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May 28, 2018
Hi all,

I am a 23 year old graduate student in a top 10 university in the US. I've been pursuing a career in academia with the goal of eventually patenting some of my work and starting a spin-off company. Lately, I've become more aware of the issues with this approach, namely that it requires a 10-20 year time commitment and that pretty much all academic startups violate MJ's commandment of control. Also working in academia is a total nightmare.
I recently had my FTE from medical issues and the resulting costs incurred. I realized I need to start pursuing my goals now, both because life is short and because I need to provide for members of my family.
In the short term, I've decided to leave my program and work on freelancing or getting a slowlane job. I have several years of experience writing desktop software. I'm curious how quickly people have been able to get a freelancing career started. I have about two months of runway where I can continue to collect paychecks while doing virtually no work. Has anyone on here been able to get a decent freelance income in that sort of time frame? My other alternative is to get a slowlane software job and work on entrepreneurship on the side.
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Dec 1, 2017
Latin America
My other alternative is to get a slowlane software job and work on entrepreneurship on the side.

Do this.

Don't freelance - gain experience in an industry, make connections, spot inefficiencies/gaps in the market that could lead to a business

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