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Kickstarting My Journey To Fastlane


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Oct 23, 2017
I can't remember how I stumbled on this goldmine of a forum last year ago.
Upon signing in, I was kissed with maybe an email or pop-up of TMF free chapters.
I was reluctant at first because some of the ideas gotten from business books are not the best fit for my country.
So the application is kind of stall or difficult.

TMF trumps all the business books I've read

And I wasn't disappointed when the few friends of mine I told about the book didn't want to waste another time reading another BS.
Eventually, I downloaded my free chapters, read, re-read it, searched the major bookshops in my area for TMF, asked friends, frenemies before I remember an old friend who used to sell books. The call to him changed everything, he didn't know about TMF but promised to get back, he did and voila, one hot Wednesday afternoon, he called me for pickup.

I've been trying to conjure an adjective that will totally capture what TMF really is.
My husband who also was one of the doubting ''Thomases'' couldn't believe his eyes, after devouring TMF, we sent a thank you email to MJ.

Unfortunately, the euphoria wore off and we went back to our slow lane activities.

I gave TMF another shot again in the month of May.
Afterwards, I signed up for an info-marketing course that would launch me into the info marketing world and barely two weeks ago I resigned from my slow lane job.
So, presently I'm at ground zero.
I have the following lined up for this month:
To set up my website
To learn how to write copy
To write my sales copy
To craft a pdf freebie
To learn Facebook ads
To write a 5-day email series.
And finally, run ads to my freebie for leads.

For my Fastlane, I have some problems I want to test and analyze to know the one I would settle for while also pushing the info marketing niche to bring in some short-term income.

BTW, I've not read unscripted and might probably result to Amazon if any of my friends can't get it over here.
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