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Jan 2, 2018
NSW, Australia
Hi All

My name is Anthony, I am based in NSW, Australia.

I have recently just started up a business with a fellow colleague and a friend of his.

Two of us have 5-10 years worth of construction experience, and the other director has a wealth of finance experience, being a MD at large financial firms.

Currently I am a project manager at a construction company on a very nice salary and in a good company position, however the thought of never pursuing my dream of running a construction company would be something I could not live with.

A lot of people would call me crazy for giving up what I currently have, however I want to strive to reach that next level of managing my own construction company.

I just stumbled across this forum and had a good look through some of the topics prior to joining and am hoping I can get lead in the correct direction for any pointers that one just starting a business would require.

In order for company overheads to remain very lean, only one of us is working full time and drawing a salary on the company. I am remaining to work full time until we pick up enough work for myself to trainsition to a full time role also.

Thanks in advanced for any feedback and the welcomes.

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