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Read Fastlane, now I'm here


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Aug 13, 2018
I'm currently working as an electrical engineer in the military industrial complex. I have a bachelor's in brewing from Germany and a masters in materials science. Electronics and software is self taught. I've been trying and failing to start small businesses since I was a teenager. Web design, shareware, 3d printer parts, dropshipping, ecommerce, balloon animals. But I'm still a wage slave.
I had a bit of a break down last year and blew up at some people at work, something along the lines of yelling rather publically about the banality of evil and how the industry didn't pay enough for souls. HR responded with a counseling referral and the counselor told me I just have to accept that I will never in my life make more money than I do now (at the time around 74k a year).
Anyway I fell back into putting up with the job when the crypto bubble last year made me enough money to finally finish my pilot license-another childhood dream I'd been failing to finish for 17 years. I spent about six months on that this time and am now a certified private pilot.
But now the reality of my office job as an accessory to murder closed in on me again. Someone on Reddit suggested I read Fastlane and Unscripted when the topic of online shops came up. I read Fastlane and I'm currently reading Unscripted . It's time for this year's business startup.
Sorry my intro was kinda long.
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