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Policy Warning from Amazon

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Regular Contributor
Feb 2, 2015
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User Power: 200%
Today I received the below message from Amazon


We are contacting you because you may have misused the best seller rank feature on our site. Sellers on Amazon.com are not allowed to:

-- Solicit or accept fake or fraudulent orders
-- Place orders for their own products
-- Compensate buyers for purchasing their products (including claim codes)
-- Make claims about a product's best seller rank on the product detail page

If this problem continues, we may not allow you to sell on Amazon.com.

To learn more about this policy, search for "Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions" and review the “Misuse of Sales Rank” section in Seller Central Help.


Seller Performance Team
Amazon Services​

I have been selling on Amazon for a while but last couple of months I have just started to get relatively successful, and then I get this message!

The top 3 points they mention I not been involved in, although before TOS changed one of my products I launched with a review group. That was ages ago, but I did notice this product lost a couple of reviews yesterday (coincidentally?)

Another thing I did yesterday, I was on my Sellics account and noticed a feature for Super URLs so I tried this out. I did not make a purchase but just tested to see what happened when clicking the link. Again probably just coincidental?

I know Amazon is very vague with their responses and its up to you to work out whats wrong. I read up and went through my 2 listings to see what TOS I could violatioe. I found quite a lot of potential things

Product 1

Price - I have my product continually on offer, so the customer see's a discounted price
Title - I say "free Bonus"
Bullets - I say "free bonus" - repeated in Body
Bullets - I say "money back guarantee" - repeated in Body
Images - Not main image but I have comparison photos against other product that are not strictly product photos

Product 2

Price - I have my product continually on offer, so the customer see's a discounted price
Bullet - I mentioned about sale - repeated in Body
Bullet - Money back guarantee - repeated in Body
Main Body - I have genuine customer reviews

The only other thing I can think of is my Emails I sent out for reviews? I do ask for an honest review but I thought this was allowed?

I have addressed all the above. Does anyone have any recommendations, should I contact Amazon to try and find out something more specific? It makes me nervous just waiting and hoping they dont suspend my account.
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