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Memory for Recent Shooting: Life is short

Anything related to matters of the mind


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Jun 29, 2018
Leeds, UK
Life Is short..

I should say it better. ...LIFE IS FRAGILE.

What has happened in Florida - he had the means, he lacked the mind.
Either way, people died. It is shocking and I am in the UK and it scares me. ...Shit can happen to take you out. Live in fear?! NO!

(Any news from South Africa lately? )

….What do you think?

My personal opinion, on a forum that is inspired...

Let us build something [homes for the homeless, food for the hungry]
Let us create something [deaf n blind kids, technology can surely do something]
Let us move something [community. Foundation. Network]

We are lucky. Compared to previous ways of living.
We would be dead at 30 by virus and disease or killed by [lion, cheetah, bear]

ANY IDEA -- Test it. Make it happen. Throw it out there!. Use these experiences to


I have ideas. And I am encouraging my competition [you]. ...but we do not have long. We all need what we can create.

If I do meet with you, make sure you leave the world better.
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Aug 21, 2018
Amen to that!

Given the massive number of variables in life that we're unaware of and most of the time cannot be aware of it's indeed amazing that life is as stable and as predictable as it is for many of us. Don't take it for granted.

(Disclaimer: by predictable, I mean: if you're smart and make the right moves, you know you're likely to expect good outcomes.)

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