ietomz qez gus ovtimg.
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